Transfer problems

Since I upgraded to the latest version, I can't transfer. This worked fine last week before the upgrade.
I've tried this to multiple remote systems with the same result. I've checked authority on the remote system and it is not an issue, and as I indicated this worked fine last week before the upgrade.

Here's the requested information:

1. System Information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 1729 MHz
Total Memory : 1014 MB
Free Memory : 282 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1024.32
Time Stamp : 2008-11-23 16:59:11
Platform : x86
Id : 400019430
Days in use : 202

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :
SmartFTPPS.dll : 3.0.1024.32

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1024.32

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.5730.11

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

2. Log from the Remote Browser AND the Transfer Queue:

[09:43:57] 250 List completed.
[09:43:57] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[09:44:40] TYPE I
[09:44:40] 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE.
[09:44:40] SIZE 5Gillnet.csv
[09:44:40] 500 Subcommand SIZE not valid.
[09:44:40] MDTM 5Gillnet.csv
[09:44:40] 500 Subcommand MDTM not valid.
[09:44:40] CWD /www/SeaMar/5Gillnet.csv
[09:44:40] 550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
[09:44:41] 550 Working directory not changed.
[09:44:41] TYPE A
[09:44:41] 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint.
[09:44:41] Ignoring LIST options.
[09:44:41] PASV

3. If applicable please provide a screenshot showing the Remote Browser and the Transfer Queue:

I'll add the image shortly

Hello ..

The log from the transfer queue looks incomplete. Can you please post the complete one?

Also please install the latest version from here:


I reloaded from your beta link
started the transfer again and here is the log:
[11:56:04] SmartFTP v3.0.1025.12
[11:56:09] Resolving host name ""
[11:56:09] Connecting to Port: 21
[11:56:30] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
[11:56:30] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[11:56:30] Client closed the connection.
[11:56:30] Active Help:
[11:57:00] Connection attempt 2...
[11:57:00] Resolving host name ""
[11:57:00] Connecting to Port: 21
[11:57:00] Connected to
[11:57:00] 220-QTCP at MIWEST.
[11:57:01] 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
[11:57:01] USER qsecofr
[11:57:01] 331 Enter password.
[11:57:01] PASS (hidden)
[11:57:01] 230 QSECOFR logged on.
[11:57:01] SYST
[11:57:01] 215 OS/400 is the remote operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R4M0".
[11:57:01] Detected Server Type: AS400
[11:57:01] RTT: 34.952 ms
[11:57:01] FEAT
[11:57:01] 211-Feature listing follows:
[11:57:01] AUTH TLS
[11:57:01] CCC
[11:57:01] PBSZ
[11:57:01] PROT
[11:57:01] 211 End of feature listing.
[11:57:01] TYPE I
[11:57:01] 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE.
[11:57:01] REST 0
[11:57:02] 500 subcommand is only allowed for block or compressed modes.
[11:57:02] PWD
[11:57:02] 257 "QGPL" is current library.
[11:57:02] CWD /www
[11:57:02] 250-NAMEFMT set to 1.
[11:57:02] 250 "/www" is current directory.
[11:57:02] PWD
[11:57:02] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[11:57:02] TYPE A
[11:57:02] 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint.
[11:57:02] Ignoring LIST options.
[11:57:02] PASV
[11:57:02] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,101,11,107,180).
[11:57:02] Opening data connection to Port: 27572
[11:57:02] LIST
[11:57:02] 125 List started.
[11:57:02] 701 bytes transferred. (3.66 KB/s) (187 ms)
[11:57:02] 250 List completed.
[11:57:08] CWD /www/SeaMar
[11:57:08] 250 "/www/SeaMar" is current directory.
[11:57:08] PWD
[11:57:08] 257 "/www/SeaMar" is current directory.
[11:57:08] Ignoring LIST options.
[11:57:08] PASV
[11:57:08] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,101,11,142,108).
[11:57:08] Opening data connection to Port: 36460
[11:57:08] LIST
[11:57:08] 125 No files found in directory /www/SeaMar
[11:57:08] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (93 ms)
[11:57:08] 250 List completed.
[11:57:17] TYPE I
[11:57:17] 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE.
[11:57:17] SIZE 5Gillnet.csv
[11:57:17] 500 Subcommand SIZE not valid.
[11:57:17] MDTM 5Gillnet.csv
[11:57:17] 500 Subcommand MDTM not valid.
[11:57:17] STAT 5Gillnet.csv
[11:57:17] 504 STAT <file-identifier> not valid.
[11:57:17] CWD /www/SeaMar/5Gillnet.csv
[11:57:17] 550-Specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
[11:57:18] 550 Working directory not changed.
[11:57:18] TYPE A
[11:57:18] 200 Representation type is ASCII nonprint.
[11:57:18] Ignoring LIST options.
[11:57:18] PASV
[11:57:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,16,101,11,171,154).
[11:57:18] Opening data connection to Port: 43930
[11:57:18] LIST
[11:57:18] 125 No files found in directory /www/SeaMar
[11:57:18] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (46 ms)
[11:57:18] 250 List completed.
[11:57:18] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.

