Sorry. When I say "not set" I mean it is not calculated at all. It's dynamically set to whatever the favorite is set to (default is 60s for me).
Multi part transfers always overwrite existing, completed files for me. I'm not speaking of partially downloaded files to be resumed. I mean files identical on the source and destination before creating a transfer. Actually, it seems to not exactly be overwritten destructively, but it certainly spends enough time downloading every part of it again.
After looking at this, I wonder what happens when there is a connection timeout at any other point in the transfer.
I did a small test with:
- 13.5MB zip file
- Multi part, 2 workers
- Favorite's connection timeout = 2s
+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
CPU Speed : 2563 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 1061 MB
+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1015.5
Time Stamp : 2008-05-02 14:09:20
Platform : x86
Days in use : 387
+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :
+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1015.5
+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180
+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2
[01:39:28] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.8.5.
[01:39:28] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:28] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:28] Connected to
[01:39:28] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:28] AUTH TLS
[01:39:28] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:28] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:28] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:28] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:28] PBSZ 0
[01:39:28] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:28] USER ftpuser
[01:39:28] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:28] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:28] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:28] SYST
[01:39:28] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:28] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:28] FEAT
[01:39:28] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:28] AUTH TLS
[01:39:28] CCC
[01:39:28] CLNT
[01:39:28] CPSV
[01:39:28] EPRT
[01:39:28] EPSV
[01:39:28] MDTM
[01:39:28] MFCT
[01:39:28] MFMT
[01:39:28] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:28] MODE Z
[01:39:28] PASV
[01:39:28] PBSZ
[01:39:28] PROT
[01:39:28] REST STREAM
[01:39:28] SIZE
[01:39:28] SSCN
[01:39:28] TVFS
[01:39:28] UTF8
[01:39:28] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:28] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:28] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:28] 211 End.
[01:39:28] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:28] 200 Noted.
[01:39:28] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:28] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:28] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:28] PWD
[01:39:29] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:29] CWD /testdir
[01:39:29] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:29] PWD
[01:39:29] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:29] MLST test
[01:39:29] 250-Begin
[01:39:29] type=file;size=13822132;modify=20080422051411; /testdir/test
[01:39:29] 250 End.
[01:39:29] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 2
[01:39:29] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:29] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:29] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:29] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:29] Connected to
[01:39:29] Connected to
[01:39:29] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:29] AUTH TLS
[01:39:29] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:29] AUTH TLS
[01:39:29] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:29] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:29] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:29] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:29] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:29] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:29] PBSZ 0
[01:39:29] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:29] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:29] PBSZ 0
[01:39:29] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:29] USER ftpuser
[01:39:29] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:29] USER ftpuser
[01:39:29] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:29] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:29] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:29] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:29] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:29] SYST
[01:39:29] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:29] SYST
[01:39:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:29] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:29] FEAT
[01:39:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:29] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:29] FEAT
[01:39:29] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:29] AUTH TLS
[01:39:29] CCC
[01:39:29] CLNT
[01:39:29] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:29] CPSV
[01:39:29] AUTH TLS
[01:39:29] EPRT
[01:39:29] CCC
[01:39:29] EPSV
[01:39:29] CLNT
[01:39:29] MDTM
[01:39:29] CPSV
[01:39:29] MFCT
[01:39:29] EPRT
[01:39:29] MFMT
[01:39:29] EPSV
[01:39:29] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:29] MDTM
[01:39:29] MODE Z
[01:39:29] MFCT
[01:39:29] PASV
[01:39:29] MFMT
[01:39:29] PBSZ
[01:39:29] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:29] PROT
[01:39:29] MODE Z
[01:39:29] REST STREAM
[01:39:30] PASV
[01:39:30] SIZE
[01:39:30] PBSZ
[01:39:30] SSCN
[01:39:30] PROT
[01:39:30] TVFS
[01:39:30] REST STREAM
[01:39:30] UTF8
[01:39:30] SIZE
[01:39:30] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] SSCN
[01:39:30] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] TVFS
[01:39:30] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] UTF8
[01:39:30] 211 End.
[01:39:30] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:30] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:30] 211 End.
[01:39:30] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:30] 200 Noted.
[01:39:30] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:30] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:30] 200 Noted.
[01:39:30] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:30] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:30] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:30] PWD
[01:39:30] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:30] PWD
[01:39:30] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:30] CWD /testdir
[01:39:30] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:30] CWD /testdir
[01:39:30] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:30] PWD
[01:39:30] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:30] PWD
[01:39:30] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:30] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:39:30] TYPE I
[01:39:30] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:30] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:39:30] TYPE I
[01:39:30] 200 Type set to I.
