Transfer Queue items stuck at 99%

I've got a long queue of downloads from remote to local going. They're large files and to get my bandwidth to be fully utilized, I'm using the multi-part transfer option. Some (but not all) of my transfers are stopping at 99%, with the status switching to "retry at". Every time they retry, they fail again, unless I disable multi-part for the transfer, then they just erase themselves from the queue at the next retry attempt. This is also leaving the .sections files in my download directories.

Now, none of this would really be much of an issue, but the files are failing hash checks after being downloaded. I was not having this issue with another client I was using recently, though admittedly that client did not have multi-part transfers, which I suspect to be the culprit. I don't really care that they're not deleting from the queue properly, but I can't have files failing hash checks and I really don't want to stop using multi-part as that's the main feature I was looking for when I purchased SmartFTP.

Anyhow, I am using SFTP over SSH and the remote server software reports as SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5.

Any ideas?

Here's my system info:

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows 7
Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

CPU Speed : 3400 MHz
Total Memory : 6143 MB
Free Memory : 3657 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 4.0.1180.0
Time Stamp : 2011-04-17 22:33:50
Platform : x64
Id : 400137753
Maintenance : 2012-05-07
Days in use : 26

+- Language ---------------------------

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 9.0.8112.16421

Does it happen everytime? Does the protocol matter (SSH or FTP)? Can you send us detailed directions on how to reproduce it with a public FTP server.

Not every time, no. I will test it with regular FTP and report back.

Alright, it's gone through a couple of files with no transfer queue errors or hash fails over regular FTP. I'll keep an eye on it though. At this point I'm leaning toward using SSH in conjunction with multi-part being the problem. I don't know of any public servers I can connect to with SFTP to try and reproduce it for you, but what I've done is as follows. I established a favorite for the FTP server I'm using, and set the multi-part option for it to 12 parts. Then I connected via STFP over SSH and started adding files to the queue. The queue uses the favorite's setting for multi-part by default, so I left that alone. I'm pretty much just using the default settings aside from ramping multi-part up to 12.

Something I should probably point out--I am using torrent files to perform the hash checks rather than the built-in integrity option, and the files are good server-side. So it's definitely something going on with the transfer.

Edit: I'm pretty convinced it's multi-part using SFTP now as even more files have completed properly. Kind of disappointing, having shelled out the extra money for the version with SFTP. I hope we can come up with a fix. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist. Appreciate the help!

Does the problem happen with 2 parts as well?

2 parts seems to work. Only tested with 3 ~400 meg files but that's a better success rate than what I was seeing before. Going to bump it up to 6 and see what happens. Unfortunately, neither 2 nor 6 are fully utilizing my downstream. 6 is close though, 8 or 10 might be enough.

6 parts worked for 3 files in a row. I tried 8 parts on one file and it did the same thing as 12--stuck on retry until I disable multi-part and then fails a hash check.

I hate to keep bumping this, but is there any new info regarding this issue?

As soon as we have any news we will post it here.

I was trying to reproduce the problem as following:
- 10 parts
- 280 MB file
- Total Transfer Speed: 2 MByte/s.
- Server
[02:40:33] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[02:40:33] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[02:40:33] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[02:40:36] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[02:40:38] Key exchange completed.
[02:40:38] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[02:40:38] Client to Server Encryption: aes256-ctr
[02:40:38] Server to Client Encryption: aes256-ctr
[02:40:38] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[02:40:38] Client to Server Compression:
[02:40:38] Server to Client Compression:

In every case the download was not stuck at 99% and the hash check succeeded. Do you have further instructions on how to reproduce the problem? For example:
- Does your transfer aborted and retried before it reaches 99%?
- Can you post the log from a failed transfer?

They sort of stall out at 99%. The transfer rates drop down to zero, then they fail and each subsequent retry fails as well. They will only leave the queue once I manually set the failed items to disable the use of multipart. Also, the .sections files are not being deleted automatically.

