ftpDataTransferTypeImage script command

Does anyone know how to change this to use ASCII instead of binary. I have tried ftpDataTransferTypeASCII but it still defaults to binary. I am uploading a file from a Windows box to Unix.



Hello Scott ..

Is this a SmartFTP FTP Library related question?



Hello ...

ftp.DataTransferType = ftpDataTransferTypeASCII;
ftp.DataTransferType = 1;

where ftp is the FTPConnection object.


I tried that but it still doesn't work. I am using the trial version, could this be the problem.

Please post your code and the transfer logs. It has nothing to do with the trial version.


I used the samples provided with the SmartFTP FTP library download and made modifications to them. The files I used are

Favorite - smartftp.com.vbs (ScriptA)
Shared.vbs (ScriptB)

I appreciate your help.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<reference object="sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionSTA"/>

<script language="VBScript" src="ScriptA.vbs"/>
<script language="VBScript" src="ScriptB.vbs"/>

<script language="VBScript">

'// UploadFile v1.0 (8. November 2004)
'// Purpose:
'// Uploads multiple files from your local computer to the remote server.
'// Returns:
'// 0 on success
'// 1 on error (connect)
'// 2 on download
'// Limitations:
'// No retries
'// No option to set file time (MDTM) of uploaded files
'// Copyright © 2004 by SmartFTP.com

Option Explicit

Dim g_objFTP
Dim g_objFS
Dim nReturn ' script return value

'// Application Settings

' Global const
Const g_cDebug = 1 ' debug level. 0=disable, 1=enable. see Trace() in shared.vbs

' Local const
Const cResume = true ' true=resume, false=overwrite

' File List (index 0 = remote file, index 1 = local file)
Dim arrFiles(1, 1) ' 2 files
' FIXME: . only for testing purpose.
arrFiles(0, 0) = "test.txt"
arrFiles(0, 1) = "/aa12345/test.txt"

' FIXME: . only for testing purpose.
'arrFiles(1, 0) = ".test.txt" ' . = current working directory
'arrFiles(1 ,1) = "/SmartFTP/License.txt"

' Note: see below for FTP settings

'// Entry
nReturn = 0

Set g_objFTP = CreateObject("sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionSTA")

'// FTP Settings

Call InitFTPSettings(g_objFTP)

' logging
g_objFTP.LogFile = ".LogUploadFile.log"

'// Operation

Set g_objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Connect
Dim result
result = g_objFTP.Connect()
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
' Call Trace("Connected")

Dim bError : bError = false
Dim i
For i=0 To ubound(arrFiles)

Dim bRet
bRet = UploadFile(g_objFTP, arrFiles(i,0), arrFiles(i,1), cResume)
If Not bRet Then
' Ignore and continue
bError = true
End If

' if an error occured set script return value
If bError Then
nReturn = 2
End If

' Disconnect
result = g_objFTP.Disconnect()
' Call Trace("Disconnected.")

If result = ftpErrorLicense Then
Call Trace("Please acquire a license from https://www.smartftp.com")
Call Trace("Connection failed. Error = " & result)
End If
nReturn = 1
End If

' Cleanup
Set g_objFTP = Nothing
Set g_objFS = Nothing





'// FTP Settings

Sub InitFTPSettings(objFTP)

objFTP.Host = "host.com"
objFTP.Username = "username"
objFTP.Password = "password"
objFTP.HidePassword = true

objFTP.Port = 12345
objFTP.Protocol = ftpProtocolSSLExplicit ' ftpProtocolSSLExplicit for SSL Explicit
objFTP.Passive = true
objFTP.MLST = true ' Use MLST if available
objFTP.DataTransferMode = ftpDataTransferModeStream ' ftpTransferModeZ for zlib compression
objFTP.DataTransferType = 1 ' ASCII. ASCII mode is not recommended.
objFTP.DataProtection = ftpDataProtectionPrivate ' Private (Secure), Clear (Unsecure)

