Downloading Problems

After purchasing and installing my SmartFTP program, I've been having trouble when it comes to downloading.

My downlaods seem to stop after a couple of minutes. I drag down the files/folders I want to download and put them in the "Sessions Queue." I then right-click on the file/folder and hit "Transfer" and send the download to the default folder where I want it stored.

Once I hit "Transfer," the download seems to start as I see the yellow bar start moving along with the transfer rates on the bottom of the "Sessions Queue" window. However, after 5-10 minutes, they just stop and I no longer see the yellow bar or transfer rates.

I literally have to go back and manually right-click the file/folder that I'm downloading again and select "Transfer" then wait for the window that asks me if I want to Resume, Overwrite, Cancel to pop-up and restart the process.

I have also tried dragging the folders to the "Global Queue" but they take forever to start. I have not been able to get any download to start with "Global Queue." The icon for "Global Queue" is also missing on my toolbar, nor is it listed under the available icons in the "Custom" option.

I have also ensured that I'm running the latest version and have reinstalled the program various times and it still doesn't fix this problem.

Another thing I don't quite understand about the "Sessions Queue" window is that when you select the "Speed" tab and a download is in-progress, the line seems to go up & down, but keeps going to zero when it goes down. Is this normal?

I would like to find a way whereby SmartFTP can automatically redownload whatever file/floder is in the "Sessions Queue" so that I don't have to keep going back to it and restarting the process. How can I go about doing this? Can you please give me a simple step-by-step process?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know via email. Thank you.


We stronly recommend you to use the Global Queue for all your transfers.

Please see the howto at

on how to use the Global Queue. You can also open the Global Queue over the Menu: Views->Toolbars->Transfers or you can press Ctrl+Q.

If you server limits the maximum connections to one you may need to close the remoteview first before you start the global queue.


Well, I have already tried using Global Queue, but I keep getting a "Waiting to Retry" option under "Status" and my connection seems to remain idle. After a while, it just disconnects all together.

The other thing, I don't have a Global Queue icon show up when I go to Views > Toolbars > Transfers. I have already tried searching for it under the Customs option but the only way I can access it is by hitting Ctrl+Q.

I don't think my server has limits in terms of the maximum connections it can make. Is there any way I can check on this?

I would like to find out how I can get downloads to redownload automatically without having to manually re-enter "Transfer" & "Resume."



Please post the log of your FTP session in the Queue. Right-click the queue item and then select 'Show Log'

The 'Transfer' menu entry can be found in Menu: Views > Toolbars > Transfers
If you are not using the orginal english language/localization please contact the author of the translation.