Here it is:
[13:32:44] Operation Begin
[13:32:44] Resolving host name ""
[13:32:44] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:32:44] Connected to
[13:32:44] 220 X2 WS_FTP Server 5.0.5 (1757785082)
[13:32:44] USER userweb11053
[13:32:44] 331 Password required
[13:32:44] PASS (hidden)
[13:32:44] 230 user logged in
[13:32:44] SYST
[13:32:44] 215 XXXX
[13:32:44] RTT: 127.261 ms
[13:32:44] FEAT
[13:32:44] 211-Extensions supported
[13:32:44] SIZE
[13:32:44] MDTM
[13:32:44] MLST
[13:32:44] XCRC
[13:32:44] XMD5
[13:32:44] XSHA1
[13:32:44] size*;type*;perm*;create*;modify*;
[13:32:44] LANG EN*
[13:32:44] REST STREAM
[13:32:44] TVFS
[13:32:44] UTF8
[13:32:44] AUTH SSL;TLS-P;
[13:32:44] PBSZ
[13:32:44] PROT C;P;
[13:32:44] 211 end
[13:32:44] OPTS UTF8 ON
[13:32:45] 501 invalid option
[13:32:45] Detected Server Software: WS_FTP Server
[13:32:45] PWD
[13:32:45] 257 "/users/userweb11053" is current directory
[13:32:45] CWD /users/userweb11053/NonPublicFiles/FoodSafety
[13:32:45] 250 CWD successful
[13:32:45] PWD
[13:32:45] 257 "/users/userweb11053/NonPublicFiles/FoodSafety" is current directory
[13:32:45] Remote file exist check: "2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf".
[13:32:45] MLST 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:45] 550 no file
[13:32:45] TYPE I
[13:32:45] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[13:32:45] PORT 192,168,15,100,193,49
[13:32:45] 200 command successful
[13:32:45] STOR 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:46] 150 Opening BINARY data connection for 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:46] 40348 bytes transferred. (2.56 MB/s) (15 ms)
[13:32:48] 226 transfer complete; 217153427 bytes remaining
[13:32:48] MDTM 20110207154249 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:49] 200 action completed
[13:32:49] MLST 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:49] 250-MLST listing for 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:49] size=40348;type=file;perm=fdrwa;create=20110211183249;modify=20110207154249; 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf
[13:32:49] 250 end
[13:32:49] Source File Size=40348, Destination File Size=40348
[13:32:49] Acquiring file hash lock.
[13:32:49] Calculating remote file hash "2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf" Length=0.
[13:32:49] Timeout dynamically set to 60s.
[13:32:49] XSHA1 2011PressRegistrationInformation.pdf