' Proxy Settings (SOCKS, HTTP)
objFTP.ProxyType = ftpProxyTypeNone
objFTP.ProxyHost = ""
objFTP.ProxyPort = 8080
objFTP.ProxyUsername = ""
objFTP.ProxyPassword = ""
objFTP.ProxyAuthentication = false

' FTP Proxy Settings
objFTP.FTPProxyType = ftpFTPProxyTypeNone
objFTP.FTPProxyHost = ""
objFTP.FTPProxyPort = 12345
objFTP.FTPProxyUsername = ""
objFTP.FTPProxyPassword = ""
objFTP.FTPProxyAuthentication = false

objFTP.Client = "Host.com Script"

' Performance
'objFTP.FileBufferSize = 32768
'objFTP.SendBufferSize = 2048
'objFTP.ReceiveBufferSize = 8192

End Sub


'// Shared.vbs v1.1 (5. July 2005)
'// Purpose:
'// Contains helper functions for the samples.
'// External dependencies:
'// g_objFS : Scripting.FileSystemObject object
'// g_cDebug : debug flag (1=enable, 2=disable)
'// Copyright © 2004 - 2005 by SmartFTP.com

Option Explicit

'// Trace
'// enable/disable with g_cDebug flag
Sub Trace(strMsg)
If g_cDebug = 1 Then
WScript.Echo strMsg & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

'// DownloadDirectory
'// strRemoteFolder: Path to remote folder e.g. /ce262700
'// strLocalFolder : Path to local folder e.g. ce262700
'// Returns: true on sucess, false otherwise
Function DownloadDirectory(objFTP, strRemoteFolder, strLocalFolder, bResume)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

If LocalCreateDirectory(strLocalFolder) Then
' ChangeDirectory
If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strRemoteFolder) Then
bRet = true
' Read Directory
result = g_objFTP.ReadDirectory()
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
Dim objDirectory
Set objDirectory = objFTP.Directory

Dim FTPFile
For Each FTPFile In objDirectory
If FTPFile.Name <> "." And FTPFile.Name <> ".." Then
If FTPFile.Type = ftpItemTypeFile Then
Dim strRemoteFile : strRemoteFile = UnixBuildPath(strRemoteFolder, FTPFile.Name)
Dim strLocalFile : strLocalFile = g_objFS.BuildPath(strLocalFolder, FTPFile.Name)

bRet = DownloadFile(objFTP, strRemoteFile, strLocalFile, bResume)
If Not bRet Then
Call Trace("Failed to download " & strRemoteFile & ".")
' ignore error. continue
bRet = true
End If
ElseIf FTPFile.Type = ftpItemTypeFolder Then
Dim strNewRemoteFolder : strNewRemoteFolder = UnixBuildPath(strRemoteFolder, FTPFile.Name)
Dim strNewLocalFolder : strNewLocalFolder = g_objFS.BuildPath(strLocalFolder, FTPFile.Name)

bRet= DownloadDirectory(objFTP, strNewRemoteFolder, strNewLocalFolder, bResume)
If Not bRet Then
Call Trace("Failed to download " & strNewRemoteFolder & ".")
' ignore error. continue
bRet = true
End If
ElseIf FTPFile.Type = ftpItemTypeLink Then
' we ignore links

End If

End If
Set objDirectory = Nothing
Call Trace("Read directory failed. Error = " & result)
End If
Call Trace("Change directory to " & strRemoteFolder & " failed.")
End If
End If

' set return value
DownloadDirectory = bRet
End Function

'// DownloadFile
'// strRemoteFile : Path to remote file e.g. /ce262700/
'// strLocalFile : Path to local folder e.g. ce262700History.txt
'// Returns: true on sucess, false otherwise
Function DownloadFile(objFTP, strRemoteFile, strLocalFile, bResume)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

Dim strLocalFolder: strLocalFolder = PathRemoveFileSpec(strLocalFile)

If LocalCreateDirectory(strLocalFolder) Then
Dim strFile : strFile = UnixPathGetLast(strRemoteFile)
Dim strPath : strPath = UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(strRemoteFile)

