waiting for children to finish


I upgrade to v4.0.1156.0 and ever have this error "waiting for children to finish" in status window and don´t upload files.


[15:09:07] SmartFTP v4.0.1156.0
[15:09:08] Resolviendo nombre de host "ftp.heleu.com"
[15:09:08] Conectando a Puerto: 21
[15:09:08] Conectado a ftp.heleu.com.
[15:09:08] 220---------- Bienvenido a Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[15:09:08] 220-Eres el usuario número 3 de 100 permitidos
[15:09:08] 220-La hora local es ahora 15:09. Puerto del servidor: 21.
[15:09:08] 220-Este es un sistema privado - No se permiten usuarios anónimos
[15:09:08] 220 Serás desconectado después de 15 minutos de inactividad.
[15:09:08] USER heleu
[15:09:08] 331 Usuario heleu OK. Clave requerida
[15:09:08] PASS (oculto)
[15:09:08] 230-Tu utilización de ancho de banda está restringida
[15:09:08] 230-Usuario heleu tiene acceso de grupo a: heleu
[15:09:08] 230-Este servidor soporta transferencias FXP
[15:09:08] 230-OK. El directorio restringido actual es /
[15:09:08] 230 20884 Kbytes utilizados (4%) - autorizados: 512000 Kb
[15:09:08] SYST
[15:09:08] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:09:08] Tipo de servidor detectado: UNIX
[15:09:08] RTT: 45.789 ms
[15:09:08] FEAT
[15:09:08] 211-Extensions supported:
[15:09:08] EPRT
[15:09:08] IDLE
[15:09:08] MDTM
[15:09:08] SIZE
[15:09:08] REST STREAM
[15:09:08] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[15:09:08] MLSD
[15:09:08] ESTP
[15:09:08] AUTH TLS
[15:09:08] PBSZ
[15:09:08] PROT
[15:09:08] PASV
[15:09:08] EPSV
[15:09:08] SPSV
[15:09:08] ESTA
[15:09:08] 211 End.
[15:09:08] Software de servidor detectado: PureFTPd
[15:09:08] PWD
[15:09:08] 257 "/" es tu localización actual
[15:09:08] CWD /web/templates
[15:09:08] 250 OK. El directorio actual es /web/templates
[15:09:08] PWD
[15:09:08] 257 "/web/templates" es tu localización actual
[15:09:08] TYPE A
[15:09:08] 200 TYPE es ahora ASCII
[15:09:08] PASV
[15:09:08] 227 Entering Passive Mode (212,36,74,11,251,159)
[15:09:08] Abriendo conexión de datos Puerto: 64415
[15:09:08] MLSD
[15:09:09] 150 Conexión de datos aceptada
[15:09:09] 226-Options: -a -l
[15:09:09] 226 8 ocurrencias en total
[15:09:40] NOOP
[15:09:40] 200 Zzz...

Please file a proper bug report. What are you doing. What is the expected result and what is the actual result.

What are you doing?: Upload files to my server
What is the expected result?: Upload files to my server
what is the actual result?: Don´t Upload files to my server, error:"waiting for children to finish" in status window.
More bugs: when use multiple workers, my internet conection it´s close in windows pc, in other pc conect at the same router my internet conection work fine.

System info:

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
Service Pack 2 (Build 6002)

CPU Speed : 2405 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 1678 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 4.0.1156.0
Time Stamp : 2011-01-11 20:16:58
Platform : x86
Id : 400061257
Maintenance : 2012-11-10
Days in use : 691

+- Language ---------------------------

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 8.0.6001.18999

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Found the problem. Use the non beta version until a fix is available.

i download 4.0.1156.0 no beta version and have the same problem ...

Ah actually I cannot reproduce the problem with build 1156. I got confused by the build numbers. Only the beta version 1157 suffers from a known problem.