Unable to use supplied license key for SmartFTP

After purchasing SmartFTP I was provided with a license key file. After applying the key as either a file or from the clipboard, SmartFTP does not recognize it as a valid license. Everytime I start SmartFTP, it asks for me to purchase the software. This is very annoying since I have paid for this product. Please help if possible.

License Key w/o Signature:
-----BEGIN KEY-----
ID: 00002025
User: Scott Mildenberger
Company: Accenture
Email: scott.mildenberger@dbpr.state.fl.us
Version: 1.0
Number: 1

Hello ..

I've resent the license key to your email address. Including instructions how to use it.


I have installed the new license and all seems to be fine. Thanks for the quick support.