upload re-cycling

i tried to post this in the other thread pertaining to this same problem, but that thread has been closed.


when i try and upload the software goes through a "pre-transfer", as indicated in the transfer qeue, which seems to run in real-time and takes about as long as a real transfer. then the real transfer kicks in, and i can see that it has created a ".mad" file and the actual transfer item. when the transfer of that item is complete it does a "post-transfer" and a hash check then ... instead of going on to the next item in the qeue it appears to erase the item just uploaded and starts the same process all over again with the same item.

i have went through the settings but i cannot seem to find where the problem may reside. can you please review my transfer qeue log and advise?

i am using windows xp home, broadband cable connection, no routers.

thanks in advance,


ps - this is the log i got from doing a "save-as" from the transfer qeue -- is this the correct log file?

- - -

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <!-- TransferQueueItems
- <Items>
- <Item>
- <Source>
- <Destination>
- <Childs>
- <Hashs>

Hello ..

Unfortunately this is not the log. Please take a look at the following article:
https://www.smartftp.com/forums/Upload-P ... 14153.html

It describes what information you need to post and how to get the log.


ahhh, thank-you. here is the requested log ...

- - -

[12:42:18] Resolving host name "XXXXXXXXX"
[12:42:18] Connecting to XXXXXXXX Port: 23
[12:42:19] Connected to XXXXXXXXXX.
[12:42:19] 220-This server is for private use only
[12:42:19] 220-If you do not have access to this server
[12:42:19] 220-Please disconnect now
[12:42:20] 220 Please enter your login name now.
[12:42:20] USER XXXXXXX
[12:42:20] 331 Password required for afternoons .
[12:42:20] PASS (hidden)
[12:42:21] 230-Welcome to XXXXX FTP server
[12:42:21] 230-
[12:42:21] 230-Current Time : 2008/03/31 18:42 , Total 3 connected users out of 6
[12:42:21] 230-User XXXXX (NOT SET ) Group default logged in from
[12:42:21] 230-You are under /
[12:42:21] 230-The server will deny access if you connect more than 2 time.
[12:42:21] 230-Type site help for a list of supported commands
[12:42:21] 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' username : XXXXXXX -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' group : default -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' class : root -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' ratio : unlimited -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' comment : NOT SET -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' status : enabled -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' laston : 2008/03/31 18:42 ( -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' created : 2008/03/04 08:26 by GUI Admin -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' session download : 0.000000 kb -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' session uploaded : 0.000000 kb -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' total download : 132.44 mb -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' total uploaded : 676.40 mb -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' available credit : maximum -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' timeout value : 600 seconds -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-' speed limit : (dl)no limit (ul)no limit -:
[12:42:21] 230-.-'-----+----------+----------+-----------------+---------------------:
[12:42:21] 230 User afternoons logged in.
[12:42:21] SYST
[12:42:22] 215 UNIX Type: L8 , CP:1252
[12:42:22] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:42:22] FEAT
[12:42:22] 211-Extensions supported:
[12:42:22] SIZE
[12:42:22] MDTM
[12:42:22] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS filename
[12:42:22] LIST -laT
[12:42:22] STAT -laT
[12:42:22] MODE Z
[12:42:22] MLST type*;lang*;size*;modify*;create*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.group*;WIN32.ea*
[12:42:22] MLSD
[12:42:22] REST STREAM
[12:42:22] XCRC filename;start;end
[12:42:22] XMD5 filename;start;end
[12:42:22] TVFS
[12:42:22] CLNT client_type
[12:42:22] UTF8
[12:42:22] EPRT
[12:42:22] EPSV
[12:42:22] 211 END
[12:42:22] Detected Server Software: RaidenFTPd
[12:42:22] CLNT SmartFTP 3.0.1011
[12:42:23] 213 client type set to SmartFTP 3.0.1011.
[12:42:23] OPTS UTF8 ON
[12:42:23] 220 UTF8 OPTS ON.
[12:42:23] PWD
[12:42:24] 257 "/" is current directory
[12:42:24] CWD /XXXX/XXXXX)
[12:42:24] 250-[Ul: 676.40MB] [Dl: 132.44MB] [Speed: UL:0,DL:0 KB/s] [Space: 8623MB]
[12:42:24] 250-[Credits: UnlimitedMB] [Ratio: Unlimited]
[12:42:25] 250 "XXXXX" is current directory.
[12:42:25] PWD
[12:42:25] 257 "XXXXX" is current directory
[12:42:25] Remote file exist check: "XXXXX".
[12:42:25] MLST A1 XXXXXXX.mp3
[12:42:26] 250-MLST
[12:42:26] 250 END
