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  1. How To
  2. How To run scheduled tasks
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How To run scheduled tasks

How To Run Scheduled Tasks

This article describes two different methods on how to run scheduled tasks with SmartFTP.

Method - Service in Background (Session 0)

With this method, a service is setup which runs the transfers in the background (Session 0) whether the user is logged on or not. Transfers can be managed in the Background Transfer Queue pane, in addition transfers can be monitored through the File or Database logging facility of the application.
  1. Setup and configure SmartFTP (license activation, favorites, etc.) under the same user account which runs the scheduled tasks
  2. Setup SmartFTP service
  3. When creating scheduled tasks in SmartFTP, in the General dialog use the following Security options:
    Logon type:
    (o) Run whether user is logged on or not
    Enabling the [ ] Run with highest privileges option is not necessary.
  4. To verify the setup, go to the Scheduler pane and run the task that you have created in 3.
  5. The task will be added to the background transfer queue which you can monitor in the Background Transfer Queue pane.

Method - Interactive Session - (for testing purpose only) 

With this method, transfers run in the SmartFTP process in the interactive session. This is the session of the currently logged on user where the interface of SmartFTP is displayed.
  1. Setup and configure SmartFTP (license activation, favorites, etc.) under the same user account which runs the scheduled tasks.
  2. When creating scheduled tasks in SmartFTP, in the General dialog use the following Security options:
    (o) Run only when user is logged on
    Enabling the [ ] Run with highest privileges option is not necessary.
  3. To verify the setup, go to the Scheduler pane and run the task that you have created in 3.
  4. The task will be added to the foreground transfer queue (Transfer Queue pane).


To run scheduled tasks a license for the Enterprise edition is required.

service scheduled task scheduler

관련 기사
icon How To schedule a transfer
icon How to give a user Log on as a batch job rights
icon Class is not licensed for use
icon Setup SmartFTP service

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