Crash when changing Favorites location

SmartFTP 3.0.1020.2
WinXP Pro SP3

Seems to be a crash, what actually happens is it silently exits with no warning and no dialog, nothing. Settings changes are lost when this happens.

All I have to do to reproduce is to paste D:\Data\SmartFTP\Favorites in for the "Personal Favorites Folder", and then click OK. As soon as I click OK, SmartFTP exits, and the setting is not applied.

The folder "D:\Data\SmartFTP\Favorites" does exist.

I'm not sure if this is a related problem, but "D:\Data\SmartFTP" sometimes does not appear at all in the "Browse For Folder" dialog, even though it does exist. Other times it does appear, but is listed at the very bottom of the contents of "D:\Data", out of its correct sort position.

If I open a registry editor and manually change the "Personal Favorites" value under "HKCU\Software\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Settings\General\Favorites" to "D:\Data\SmartFTP\Favorites", SmartFTP will not even run.

Hello ..

It looks like a problem with your D:\Data\SmartFTP\Favorites folder. Delete the folder and create a new one.


I deleted the entire "D:\Data\SmartFTP" directory and recreated it. The issue remains.

I should have mentioned this aspect of my system configuration: When the properties of "My Documents" is opened from an Explorer window, I have "D:\Data" as the "Target folder location" on the Target tab.

I'm unable to reproduce the problem and I created a test environment where I also changed the location of the My Documents folder.

Can you collect a crash dump and send it to us? ... f2594.html

Thank you