Here is a tricky one.
One of the servers I work with is a actually a mainframe. And, when you log into it, there is really two ways to navigate.
First, there is a UNIX like mode, with a starting directory of \. The second is z/OS(MVS) mode, which deals with datasets and PDS files(which contain different members), which defaults to the your user ID as the root.
The problem is, I cannot navigate either mode correctly.
I can provide more details, but I will need to email them to someone.
I am not currently a register user, and I can't be until I can get this to work correctly; other FTP products are able to do so.
One of the servers I work with is a actually a mainframe. And, when you log into it, there is really two ways to navigate.
First, there is a UNIX like mode, with a starting directory of \. The second is z/OS(MVS) mode, which deals with datasets and PDS files(which contain different members), which defaults to the your user ID as the root.
The problem is, I cannot navigate either mode correctly.
I can provide more details, but I will need to email them to someone.
I am not currently a register user, and I can't be until I can get this to work correctly; other FTP products are able to do so.