SmartFTP FTP Library
Key with OpenSSL implementation.
IKey IOpenSSLKey
interface IOpenSSLKey : IKey;
#import "libid:7A3A786C-EB8C-43b3-BC10-8D09ACF5D195" #include <atlcom.h> CComPtr<sfFTPLib::IOpenSSLKey> pRSA; if(SUCCEEDED(pRSA.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(sfFTPLib::OpenSSLKey)))) { pRSA->Initialize(sfFTPLib::ftpKeyAlgoRSA); DWORD t0 = ::GetTickCount(); int bits = 2048; TRACE(_T("Generating %d bits RSA Key\n"), nBits); pRSA->Generate(bits); TRACE(_T("Key generation took %d ms\n"), ::GetTickCount() - t0); }
IKey Methods |
Description |
This is ExportKey, a member of class IKey. | |
This is Generate, a member of class IOpenSSLKey. | |
This is ImportBlob, a member of class IKey. | |
This is SetProperty, a member of class IKey. | |
This is Sign, a member of class IKey. | |
This is Verify, a member of class IKey. |
IKey Properties |
Description |
This is Algo, a member of class IKey. | |
Contains the number of bits. | |
This is Certificate, a member of class IKey. | |
This is CertificateType, a member of class IKey. | |
Contains the key type. |
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