I was working with a 175 meg file, 12 parts, and I only get up to about 700 kb/s. I'm not sure what else to tell you about reproducing the problem. The log looks like it chopped off the initial auth info, so here's a sample of everything up to the start of a download from another item in my queue (which did not hashfail upon completion for some reason):

[22:02:16] Operation Begin
[22:02:16] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:16] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:16] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:16] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:16] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:17] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:18] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:18] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:18] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:18] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:18] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:18] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:18] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:18] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:18] RTT: 504.320 ms
[22:02:18] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:19] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:19] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:19] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:19] User authentication successful.
[22:02:19] SSH session established.
[22:02:19] Connected to
[22:02:19] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:19] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:19] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:19] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:19] Sending FXP initialization. Protocol version=6.
[22:02:20] SFTP protocol version 3
[22:02:20] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:02:20] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:02:20] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:02:20] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:02:20] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Resolving host name ""
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:20] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:21] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:21] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:21] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:21] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:21] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:21] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:21] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:21] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:21] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:21] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:21] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:21] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:02:21] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:02:21] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: SSH-2.0-SmartFTP
[22:02:21] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:21] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:21] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:21] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:21] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:21] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:21] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:21] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] RTT: 307.550 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] RTT: 302.262 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] RTT: 305.422 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] RTT: 301.425 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] RTT: 295.921 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] RTT: 305.003 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:22] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:22] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:22] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:22] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:22] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:22] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:22] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:22] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:22] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:22] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:22] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:22] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:22] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:22] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:22] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] RTT: 658.777 ms
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: none
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:22] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:22] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:22] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:22] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:22] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Key exchange completed.
[22:02:22] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:02:22] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:02:22] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:02:22] Client to Server Compression:
[22:02:22] Server to Client Compression:
[22:02:22] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Sending FXP initialization. Protocol version=6.
[22:02:22] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Received authentication banner message.
[22:02:22] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:02:22] Authentication request. Method: password
[22:02:22] User authentication successful.
[22:02:22] SSH session established.
[22:02:22] Connected to
[22:02:22] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:02:22] Opening channel 0.
[22:02:22] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Requesting subystem "sftp" (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:02:22] Sending FXP initialization. Protocol version=6.
[22:02:22] SFTP protocol version 3

And here's the log for the one that hashfailed:

[22:13:24] Operation Begin
[22:13:24] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:13:25] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:13:25] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:13:25] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:13:25] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=0, End=91749376
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=91749376, End=183498752
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=0, EndPosition=91749376.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45874688, End=91749376
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=91749376, EndPosition=183498752.
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=45874688, EndPosition=91749376.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=137624064, End=183498752
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=22937344, End=45874688
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=22937344, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=114686720, End=137624064
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=114686720, EndPosition=137624064.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=160561408, End=183498752
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68812032, End=91749376
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=160561408, EndPosition=183498752.
[22:13:25] StartPosition=137624064, EndPosition=183498752.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=103218048, End=114686720
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=11468672, End=22937344
[22:13:25] StartPosition=68812032, EndPosition=91749376.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=57343360, End=68812032
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=103218048, EndPosition=114686720.
[22:13:25] Downloading "/directory/". Start=149092736, End=160561408
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=57343360, EndPosition=68812032.
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=149092736, EndPosition=160561408.
[22:13:25] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:13:25] StartPosition=11468672, EndPosition=22937344.
[22:16:41] 22937344 bytes transferred. (114 KB/s) (00:03:15)
[22:16:41] File successfully transferred.
[22:16:41] Downloading "/directory/". Start=84212864, End=91749376
[22:16:41] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:16:41] StartPosition=84212864, EndPosition=91749376.
[22:16:59] 11468672 bytes transferred. (52.3 KB/s) (00:03:33)
[22:16:59] File successfully transferred.
[22:16:59] Downloading "/directory/". Start=39911040, End=45874688
[22:16:59] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:16:59] StartPosition=39911040, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:17:20] 11468672 bytes transferred. (47.5 KB/s) (00:03:55)
[22:17:21] File successfully transferred.
[22:17:21] Downloading "/directory/". Start=81362112, End=84212864
[22:17:21] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:21] StartPosition=81362112, EndPosition=84212864.
[22:17:22] 11468800 bytes transferred. (47.2 KB/s) (00:03:57)
[22:17:22] Downloading "/directory/". Start=43531840, End=45874688
[22:17:22] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:22] StartPosition=43531840, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:17:35] 11567104 bytes transferred. (45.1 KB/s) (00:04:10)
[22:17:35] Downloading "/directory/". Start=37912256, End=39911040
[22:17:35] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:35] StartPosition=37912256, EndPosition=39911040.
[22:17:38] 11468672 bytes transferred. (44.3 KB/s) (00:04:12)
[22:17:38] File successfully transferred.
[22:17:38] Downloading "/directory/". Start=83033248, End=84212864
[22:17:38] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:38] StartPosition=83033248, EndPosition=84212864.
[22:17:42] 22937344 bytes transferred. (87.0 KB/s) (00:04:17)
[22:17:42] File successfully transferred.
[22:17:43] Downloading "/directory/". Start=43531840, End=45874688
[22:17:43] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:43] StartPosition=43531840, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:17:52] 1671168 bytes transferred. (51.9 KB/s) (00:00:31)
[22:17:52] Downloading "/directory/". Start=38911648, End=39911040
[22:17:52] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:52] StartPosition=38911648, EndPosition=39911040.
[22:17:53] 7536512 bytes transferred. (102 KB/s) (00:01:11)
[22:17:53] File successfully transferred.
[22:17:53] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44883488, End=45874688
[22:17:53] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:53] StartPosition=44883488, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:17:59] 999392 bytes transferred. (158 KB/s) (00:00:06)
[22:17:59] File successfully transferred.
[22:17:59] Downloading "/directory/". Start=37912256, End=38911648
[22:17:59] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:17:59] StartPosition=37912256, EndPosition=38911648.
[22:18:00] 1179616 bytes transferred. (51.4 KB/s) (00:00:22)
[22:18:00] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:01] Downloading "/directory/". Start=80657632, End=81362112
[22:18:01] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:01] StartPosition=80657632, EndPosition=81362112.
[22:18:01] 3637248 bytes transferred. (57.9 KB/s) (00:01:01)
[22:18:01] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45379088, End=45874688
[22:18:01] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:01] StartPosition=45379088, EndPosition=45874688.
[22:18:04] 495600 bytes transferred. (148 KB/s) (00:00:03)
[22:18:04] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:04] Downloading "/directory/". Start=37568224, End=37912256
[22:18:04] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:04] StartPosition=37568224, EndPosition=37912256.
[22:18:08] 999392 bytes transferred. (111 KB/s) (00:00:08)
[22:18:08] 11567104 bytes transferred. (39.9 KB/s) (00:04:42)
[22:18:08] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45131288, End=45379088
[22:18:08] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:08] StartPosition=45131288, EndPosition=45379088.
[22:18:08] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:08] Downloading "/directory/". Start=81140944, End=81362112
[22:18:08] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:08] StartPosition=81140944, EndPosition=81362112.
[22:18:09] 344032 bytes transferred. (80.7 KB/s) (00:00:04)
[22:18:09] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:09] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68648256, End=68812032
[22:18:09] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:09] StartPosition=68648256, EndPosition=68812032.
[22:18:11] 14680064 bytes transferred. (50.1 KB/s) (00:04:46)
[22:18:11] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45007388, End=45131288
[22:18:11] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:11] StartPosition=45007388, EndPosition=45131288.
[22:18:11] 1409024 bytes transferred. (48.3 KB/s) (00:00:28)
[22:18:11] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45255188, End=45379088
[22:18:11] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:11] StartPosition=45255188, EndPosition=45379088.
[22:18:12] 11501568 bytes transferred. (39.1 KB/s) (00:04:47)
[22:18:12] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68730144, End=68812032
[22:18:12] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:12] StartPosition=68730144, EndPosition=68812032.
[22:18:12] 11927552 bytes transferred. (40.5 KB/s) (00:04:47)
[22:18:12] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44945438, End=45007388
[22:18:12] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:12] StartPosition=44945438, EndPosition=45007388.
[22:18:12] 221168 bytes transferred. (53.5 KB/s) (00:00:04)
