SmartFTP opens the Editor and closes itself


When I start SmartFTP (build 1010 and 1014) it opens a PHP script from my webserver (at this point I don't have a connection to a FTP server) in the default editor and closes itself.
I'm not able to use SmartFTP :/
Whats going on?

What editor are you using? How do you edit the file? Right click in the shellview and then "Edit" from the context menu? Or do you use Edith with etc?

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About dialog.

BTW: Please remove your signature. Thank you.

I use PSPad.
I can remember that Edit didn't work and I used "Edit with" and this worked.
And it's not possible to click Help->About. SmartFTP closes too fast.

Do the help->About before you edit the file.


If it still crashes with build 1014 please provide the crash dumps: ... f2594.html


When you start SmartFTP immediately stop the transfer queue.

Sorry, it's too fast.

I started SmartFTP know as Admin and then it crashed:
Inspector crash log

Try to delete the Transfer Queue.xml file in the %AppData%\SmartFTP\Client folder.
This way you should be able to start it.


Try to delete the Transfer Queue.xml file in the %AppData%\SmartFTP\Client folder.
This way you should be able to start it.
OK, it works again.
Big thanks

However I'm still interested to know why SmartFTP automatically closes itself. Any chance you can reproduce it?

However I'm still interested to know why SmartFTP automatically closes itself. Any chance you can reproduce it?
OK, I can reproduce it.
I only have to "edit with" twice. SmartFTP crashes after the second "edit with". It doesn't matter which file, which server and which editor (I tested 2 servers, 2 different files with pspad and notepad).

It also crashes with just clicking "Edit" twice. But "View" and "Open" works.
And this only happens on this computer.

Do you think you can send us a crash dump? ... f2594.html


I have received the crash dump. Thank you.

I have made some changes in the latest version. Please give it a try:


Great, it works without crashing in all scenarios.

Darf man Bug-Reports eigentlich auch auf deutsch schreiben?

Ah great. Yep darfst du schon aber lieber waere auf English damit eventuell andere User das auch lesen koennen ;-)
