
I am developing using the smartFTP Library thatt connects and uploads file to an IBM MVS machine. I a having probles because it connects fine, but when try to upload the file I get the an error 15. What am I doing wrong, and Ideas anyone


Please post the complete log. Use the LogFile property to get the the log file.


Please post the complete log. Use the LogFile property to get the the log file.


Here is the log file, the error is not actual fixed. but error 15 is more prevellent.
[20060924 06:46:28] SmartFTP FTP Library v1.5.8.30
[20060924 06:46:28] Resolving host name ""
[20060924 06:46:28] Connecting to Port: 21
[20060924 06:46:28] Connected to
[20060924 06:46:32] 220-FTPSECRE IBM FTP CS V1R4 at MVSSY1.TEALE.CA.GOV, 06:46:03 on 2006-09-24.
[20060924 06:46:33] 220 Connection will not timeout.
[20060924 06:46:33] AUTH TLS
[20060924 06:46:40] 234 Security environment established - ready for negotiation
[20060924 06:46:40] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[20060924 06:46:42] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4
[20060924 06:46:42] TLS encrypted session established.
[20060924 06:46:42] PBSZ 0
[20060924 06:46:43] 200 Protection buffer size accepted
[20060924 06:46:43] USER *****
[20060924 06:46:43] 331 Send password please.
[20060924 06:46:43] PASS ******[20060924 06:46:48] 230 HD01340A is logged on. Working directory is "HD01340A.".
[20060924 06:46:48] SYST
[20060924 06:46:48] 215 MVS is the operating system of this server. FTP Server is running on z/OS.
[20060924 06:46:48] Detected Server Type: MVS
[20060924 06:46:48] FEAT
[20060924 06:46:49] 211- Extensions supported
[20060924 06:46:50] SIZE
[20060924 06:46:50] AUTH TLS
[20060924 06:46:50] PBSZ
[20060924 06:46:50] PROT
[20060924 06:46:50] 211 End
[20060924 06:46:50] TYPE I
[20060924 06:46:51] 200 Representation type is Image
[20060924 06:46:51] REST 0
[20060924 06:46:52] 504 Restart not allowed with active security mechanism
[20060924 06:46:52] PWD
[20060924 06:46:52] 257 "'HD01340A.'" is working directory.
[20060924 06:46:52] SITE LRECL=11 BLOCKSIZE=4400 RECFM=FB
[20060924 06:46:53] 200 SITE command was accepted
[20060924 06:46:53] PROT P
[20060924 06:46:54] 200 Data connection protection set to private
[20060924 06:46:57] PASV
[20060924 06:47:00] 227 Entering Passive Mode (134,187,51,1,196,56)
[20060924 06:47:00] Opening data connection to Port: 50232
[20060924 06:47:00] STOR 'HD.wIX8140.hDVWIXP.d06924.t084654.r1435604'
[20060924 06:47:21] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

Try Active Mode (PORT) instead of Passive Mode (PASV). Set the Passive property to false.