If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strPath) Then
Dim nRestart : nRestart = 0 ' overwrite by default
Dim bSkip : bSkip = false ' don't skip, unless equal size

If bResume Then

' Get Remote File Size
result = objFTP.GetFileSize(strFile)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
Dim nRemoteFileSize : nRemoteFileSize = objFTP.LastFileSizeLo
If nRemoteFileSize > 0 Then
' Get Local File Size
Dim nLocalFileSize : nLocalFileSize = 0
On Error Resume Next
Dim f
Set f = g_objFS.GetFile(strLocalFile)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
nLocalFileSize = f.Size
Set f = Nothing
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If nLocalFileSize = nRemoteFileSize Then
bSkip = true
Call Trace("Skipping file """ & strRemoteFile & """. Reason equal size.")
ElseIf nLocalFileSize < nRemoteFileSize Then
' Only resume if local size is smaller than remote size
nRestart = nLocalFileSize
End If
End If
End If
End If

If bSkip = false Then
' DownloadFile
result = objFTP.DownloadFile(strFile, strLocalFile, nRestart, 0)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
bRet = true
Call Trace("DownloadFile of " & strFile & " failed. Error = " & result)
bRet = false
End If
bRet = true
End If
Call Trace("Change directory to " & strPath & " failed.")
End If
End If

DownloadFile = bRet
End Function

'// UploadFile
'// strLocalFile : Path to local file e.g. ce262700
'// strRemoteFile : Path to remote file e.g. /ce262700/
'// Returns: true on sucess, false otherwise
'// Note: Function will fail if remote directory doesn't exist

Function UploadFile(objFTP, strLocalFile, strRemoteFile, bResume)

Dim bRet : bRet = false

Dim bFileExists : bFileExists = false ' pessimistic assumption
' Get Local File Size
Dim nLocalFileSize : nLocalFileSize = 0
On Error Resume Next
Dim f
Set f = g_objFS.GetFile(strLocalFile)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
nLocalFileSize = f.Size
bFileExists = true
Set f = Nothing
' Else
' Call Trace("Local file '" & strLocalFile & "' doesn't exist.")
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If bFileExists Then

' Change remote directory
Dim strFile : strFile = UnixPathGetLast(strRemoteFile)
Dim strPath : strPath = UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(strRemoteFile)

If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strPath) Then
Dim nRestart : nRestart = 0 ' overwrite by default
Dim bSkip : bSkip = false ' don't skip, unless equal size

If bResume Then

' Get Remote File Size
result = objFTP.GetFileSize(strFile)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
Dim nRemoteFileSize : nRemoteFileSize = objFTP.LastFileSizeLo
If nLocalFileSize = nRemoteFileSize Then
bSkip = true
Call Trace("Skipping file """ & strRemoteFile & """. Reason equal size.")
ElseIf nLocalFileSize > nRemoteFileSize Then
' Only resume if local size is greater than remote size
nRestart = nRemoteFileSize
End If
End If
End If

If bSkip = false Then
' UploadFile
result = objFTP.UploadFile(strLocalFile, strFile, nRestart, 0)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
bRet = true
Call Trace("UploadFile of " & strFile & " failed. Error = " & result)
bRet = false
End If
bRet = true
End If
Call Trace("Change directory to " & strPath & " failed.")
End if
End If

UploadFile = bRet
End Function

'// FXPFile
'// strFileSource : Path to source file e.g. /ce262700/
'// strFileDestination : Path to destination file e.g. /ce262700/
'// Returns: true on sucess, false otherwise
'// Note: Function will fail if remote directory doesn't exist
Function FXPFile(objFTPSource, objFTPDestination, strFileSource, strFileDestination, bResume)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

' Change Directory
Dim strFilenameSource : strFilenameSource = UnixPathGetLast(strFileSource)
Dim strPathSource : strPathSource = UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(strFileSource)