[01:39:30] PROT P
[01:39:30] 200 Type set to I.
[01:39:30] PROT P
[01:39:30] 200 PROT command successful.
[01:39:30] PASV
[01:39:30] 200 PROT command successful.
[01:39:30] PASV
[01:39:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,92)
[01:39:30] Opening data connection to Port: 30044
[01:39:30] RETR test
[01:39:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,85)
[01:39:30] Opening data connection to Port: 30037
[01:39:30] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:30] REST 6911066
[01:39:30] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:39:30] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:30] 350 Restarting at 6911066. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[01:39:30] RETR test
[01:39:30] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:30] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:30] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:39:30] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:30] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:52] 6911066 bytes transferred. (313 KB/s) (00:00:21)
[01:39:52] 226 File sent ok.
[01:39:52] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:39:52] PASV
[01:39:52] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,88)
[01:39:52] Opening data connection to Port: 30040
[01:39:52] REST 6773293
[01:39:52] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:52] 350 Restarting at 6773293. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[01:39:52] RETR test
[01:39:52] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:39:52] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:52] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:53] ABOR
[01:39:53] ABOR
[01:39:53] 13822132 bytes transferred. (550 KB/s) (00:00:24)
[01:39:53] MDTM test
[01:39:53] 213 20080422051411
Here the timeout should be set to 13s:
[01:39:53] Timeout dynamically set to 2s
[01:39:53] XSHA1 "test"
[01:39:55] Timeout (2s).
[01:39:55] Active Help:
[01:39:55] Client closed the connection.
Transfer restarts completely:
[01:39:55] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.8.5.
[01:39:55] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:55] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:55] Connected to
[01:39:55] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:55] AUTH TLS
[01:39:55] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:55] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:55] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:55] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:55] PBSZ 0
[01:39:55] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:55] USER ftpuser
[01:39:55] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:55] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:55] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:55] SYST
[01:39:55] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:55] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:55] FEAT
[01:39:55] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:55] AUTH TLS
[01:39:55] CCC
[01:39:55] CLNT
[01:39:55] CPSV
[01:39:55] EPRT
[01:39:55] EPSV
[01:39:55] MDTM
[01:39:55] MFCT
[01:39:55] MFMT
[01:39:55] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:55] MODE Z
[01:39:55] PASV
[01:39:55] PBSZ
[01:39:55] PROT
[01:39:55] REST STREAM
[01:39:55] SIZE
[01:39:55] SSCN
[01:39:55] TVFS
[01:39:55] UTF8
[01:39:55] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:55] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:55] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:55] 211 End.
[01:39:55] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:55] 200 Noted.
[01:39:55] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:55] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:56] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:56] PWD
[01:39:56] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:56] CWD /testdir
[01:39:56] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:56] PWD
[01:39:56] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:56] MLST test
[01:39:56] 250-Begin
[01:39:56] type=file;size=13822132;modify=20080422051411; /testdir/test
[01:39:56] 250 End.
[01:39:56] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 2
[01:39:56] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:56] Resolving host name ""
[01:39:56] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:56] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:39:56] Connected to
[01:39:56] Connected to
[01:39:56] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:56] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:39:56] AUTH TLS
[01:39:56] AUTH TLS
[01:39:56] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:56] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:39:56] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:56] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:56] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:56] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:56] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:56] PBSZ 0
[01:39:56] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:56] PBSZ 0
[01:39:56] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:56] USER ftpuser
[01:39:56] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:39:56] USER ftpuser
[01:39:56] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:56] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:56] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:39:56] PASS (hidden)
[01:39:56] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:56] SYST
[01:39:56] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:39:56] SYST
[01:39:56] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:56] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:56] FEAT
[01:39:56] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:39:56] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:39:56] FEAT
[01:39:56] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:56] AUTH TLS
[01:39:56] CCC
[01:39:56] CLNT
[01:39:56] CPSV
[01:39:56] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:39:56] EPRT
[01:39:56] AUTH TLS
[01:39:56] EPSV
[01:39:56] CCC
[01:39:56] MDTM
[01:39:56] CLNT
[01:39:56] MFCT
[01:39:56] CPSV
[01:39:57] MFMT
[01:39:57] EPRT
[01:39:57] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:57] EPSV
[01:39:57] MODE Z
[01:39:57] MDTM
[01:39:57] PASV
[01:39:57] MFCT
[01:39:57] PBSZ
[01:39:57] MFMT
[01:39:57] PROT
[01:39:57] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:39:57] REST STREAM
[01:39:57] MODE Z
[01:39:57] SIZE
[01:39:57] PASV
[01:39:57] SSCN
[01:39:57] PBSZ
[01:39:57] TVFS
[01:39:57] PROT
[01:39:57] UTF8
[01:39:57] REST STREAM
[01:39:57] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] SIZE
[01:39:57] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] SSCN
[01:39:57] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] TVFS
[01:39:57] 211 End.
