SmartFTP FTP Library
IFTPServerState Interface
interface IFTPServerState : IDispatch;

This is class IFTPServerState.

IFTPServerState Methods 
This is EvaluateParserFormat, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is GetCaseSensitivity, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is GetServerCapabilityState, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is IsHashAlgoAvailable, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
Lookup value in FEAT map. The FEAT map is generated from the server reply of the FEAT command. 
IFTPServerState Properties 
This is CodePage, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is CommandProtection, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is DataProtection, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is DataTransferMode, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is DataTransferType, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
Contains the the server reply from the FEAT command. 
This is HomeDirectory, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
Returns the guessed operating system. 
This is PBSZ, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
This is ServerId, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
Contains the server software detected by this component.
Default: ftpServerSoftwareUnknown 
Specifies the server type 
This is SSCN, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
Contains the server reply from the SYST command. 
Contains the welcome message from the server. 
This is WorkingDirectory, a member of class IFTPServerState. 
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