Dim strFilenameDestination : strFilenameDestination= UnixPathGetLast(strFileDestination)
Dim strPathDestination : strPathDestination = UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(strFileDestination)

If ChangeDirectory(objFTPSource, strPathSource) And ChangeDirectory(objFTPDestination, strPathDestination) Then
Dim bSkip : bSkip = false ' don't skip, unless equal size
Dim nRestart : nRestart = 0 ' overwrite by default

If bResume Then
' Get Source File Size
result = objFTPSource.GetFileSize(strFilenameSource)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
Dim nFileSizeSource : nFileSizeSource = objFTPSource.LastFileSizeLo

' Get Destination File Size
result = objFTPDestination.GetFileSize(strFilenameDestination)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
Dim nFileSizeDestination : nFileSizeDestination = objFTPDestination.LastFileSizeLo

If nFileSizeSource = nFileSizeDestination Then
bSkip = true
ElseIf nFileSizeSource > nFileSizeDestination Then
' Only resume if local size is greater than remote size
nRestart = nFileSizeSource
End If
End If
End If
End If

If bSkip = false Then
Set objFTPFXP = CreateObject("sfFTPLib.FTPFXP")
objFTPFXP.Source = objFTPSource
objFTPFXP.Destination = objFTPDestination

' FXPFile
result = objFTPFXP.FXPFile(strFilenameSource, strFilenameDestination, nRestart, 0)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
bRet = true
Call Trace("FXPFile of " & strFilenameSource & " failed. Error = " & result)
bRet = false
End If
Call Trace("Skipping file """ & strFilenameSource & """. Reason equal size.")
bRet = true
End If
Call Trace("Change directory to " & strPathSource & " failed.")
End If

FXPFile = bRet
End Function

'// UploadDirectory
'// strLocalFolder : Path to local folder e.g. ce262700
'// strRemoteFolder: Path to remote folder e.g. /ce262700
'// Returns: true on sucess, false otherwise
Function UploadDirectory(objFTP, strLocalFolder, strRemoteFolder, bResume)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

' Create remote directory first
If MakeDirectory(objFTP, strRemoteFolder) Then
' ChangeDirectory
If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strRemoteFolder) Then
bRet = true

' Read Local Directory
Dim bGetFolder : bGetFolder = false
On Error Resume Next
Dim objFolder
Set objFolder = g_objFS.GetFolder(strLocalFolder)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
bGetFolder = true
Call Trace("GetFolder(""" & strLocalFolder & """) failed." & " Error = " & Err.Number)
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If bGetFolder Then
' Files
Dim objFileList
Set objFileList = objFolder.Files
Dim File
For Each File In objFileList
If File.Name <> "." And File.Name <> ".." Then
Dim strRemoteFile : strRemoteFile = UnixBuildPath(strRemoteFolder, File.Name)
Dim strLocalFile : strLocalFile = g_objFS.BuildPath(strLocalFolder, File.Name)

bRet = UploadFile(objFTP, strLocalFile, strRemoteFile, bResume)
If Not bRet Then
Call Trace("Failed to upload " & strRemoteFile & ".")
' ignore error. continue
bRet = true
End If
End If
Set objFileList = Nothing

' Folders
Dim objFolderList
Set objFolderList = objFolder.SubFolders
Dim Folder
For Each Folder In objFolderList
If Folder.Name <> "." And Folder.Name <> ".." Then
Dim strNewRemoteFolder : strNewRemoteFolder = UnixBuildPath(strRemoteFolder, Folder.Name)
Dim strNewLocalFolder : strNewLocalFolder = g_objFS.BuildPath(strLocalFolder, Folder.Name)

bRet= UploadDirectory(objFTP, strNewLocalFolder, strNewRemoteFolder, bResume)
If Not bRet Then
Call Trace("Failed to upload " & strNewRemoteFolder & ".")
' ignore error. continue
bRet = true
End If
End If
Set objFolderList = Nothing

Set objFolder = Nothing
End If
Call Trace("Change directory to " & strRemoteFolder & " failed.")
End If
End If