[01:39:57] UTF8
[01:39:57] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:57] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:39:57] 211 End.
[01:39:57] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:39:57] 200 Noted.
[01:39:57] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:57] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:57] 200 Noted.
[01:39:57] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:39:57] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:39:57] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:57] PWD
[01:39:57] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:39:57] PWD
[01:39:57] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:57] CWD /testdir
[01:39:57] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:39:57] CWD /testdir
[01:39:57] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:57] PWD
[01:39:57] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:57] PWD
[01:39:57] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:57] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:39:57] TYPE I
[01:39:57] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:39:57] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:39:57] TYPE I
[01:39:57] 200 Type set to I.
[01:39:57] PROT P
[01:39:57] 200 Type set to I.
[01:39:57] PROT P
[01:39:57] 200 PROT command successful.
[01:39:57] PASV
[01:39:57] 200 PROT command successful.
[01:39:57] PASV
[01:39:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,82)
[01:39:57] Opening data connection to Port: 30034
[01:39:57] REST 6911066
[01:39:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,93)
[01:39:57] Opening data connection to Port: 30045
[01:39:57] RETR test
[01:39:57] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:57] 350 Restarting at 6911066. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[01:39:57] RETR test
[01:39:57] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:39:58] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:39:58] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:58] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:39:58] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:39:58] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:39:58] TLS encrypted session established.
Time passes here while it re-downloads the whole file.
[01:40:14] ABOR
[01:40:14] Resolving host name ""
[01:40:14] Connecting to Port: 21
[01:40:14] Connected to
[01:40:14] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 4) ready...
[01:40:14] AUTH TLS
[01:40:14] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[01:40:14] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:40:14] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:40:14] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:40:14] PBSZ 0
[01:40:14] 200 PBSZ=0
[01:40:14] USER ftpuser
[01:40:15] 331 Password required for ftpuser.
[01:40:15] PASS (hidden)
[01:40:15] 230 User ftpuser logged in.
[01:40:15] SYST
[01:40:15] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[01:40:15] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[01:40:15] FEAT
[01:40:15] 211-Extensions supported:
[01:40:15] AUTH TLS
[01:40:15] CCC
[01:40:15] CLNT
[01:40:15] CPSV
[01:40:15] EPRT
[01:40:15] EPSV
[01:40:15] MDTM
[01:40:15] MFCT
[01:40:15] MFMT
[01:40:15] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[01:40:15] MODE Z
[01:40:15] PASV
[01:40:15] PBSZ
[01:40:15] PROT
[01:40:15] REST STREAM
[01:40:15] SIZE
[01:40:15] SSCN
[01:40:15] TVFS
[01:40:15] UTF8
[01:40:15] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[01:40:15] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[01:40:15] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[01:40:15] 211 End.
[01:40:15] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1015.5
[01:40:15] 200 Noted.
[01:40:15] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[01:40:15] OPTS UTF8 ON
[01:40:15] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[01:40:15] PWD
[01:40:15] 257 "/" is current directory.
[01:40:15] CWD /testdir
[01:40:15] 250 CWD command successful. "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:40:15] PWD
[01:40:15] 257 "/testdir" is current directory.
[01:40:15] Compression disabled. File "test" matches exception "*.zip".
[01:40:15] TYPE I
[01:40:15] 200 Type set to I.
[01:40:15] PROT P
[01:40:15] 200 PROT command successful.
[01:40:15] PASV
[01:40:15] ABOR
[01:40:15] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,10,10,117,86)
[01:40:15] Opening data connection to Port: 30038
[01:40:15] REST 13192839
[01:40:15] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[01:40:15] 350 Restarting at 13192839. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[01:40:15] RETR test
[01:40:16] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /testdir/test (13822132 bytes)
[01:40:16] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[01:40:16] TLS encrypted session established.
[01:40:17] 629293 bytes transferred. (367 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[01:40:17] 226 File sent ok.
[01:40:17] 13822132 bytes transferred. (627 KB/s) (00:00:21)
[01:40:17] MDTM test
[01:40:17] 213 20080422051411
[01:40:17] Timeout dynamically set to 2s
[01:40:17] XSHA1 "test"
[01:40:19] Timeout (2s).
[01:40:19] Active Help:
[01:40:19] Client closed the connection.
Restarts again:
[01:40:19] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.8.5.