UTC file time on FTP servers


I have few questions about file time creation on FTP servers:

1. Some files have date/time without hour/minute/second values (always 0). I detected that those files has old creation date (half-year ago or later). It is RFC standard?

2. About UTC. How many FTP servers have this feature?

3. MDTM command works with time in UTC format?

4. If FTP server does not support UTC, possibly detect time zone for this server? Or I must set up UTC offset manually from my program for each ftp connection individually?


>1. Some files have date/time without hour/minute/second values (always 0). I detected that those files has old creation date (half-year ago or later). It is RFC standard?
As far as I know there is no RFC standard for UNIX listings. But that's the problem with UNIX listings.

>2. About UTC. How many FTP servers have this feature?
If the server supports MDTM or MLST/MLSD the time is in UTC. Otherwise the time is usually represented in local time.

>3. MDTM command works with time in UTC format?
According to the draft yes. Most servers follow this draft. But as always some don't.

>4. If FTP server does not support UTC, possibly detect time zone for this server? Or I must set up UTC offset manually from my program for each ftp connection individually?
We didn't figure out a reliable way to detect the time zone. Therefore you will find a timezone setting in the SmartFTP client. This will be used if the server doesn't support MDTM or MLSD/MLST.