[22:18:12] 123900 bytes transferred. (96.8 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[22:18:12] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:12] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45255188
[22:18:12] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:12] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45255188.
[22:18:12] 557056 bytes transferred. (46.8 KB/s) (00:00:11)
[22:18:12] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45379088
[22:18:12] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:12] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45379088.
[22:18:12] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:12] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68689200, End=68730144
[22:18:12] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:12] StartPosition=68689200, EndPosition=68730144.
[22:18:13] 40944 bytes transferred. (123 KB/s) (323 ms)
[22:18:13] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:13] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68771088, End=68812032
[22:18:13] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:13] StartPosition=68771088, EndPosition=68812032.
[22:18:13] 11403264 bytes transferred. (38.6 KB/s) (00:04:48)
[22:18:13] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44914463, End=44945438
[22:18:13] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:13] StartPosition=44914463, EndPosition=44945438.
[22:18:14] 30975 bytes transferred. (63.0 KB/s) (480 ms)
[22:18:14] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45162263, End=45193238
[22:18:14] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:14] StartPosition=45162263, EndPosition=45193238.
[22:18:15] 65536 bytes transferred. (19.6 KB/s) (00:00:03)
[22:18:15] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45131288, End=45162263
[22:18:15] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:15] StartPosition=45131288, EndPosition=45162263.
[22:18:15] 30975 bytes transferred. (51.9 KB/s) (582 ms)
[22:18:15] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44976413, End=45007388
[22:18:15] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:15] StartPosition=44976413, EndPosition=45007388.
[22:18:15] 30975 bytes transferred. (57.1 KB/s) (529 ms)
[22:18:15] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45224213, End=45255188
[22:18:15] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:15] StartPosition=45224213, EndPosition=45255188.
[22:18:16] 30975 bytes transferred. (35.2 KB/s) (857 ms)
[22:18:16] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45348113, End=45379088
[22:18:16] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:16] StartPosition=45348113, EndPosition=45379088.
[22:18:16] 30975 bytes transferred. (148 KB/s) (204 ms)
[22:18:16] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44883488, End=44914463
[22:18:16] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:16] StartPosition=44883488, EndPosition=44914463.
[22:18:16] 40944 bytes transferred. (14.8 KB/s) (00:00:02)
[22:18:16] 30975 bytes transferred. (40.4 KB/s) (748 ms)
[22:18:16] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68668728, End=68689200
[22:18:16] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:16] StartPosition=68668728, EndPosition=68689200.
[22:18:16] File successfully transferred.
[22:18:16] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68750616, End=68771088
[22:18:16] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:16] StartPosition=68750616, EndPosition=68771088.
[22:18:17] 20472 bytes transferred. (59.6 KB/s) (335 ms)
[22:18:17] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44898976, End=44914463
[22:18:17] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:17] StartPosition=44898976, EndPosition=44914463.
[22:18:17] 30975 bytes transferred. (48.0 KB/s) (630 ms)
[22:18:17] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44960926, End=44976413
[22:18:17] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:17] StartPosition=44960926, EndPosition=44976413.
[22:18:17] 20472 bytes transferred. (26.4 KB/s) (757 ms)
[22:18:17] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45208726, End=45224213
[22:18:17] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:17] StartPosition=45208726, EndPosition=45224213.
[22:18:17] 15487 bytes transferred. (31.7 KB/s) (476 ms)
[22:18:17] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45332626, End=45348113
[22:18:17] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:17] StartPosition=45332626, EndPosition=45348113.
[22:18:17] 15487 bytes transferred. (24.0 KB/s) (630 ms)
[22:18:17] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68658492, End=68668728
[22:18:17] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:17] StartPosition=68658492, EndPosition=68668728.
[22:18:18] 15487 bytes transferred. (30.7 KB/s) (492 ms)
[22:18:18] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68740380, End=68750616
[22:18:18] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:18] StartPosition=68740380, EndPosition=68750616.
[22:18:18] 10236 bytes transferred. (29.9 KB/s) (334 ms)
[22:18:18] Downloading "/directory/". Start=44953182, End=44960926
[22:18:18] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:18] StartPosition=44953182, EndPosition=44960926.
[22:18:19] 15487 bytes transferred. (12.0 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[22:18:19] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68648256, End=68658492
[22:18:19] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45200982, End=45208726
[22:18:19] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:19] StartPosition=68648256, EndPosition=68658492.
[22:18:19] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:19] StartPosition=45200982, EndPosition=45208726.
[22:18:19] 7744 bytes transferred. (11.2 KB/s) (670 ms)
[22:18:19] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45324882, End=45332626
[22:18:19] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:19] StartPosition=45324882, EndPosition=45332626.
[22:18:19] 10236 bytes transferred. (33.6 KB/s) (297 ms)
[22:18:19] 7744 bytes transferred. (23.0 KB/s) (328 ms)
[22:18:19] 7744 bytes transferred. (21.3 KB/s) (354 ms)
[22:18:26] 32768 bytes transferred. (71.4 KB/s) (448 ms)
[22:18:26] Downloading "/directory/". Start=68730144, End=68740380
[22:18:26] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:26] StartPosition=68730144, EndPosition=68740380.
[22:18:27] 10236 bytes transferred. (30.4 KB/s) (328 ms)
[22:18:28] 183483264 bytes transferred. (590 KB/s) (00:05:03)
[22:18:28] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:18:28] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:18:28] Transfer failed.
[22:18:28] Operation End
[22:18:29] Operation Begin
[22:18:29] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:18:29] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:18:29] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:18:29] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:18:29] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:18:29] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:18:29] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:29] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:18:29] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:18:29] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:18:29] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:18:29] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:18:29] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:18:29] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:18:29] Transfer failed.
[22:18:29] Operation End
[22:18:59] Operation Begin