[12:42:26] TYPE I
[12:42:27] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[12:42:27] SIZE XXXXXXX.mp3
[12:42:27] 550 not a plain file.
[12:42:27] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:42:27] Compression disabled. File "XXX/XXXXXX/XXXXX".
[12:42:27] PASV
[12:42:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,151,45,122,5,121)
[12:42:27] Opening data connection to Port: 1401
[12:42:27] STOR A1 XXXXXX.mp3
[12:42:28] 150 Opening BINARY data connection for /XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX.mp3 (STREAM)
[12:53:17] 18010240 bytes transferred. (27.0 KB/s) (00:10:49)
[12:53:18] 226-.~-------------------------------------------------------------------.
[12:53:18] 226-| Media File Information - MP3 |
[12:53:18] 226-.~-------------+-----------------------------------------------------'
[12:53:18] 226-| Audio format : MPEG1.0 Layer3 320Kb/s 44100Hz Stereo 17248frames
[12:53:18] 226-| Play length : 7:30 (450sec)
[12:53:18] 226-| Title : XXXXX
[12:53:18] 226-| Artist : XXXXX
[12:53:18] 226-| Year : 2008
[12:53:18] 226-.~-------------------------------------------------------------------'
[12:53:19] 226-dl: 0 bytes ul: 18010240 bytes in the current session
[12:53:19] 226-last upload speed : 27 kb/sec , you have Unlimited kb credits
[12:53:19] 226-+===================================================================-.
[12:53:19] 226- Directory Info for XXXXX |
[12:53:19] 226-+===================================================================-|
[12:53:19] 226- Uploader | Group |Files| Total Size (Bytes) | % of Upload |
[12:53:19] 226-+-------------+-----------+-----+--------------------+---------------|
[12:53:19] 226- 01.afternoons| default | 1f | 18010240 | 100.00% |
[12:53:19] 226-+-------------+-----------+-----+--------------------+---------------|
[12:53:19] 226- Total : 01 | | 1f | 17.18 mb | 100.00% |
[12:53:19] 226-+==================================================================+-'
[12:53:19] 226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed.
[12:53:19] MDTM 20080327041119 XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:19] 253 Date/time changed okay.
[12:53:19] MLST A1 XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:20] 250-MLST
[12:53:20] size=18010240;lang=utf8;modify=20080327041119;create=20080331164232;type=file;UN
IX.mode=0766;UNIX.owner=afternoons;UNIX.group=default;win32.ea=0x00000020; /XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:20] 250 END
[12:53:20] Timeout dynamically set to 60s
[12:53:20] XMD5 "XXXXX.mp3"
[12:53:21] 250 dd7536794b63bf90eccfd37f9b147d7f
[12:53:21] Using MD5 hash from server: dd7536794b63bf90eccfd37f9b147d7f
[12:53:21] Calculated MD5 hash of XXXXX.mp3: F2736EFAA85589295417AD594D458E81
[12:53:21] Transfer Integrity Check failed.
[12:53:21] DELE XXXXX.mp3.bad
[12:53:21] 553 Requested action not taken , Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden..
[12:53:21] RNFR XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:22] 350 Requested file action pending further information.
[12:53:22] RNTO XXXXX.mp3.bad
[12:53:22] 250 Requested file action ok , completed.
[12:53:22] Remote file exist check: "XXXXX.mp3".
[12:53:22] MLST XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:23] 250-MLST
[12:53:23] 250 END
[12:53:23] SIZE A1 XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:24] 550 not a plain file.
[12:53:24] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:53:24] Compression disabled. File "D:XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX.mp3" matches exception "*.mp3".
[12:53:24] PASV
[12:53:24] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,151,45,122,5,121)
[12:53:24] Opening data connection to Port: 1401
[12:53:24] STOR A1 XXXXX.mp3
[12:53:25] 150 Opening BINARY data connection for /XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX.mp3 (STREAM)
[13:04:07] 18010240 bytes transferred. (27.3 KB/s) (00:10:41)

- - -

... and then it just keeps repeating until the transfer is stopped or the connection is broken.

please advise, thx in advance.


Does the server temper the file you are uploading because the MD5 has is different?

Does the server temper the file you are uploading because the MD5 has is different?

... umm, you're gonna have to put that in layman's terms, i don't even know what that means. keep in mind i only ever use ftp for basic back and forth transferring, and do not know anything about it's functionality and specifics beyond that.

Hello ..

I just talked to the developer of the FTP server software (raidenftpd) and he told me that the software had some bugs with md5 checksums. These bugs have been fixed in the latest version of raidenftpd.

fixed: xmd5 bug, in some cases it displays wrong md5 value

Conclusion: Please contact the server administrator and ask him to upgrade to the latest version of raidenftpd and the problems should be gone.
