ftp folders not being update. old version was fine


i am using license version of smart ftp. now days i am problem with folders on ftp. folders are not being update with server.showing yesterday created folders,not showing today created folders.but using filezilla new created folders are showing. i have attached screenshoot where you can see the folders are showing which was created 5/9/2011 but no folders are showing which was created today 5/9/2011.

please help me

i have tried this but now working


also tried this


system information is below

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

CPU Speed : 1990 MHz
Total Memory : 1767 MB
Free Memory : 577 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 4.0.1211.0
Time Stamp : 2011-08-31 07:41:23
Platform : x86
Id : 400085615
Maintenance : 2012-11-02
Days in use : 896

+- Language ---------------------------

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 9.0.8112.16421

Please post the log from the remote browser.

[15:05:56] SmartFTP v4.0.1211.0
[15:05:57] Resolving host name "ftp02.clippingpathimage.com"
[15:05:57] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:05:57] Connected to ftp02.clippingpathimage.com.
[15:05:58] 220-Serv-U FTP Server v10.5 ready...
[15:05:58] 220-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[15:05:58] 220- Welcome to the
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220- Clippingpathimage F T P 0 2 s e r v e r
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220-For support please contact us at support@clippingpathimage.com.
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220-If you cant find your job,
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220-check the server information on jour job detail screen
[15:05:58] 220-
[15:05:58] 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[15:05:58] USER clippingpathimage@hotmail.com
[15:05:58] 331 User name okay, need password.
[15:05:58] PASS (hidden)
[15:05:59] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[15:05:59] SYST
[15:05:59] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:05:59] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:05:59] RTT: 221.338 ms
[15:05:59] FEAT
[15:05:59] 211-Extensions supported
[15:05:59] UTF8
[15:05:59] OPTS MODE;MLST;UTF8
[15:05:59] CLNT
[15:05:59] CSID Name; Version;
[15:05:59] HOST domain
[15:05:59] AUTH TLS;SSL;TLS-C;TLS-P;
[15:05:59] PBSZ
[15:05:59] PROT
[15:05:59] CCC
[15:05:59] SSCN
[15:05:59] RMDA directoryname
[15:05:59] DSIZ
[15:05:59] AVBL
[15:05:59] EPRT
[15:05:59] EPSV
[15:05:59] MODE Z
[15:05:59] THMB BMP|JPEG|GIF|TIFF|PNG max_width max_height pathname
[15:05:59] REST STREAM
[15:05:59] SIZE
[15:05:59] MDTM
[15:05:59] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[15:05:59] MFMT
[15:05:59] MFCT
[15:05:59] MFF Create;Modify;
[15:05:59] XCRC filename;start;end
[15:05:59] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl
[15:05:59] 211 End (for details use "HELP commmand" where command is the command of interest)
[15:05:59] CSID Name=SmartFTP;Version=4.0.1211.0;
[15:06:00] 200 Name=Serv-U; Version=; OS=Windows Server 2008 R2; OSVer=6.1.7600; CaseSensitive=0;
[15:06:00] OPTS UTF8 ON
[15:06:00] 200 OPTS UTF8 is set to ON.
[15:06:00] OPTS MLST Type;Size;Create;Modify;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl;
[15:06:00] 200 MLST OPTS Type;Size;Create;Modify;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl;
[15:06:00] Detected Server Software: Serv-U
[15:06:00] PWD
[15:06:01] 257 "/" is current directory.
[15:06:01] TYPE A
[15:06:01] 200 Type set to A.
[15:06:01] MODE Z
[15:06:01] 200 MODE Z ok.
[15:06:01] PASV
[15:06:02] 227 Entering Passive Mode (217,149,72,51,21,233)
[15:06:02] Opening data connection to Port: 5609
[15:06:02] MLSD
[15:06:02] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.