[22:18:59] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:18:59] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:18:59] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:19:00] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:19:00] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:19:00] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:19:00] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:19:00] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:19:00] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:19:00] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:19:00] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:19:00] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:19:00] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:19:00] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:19:00] Transfer failed.
[22:19:00] Operation End
[22:19:30] Operation Begin
[22:19:30] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:19:30] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:19:30] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:19:30] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:19:30] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:19:30] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:19:30] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:19:30] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:19:30] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:19:30] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:19:30] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:19:30] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (100 ms)
[22:19:30] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:19:31] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:19:31] Transfer failed.
[22:19:31] Operation End
[22:20:01] Operation Begin
[22:20:01] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:20:01] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:20:01] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:20:01] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:20:01] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:20:01] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:20:01] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:20:01] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:20:01] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:20:01] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:20:01] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:20:01] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:20:01] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:20:01] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:20:01] Transfer failed.
[22:20:01] Operation End
[22:20:31] Operation Begin
[22:20:31] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:20:31] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:20:31] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:20:31] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:20:31] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:20:31] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:20:31] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:20:31] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:20:31] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:20:31] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:20:31] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:20:31] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:20:31] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:20:31] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:20:31] Transfer failed.
[22:20:31] Operation End
[22:21:02] Operation Begin
[22:21:02] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:21:02] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:21:02] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:21:03] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:21:03] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:21:03] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:21:03] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:21:03] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:21:03] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:21:03] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:21:03] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:21:03] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:21:03] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:21:03] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:21:03] Transfer failed.
[22:21:03] Operation End
[22:21:33] Operation Begin
[22:21:33] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:21:33] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:21:33] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:21:33] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:21:33] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:21:33] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:21:33] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:21:33] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:21:33] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:21:33] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:21:33] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:21:33] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (102 ms)
[22:21:33] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:21:33] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:21:33] Transfer failed.
[22:21:33] Operation End
[22:22:03] Operation Begin
[22:22:03] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:22:03] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:22:03] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:22:03] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:22:03] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:22:03] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:22:03] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:22:03] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:22:03] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:22:03] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:22:03] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:22:04] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (100 ms)
[22:22:04] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:22:04] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:22:04] Transfer failed.
[22:22:04] Operation End
[22:22:34] Operation Begin
[22:22:34] Resolving path "/directory".
[22:22:34] Path successfully resolved to "/directory".
[22:22:34] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:22:34] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:22:34] Multipart Transfer. Number of Workers = 12
[22:22:34] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45193238, End=45200982
[22:22:34] Downloading "/directory/". Start=45317138, End=45324882
[22:22:34] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:22:34] StartPosition=45193238, EndPosition=45200982.
[22:22:34] Downloading file "/directory/".
[22:22:34] StartPosition=45317138, EndPosition=45324882.
[22:22:34] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (101 ms)
[22:22:34] Getting attributes of "/directory/".
[22:22:34] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:22:34] Transfer failed.
[22:22:34] Operation End

Found and fixed the bug that caused the transfer to be stuck at 99%. I apologize for your inconvenience. The next build will come with the fix (~week).

The reason that the integrity check fails if you disable multipart after a file has been partially downloaded is by design. Disabling multipart without manually deleting the file is not supported.

Understood. Thanks very much for helping with this.

The new version is available now:

That was quick. Looks like it's working perfectly now. Nothing sticking at 99% and no hashfails since I've not been restarting in single part mode. Thanks again for all your help!