' set return value
UploadDirectory = bRet
End Function

'// ChangeDirectory
'// objFTP : FTPConnection object
'// strPath : path to remote directory
'// Changes remote working directory only if server working path is not equal to strPath
'// Returns: true on success, false otherwise
Function ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strPath)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

If strPath = objFTP.WorkingDirectory Then
bRet = true
' ChangeDirectory
result = objFTP.ChangeDirectory(strPath)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
bRet = true
End If
End If

ChangeDirectory = bRet
End Function

'// MakeDirectory
'// objFTP : FTPConnection object
'// strPath : path to remote directory
'// Makes remote directory if directory doesn't exist yet
'// Returns: true on success, false otherwise
Function MakeDirectory(objFTP, strPath)
Dim bRet : bRet = false

' does remote directory exist?
If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strPath) Then
bRet = true
' change to parent and make dir
Dim strLeft : strLeft = UnixPathRemoveLast(strPath)
'Call Trace("MakeDirectory(): Parent = " & strLeft)
If ChangeDirectory(objFTP, strLeft) Then
Dim strFile : strFile = UnixPathGetLast(strPath)
' MakeDirectory
result = objFTP.MakeDirectory(strFile)
If result = ftpErrorSuccess Then
bRet = true
Call Trace("Failed to make directoryto """ & strPath & """. Error = " & result)
End If
End If
End If

MakeDirectory = bRet
End Function

'// LocalCreateDirectory
'// Purpose:
'// Recursively creates a local directory.
'// Input:
'// strFolder: Path to folder
'// Returns: true on success
'// fals otherwise
Function LocalCreateDirectory(strFolder)
Dim bRet : bRet = true

Dim nLastPos : nLastPos = 1
Dim nPos
Dim strLeft

nPos = InStr(nLastPos, strFolder, "", 1)
If nPos = 0 Then
strLeft = strFolder
strLeft = Left(strFolder, nPos - 1)
End If

If Len(strLeft) > 0 Then
' no drive
If Right(strLeft, 1) <> ":" Then
' Local folder check
Dim bFolderExists : bFolderExists = g_objFS.FolderExists(strLeft)
If Not bFolderExists Then
' Create local folder
On Error Resume Next
Dim f
Set f = g_objFS.CreateFolder(strLeft)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
bFolderExists = true
Call Trace("Failed to create local folder" & strLeft & ". Error = " & Err.Number)
bRet = false
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If Not bRet Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
End If

' ".../"
If nPos = Len(strFolder) Then
Exit Do
End If

nLastPos = nPos + 1
Loop Until nPos = 0

LocalCreateDirectory = bRet
End Function

'// UnixBuildPath
'// strBase : Base path
'// strAppend : Path to append
'// Returns: Full path
'// Note: Works for UNIX paths only!!!
Function UnixBuildPath(strBase, strAppend)
Dim strFull
strFull = strBase
If Right(strFull, 1) <> "/" Then
strFull = strFull & "/"
End If
strFull = strFull & strAppend

UnixBuildPath = strFull
End Function

'// UnixPathGetLast
'// strPath : path
'// Returns: last part of path
'// Note: Works for UNIX paths only!!!
Function UnixPathGetLast(strPath)
Dim nPos : nPos = InStrRev(strPath, "/")
Dim str : str = Mid(strPath, nPos + 1)
UnixPathGetLast = str
End Function

'// UnixPathRemoveLast
'// strPath : path
'// Returns: path with last part removed
'// removes '/' at the end
'// Examples:
'// "/test" returns "/"
'// "/test/bla" returns "/test"
'// "/test/bla/" returns "/test"
'// Note: Works for UNIX paths only!!!
Function UnixPathRemoveLast(strPath)
Dim str
' remove ending '/'
Dim nLen : nLen = Len(strPath)
If Right(strPath, 1) = "/" Then
str = strPath.Left(nLen - 1)
str = strPath
End If

str = UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(str)