[15:07:36] 226 Transfer complete. 64.024 bytes (9.601 compressed to 15,00%) transferred. 0,10 actual KB/sec, 0,66 effective KB/sec.
[15:07:36] 9601 bytes transferred. (101 bytes/s) (00:01:34)
[15:08:06] NOOP
[15:08:07] 200 Command okay.
[15:19:12] PASV
[15:19:12] 421 Connection timed out - closing.
[15:19:12] PORT 192,168,1,15,212,98
[15:19:12] Server closed connection
[15:19:12] Resolving host name "ftp02.clippingpathimage.com"
[15:19:12] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:19:13] Connected to ftp02.clippingpathimage.com.
[15:19:13] 220-Serv-U FTP Server v10.5 ready...
[15:19:13] 220-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[15:19:13] 220- Welcome to the
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220- clippingpathimage F T P 0 2 s e r v e r
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220-For support please contact us at support@clippingpathimage.com.
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220-If you cant find your job,
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220-check the server information on jour job detail screen
[15:19:13] 220-
[15:19:13] 220 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[15:19:13] USER clippingpathimage@hotmail.com
[15:19:13] 331 User name okay, need password.
[15:19:13] PASS (hidden)
[15:19:13] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[15:19:13] SYST
[15:19:14] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:19:14] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:19:14] RTT: 311.391 ms
[15:19:14] FEAT
[15:19:16] 211-Extensions supported
[15:19:16] UTF8
[15:19:16] OPTS MODE;MLST;UTF8
[15:19:16] CLNT
[15:19:16] CSID Name; Version;
[15:19:16] HOST domain
[15:19:16] AUTH TLS;SSL;TLS-C;TLS-P;
[15:19:16] PBSZ
[15:19:16] PROT
[15:19:16] CCC
[15:19:16] SSCN
[15:19:16] RMDA directoryname
[15:19:16] DSIZ
[15:19:16] AVBL
[15:19:16] EPRT
[15:19:16] EPSV
[15:19:16] MODE Z
[15:19:16] THMB BMP|JPEG|GIF|TIFF|PNG max_width max_height pathname
[15:19:16] REST STREAM
[15:19:16] SIZE
[15:19:16] MDTM
[15:19:16] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[15:19:16] MFMT
[15:19:16] MFCT
[15:19:16] MFF Create;Modify;
[15:19:16] XCRC filename;start;end
[15:19:16] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl
[15:19:16] 211 End (for details use "HELP commmand" where command is the command of interest)
[15:19:16] CSID Name=SmartFTP;Version=4.0.1211.0;
[15:19:16] 200 Name=Serv-U; Version=; OS=Windows Server 2008 R2; OSVer=6.1.7600; CaseSensitive=0;
[15:19:16] OPTS UTF8 ON
[15:19:16] 200 OPTS UTF8 is set to ON.
[15:19:16] OPTS MLST Type;Size;Create;Modify;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl;
[15:19:17] 200 MLST OPTS Type;Size;Create;Modify;Perm;Win32.ea;Win32.dt;Win32.dl;
[15:19:17] Detected Server Software: Serv-U
[15:19:17] PWD
[15:19:17] 257 "/" is current directory.
[15:19:17] TYPE A
[15:19:17] 200 Type set to A.
[15:19:17] MODE Z
[15:19:17] 200 MODE Z ok.
[15:19:17] PORT 192,168,1,15,212,100
[15:19:18] 200 PORT command successful.
[15:19:18] MLSD
[15:19:18] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.
[15:21:07] 9602 bytes transferred. (88 bytes/s) (00:01:48)
[15:21:07] 226 Transfer complete. 64.024 bytes (9.602 compressed to 15,00%) transferred. 0,09 actual KB/sec, 0,58

here is the screen shoot


thanks dude, its now working. so grateful to you.

now i am on another problem. continue i am using smart ftp. but if the folder created by my customer i cannot see updated folder on ftp when i made refresh. i need to close the ftp for few time and then start again. problem is i need to stop download or upload after few time always. its very disturbing for me. can you please show me the solve ?

This might be another server problem. SmartFTP displays the directory content the server returns.