And the help information is now:
+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 1729 MHz
Total Memory : 1014 MB
Free Memory : 439 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1025.12
Time Stamp : 2008-12-16 15:39:10
Platform : x86
Id : 400019430
Days in use : 203

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :
SmartFTPPS.dll : 3.0.1025.12

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1025.12

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 7.0.5730.11

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Please post the log from the transfer queue. The one you posted is from the remote browser.

Please post the log from the transfer queue. The one you posted is from the remote browser.

[11:57:18] Resolving host name ""
[11:57:18] Connecting to Port: 21
[11:57:18] Connected to
[11:57:19] 220-QTCP at MIWEST.
[11:57:19] 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
[11:57:19] USER qsecofr
[11:57:19] 331 Enter password.
[11:57:19] PASS (hidden)
[11:57:19] 230 QSECOFR logged on.
[11:57:19] SYST
[11:57:19] 215 OS/400 is the remote operating system. The TCP/IP version is "V5R4M0".
[11:57:19] Detected Server Type: AS400
[11:57:19] RTT: 128.280 ms
[11:57:19] FEAT
[11:57:19] 211-Feature listing follows:
[11:57:19] AUTH TLS
[11:57:19] CCC
[11:57:19] PBSZ
[11:57:19] PROT
[11:57:19] 211 End of feature listing.
[11:57:19] TYPE I
[11:57:19] 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE.
[11:57:19] REST 0
[11:57:19] 500 subcommand is only allowed for block or compressed modes.
[11:57:19] PWD
[11:57:19] 257 "QGPL" is current library.
[11:57:19] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:57:19] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:57:19] Transfer failed.
[11:57:49] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:57:49] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:57:49] Transfer failed.
[11:58:19] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:58:19] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:58:19] Transfer failed.
[11:58:49] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:58:50] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:58:50] Transfer failed.
[11:59:21] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:59:21] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:59:21] Transfer failed.
[11:59:51] CWD www/SeaMar
[11:59:51] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[11:59:51] Transfer failed.
[12:00:21] CWD www/SeaMar
[12:00:21] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[12:00:21] Transfer failed.
[12:00:51] CWD www/SeaMar
[12:00:51] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[12:00:51] Transfer failed.
[12:01:21] CWD www/SeaMar
[12:01:21] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[12:01:21] Transfer failed.
[12:01:51] CWD www/SeaMar
[12:01:51] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[12:01:51] Transfer failed.
[12:02:21] CWD www/SeaMar
[12:02:21] 501 Character (/) not allowed in object name.
[12:02:21] Transfer failed.
[12:02:21] Max retry (11 of 10) reached.

Can you try it again wih the new version (.16)? It includes a workaround for AS400:

And can you also try to download a file from the library filesystem?


I tested up and down to the IFS (unix/windows files system)
I tested up and down to the QSYS.LIB (native file system)

Thanks for the help

Ah thank you for your feedback. If you have any chance can you post the log from the transfer queue downloading a file from QSYS.LIB?

Thanks ;-)