UnixPathRemoveLast = str
End Function

'// UnixPathRemoveFileSpec
'// strPath : path
'// Returns: path with filespec removed from path
'// removes '/' at the end
'// Examples:
'// "/test" returns "/"
'// "/test/bla" returns "/test"
'// "/test/bla/" returns "/test/bla"
'// Note: Works for UNIX paths only!!!
Function UnixPathRemoveFileSpec(strPath)
Dim nPos : nPos = InStrRev(strPath, "/")
Dim str
If nPos > 0 Then
str = Left(strPath, nPos - 1)
If Len(str) = 0 Then
str = "/"
End If
str = strPath
End If

UnixPathRemoveFileSpec = str
End Function

'// PathRemoveFileSpec
'// strPath : path
'// Returns: path with filespec removed from path
Function PathRemoveFileSpec(strPath)
Dim nPos : nPos = InStrRev(strPath, "")
Dim str
If nPos > 0 Then
str = Left(strPath, nPos - 1)
str = strPath
End If

PathRemoveFileSpec = str
End Function

[20051104 19:59:47] SmartFTP FTP Library v1.5.7.2
[20051104 19:59:47] Resolving host name "host.com"
[20051104 19:59:47] Connecting to Port: 12345
[20051104 19:59:47] Connected to host.com.
[20051104 19:59:47] 220 <<<Connect:Enterprise UNIX 2.2.00 Secure FTP>>> at FTP server ready. Time = 13:59:52
[20051104 19:59:47] AUTH TLS
[20051104 19:59:47] 234 AUTH TLS-C/TLS OK.
[20051104 19:59:47] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[20051104 19:59:48] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES
[20051104 19:59:48] SSL encrypted session established.
[20051104 19:59:48] PBSZ 0
[20051104 19:59:48] 200 PBSZ 0 OK.
[20051104 19:59:48] USER username
[20051104 19:59:49] 331 Password required for username.
[20051104 19:59:49] PASS (hidden)
[20051104 19:59:49] 230 Connect:Enterprise UNIX login ok, access restrictions apply.
[20051104 19:59:49] SYST
[20051104 19:59:49] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20051104 19:59:49] FEAT
[20051104 19:59:49] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[20051104 19:59:49] TYPE I
[20051104 19:59:49] 200 Type set to I.
[20051104 19:59:49] REST 0
[20051104 19:59:49] 550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
[20051104 19:59:49] PWD
[20051104 19:59:49] 257 "/aa12345" is current directory.
[20051104 19:59:49] CWD /aa12345
[20051104 19:59:49] 250 CWD command successful.
[20051104 19:59:49] PWD
[20051104 19:59:49] 257 "/aa12345" is current directory.
[20051104 19:59:49] SIZE test.txt
[20051104 19:59:49] 550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
[20051104 19:59:49] PROT P
[20051104 19:59:50] 200 PROT P OK, data channel will be secured.
[20051104 19:59:50] PASV
[20051104 19:59:50] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,82,8)
[20051104 19:59:50] Opening data connection to Port: 12346
[20051104 19:59:50] STOR test.txt
[20051104 19:59:50] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[20051104 19:59:50] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for test.txt.
[20051104 19:59:50] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES
[20051104 19:59:50] SSL encrypted session established.
[20051104 19:59:53] 226- Transfer complete - acknowledgment message is pending.
[20051104 19:59:54] 226- Transfer complete - acknowledgment message is pending.
[20051104 19:59:54] 21104 bytes transferred. (4.93 KB/s) (00:00:04)
[20051104 19:59:54] 226 Transfer complete (Batch Number = 98745).
[20051104 19:59:54] QUIT
[20051104 19:59:54] 221 Goodbye.
[20051104 19:59:54] Client closed the connection.

Thank you. Indeed the DataTransferType property had no effect because it has been set before the Connect() call. The updated scripts now set the DataTransferType depending on the file transferred. The important thing to remember is to set the DataTransferType after the Connect() call. Preferably right before the actual data transfer.

Thank you for reporting.

That worked. Thanks for all your help.
