having trouble to upload .js or .txt etc. automatically in ASCII Mode.
If i switch from AUTO to ASCII Transfer-Mode it works fine.
But not if i acitvate AUTO
My Question is:
Shouldnt smartftp upload always .js files as ASCII in automatic mode.
Or do i have to add .js and other to the ASCII List >favourite settings?
I tested this settings:
Result - upload still in BINARY Mode.
Version: 4.0.1169.0
Best regards
having trouble to upload .js or .txt etc. automatically in ASCII Mode.
If i switch from AUTO to ASCII Transfer-Mode it works fine.
But not if i acitvate AUTO
My Question is:
Shouldnt smartftp upload always .js files as ASCII in automatic mode.
Or do i have to add .js and other to the ASCII List >favourite settings?
I tested this settings:
Result - upload still in BINARY Mode.
Version: 4.0.1169.0
Best regards