File Date/Time Not Preserved on Upload

After upgrading from SFTP 2.5 to the latest version of SFTP (3.0.1016.10), I am having problems getting the file date and time to be preserved on uploads. This worked fine under 2.5. I have all the Keep File Time options enabled the Files section of the Default favorite. I've also tried specifically enabling them for specific favorites. However, when I upload a file, it still gives it the current date and time.

I'm running Win XP Professional SP2.

Below is the xfer queue log for the upload of a file that has a local file date of 4/2/2006 which get changed on the server to the current date (5/26/2008) after uploading. The log does have an odd Source File setting of Time=1601-01-01T00:00:00.

[05:04:54] Resolving host name ""
[05:04:54] Connecting to Port: 21
[05:04:54] Connected to
[05:04:54] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[05:04:54] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
[05:04:54] 220-Local time is now 03:04. Server port: 21.
[05:04:54] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[05:04:54] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[05:04:54] USER
[05:04:54] 331 User OK. Password required
[05:04:54] PASS (hidden)
[05:04:55] 230-User has group access to: somegroup
[05:04:55] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[05:04:55] SYST
[05:04:55] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[05:04:55] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[05:04:55] FEAT
[05:04:55] 211-Extensions supported:
[05:04:55] EPRT
[05:04:55] IDLE
[05:04:55] MDTM
[05:04:55] SIZE
[05:04:55] REST STREAM
[05:04:55] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[05:04:55] MLSD
[05:04:55] ESTP
[05:04:55] PASV
[05:04:55] EPSV
[05:04:55] SPSV
[05:04:55] ESTA
[05:04:55] AUTH TLS
[05:04:55] PBSZ
[05:04:55] PROT
[05:04:55] 211 End.
[05:04:55] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[05:04:55] PWD
[05:04:55] 257 "/" is your current location
[05:04:55] Remote file exist check: "index.htm".
[05:04:55] MLST index.htm
[05:04:55] 250-Begin
[05:04:55] type=file;size=767;modify=20080526095240;UNIX.mode=0744;UNIX.uid=32381;UNIX.gid=
32382;unique=101b30ea734; index.htm
[05:04:55] 250 End.
[05:04:55] Source File: Size=767, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=1601-01-01T00:00:00, TimeFormat=Exact
[05:04:55] Destination File: Size=767, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-05-26T09:52:40, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[05:04:55] RecentTime=2008-05-26T10:04:55
[05:04:55] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[05:04:55] TYPE I
[05:04:55] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[05:04:55] PASV
[05:04:55] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,18,200)
[05:04:55] Opening data connection to Port: 9999
[05:04:55] STOR index.htm
[05:04:55] 150 Accepted data connection
[05:04:55] 767 bytes transferred. (14.9 KB/s) (50 ms)
[05:04:55] 226-File successfully transferred
[05:04:55] 226 0.053 seconds (measured here), 14.03 Kbytes per second
[05:04:55] MLST index.htm
[05:04:55] 250-Begin
[05:04:55] type=file;size=767;modify=20080526100453;UNIX.mode=0744;UNIX.uid=32381;UNIX.gid=
32382;unique=101b30ea734; index.htm
[05:04:55] 250 End.


Install the newest version and try again:

It's working now with the .13 version. Thanx