
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
' Technical support: support@smartftp.com

Option Explicit

Public objFTP As sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionSTA
Public objGlobal As sfFTPLib.Global

' With events
'Dim WithEvents objFTP As FTPConnectionSTA

Sub Main()
    ' VB6 binding howto
    ' http://kandkconsulting.tripod.com/VB/Tutorials/vb_binding_tutorial.htm

    'Early Binding "Dual Interface"
    'Note: Force the compiler to use the dual interface if available
    Set objGlobal = CreateObject("sfFTPLib.Global")

    ' Uncomment to load key from string

    'Early Binding "Dual Interface"
    'Note: Force the compiler to use the dual interface if available
    Set objFTP = CreateObject("sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionSTA")

    'Early Binding "Mid Level"
    'Note: The compiler may use the dual interface
    'Set objFTP = New sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionSTA
    objFTP.Host = "ftp.smartftp.com"
    objFTP.Port = 21
    objFTP.Protocol = ftpProtocolPreferTLS
    objFTP.Username = "anonymous"
    objFTP.Password = "test@test.com"
    objFTP.Passive = True
		'Dim fileLogger As sfFTPLib.FileLogger
		'Set fileLogger = objFTP.SetFileLogger()
		'fileLogger.File = "VB6Demo.log"

    Call objFTP.Connect
    MsgBox ("Connected.")
    objFTP.ChangeDirectory ("/SmartFTP")
    MsgBox ("ChangeDirectory() successful.")
    ' Read Directory
    Dim objDirectory As sfFTPLib.FTPItems
    Set objDirectory = objFTP.ReadDirectory()
    Dim objItem As sfFTPLib.FTPItem
    Dim strList
    For Each objItem In objDirectory
        strList = strList & "Type=" & objItem.Type & "; Name=" & objItem.Name & "; Size=" & objItem.SizeLo & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    MsgBox (strList)

    ' Download File
    Dim nRestartLo: nRestartLo = 0
    Dim nRestartHi: nRestartHi = 0

    Dim strMsg
    Call objFTP.DownloadFile("History.txt", "History.txt", nRestartLo, nRestartHi)
    strMsg = "DownloadFile() successful." & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    strMsg = strMsg & "LastTransferBytes = " & objFTP.LastTransferBytesLo & " B" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    strMsg = strMsg & "LastTransferTime = " & objFTP.LastTransferTime & " s" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
    strMsg = strMsg & "LastTransferSpeed = " & objFTP.LastTransferSpeed & " B/s"
    MsgBox (strMsg)
End Sub