ARgh! Just did it again, right in front of me - after an hour to upload this file, I was just about to press stop too >_<
I have removed the site names and username, but here is the log.
[21:19:14] SmartFTP v4.0.1121.0
[21:19:14] Resolving host name ""
[21:19:14] Connecting to Port: 21
[21:19:14] Connected to
[21:19:15] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
[21:19:15] 220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed.
[21:19:15] 220-Local time is now 06:19. Server port: 21.
[21:19:15] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[21:19:15] USER #####
[21:19:15] 331 User ##### OK. Password required
[21:19:15] PASS (hidden)
[21:19:15] 230-User ##### has group access to: #####
[21:19:15] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[21:19:15] SYST
[21:19:15] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[21:19:15] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[21:19:15] RTT: 279.178 ms
[21:19:15] FEAT
[21:19:16] 211-Extensions supported:
[21:19:16] EPRT
[21:19:16] IDLE
[21:19:16] MDTM
[21:19:16] SIZE
[21:19:16] REST STREAM
[21:19:16] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[21:19:16] MLSD
[21:19:16] AUTH TLS
[21:19:16] PBSZ
[21:19:16] PROT
[21:19:16] ESTA
[21:19:16] PASV
[21:19:16] EPSV
[21:19:16] SPSV
[21:19:16] ESTP
[21:19:16] 211 End.
[21:19:16] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[21:19:16] PWD
[21:19:16] 257 "/" is your current location
[21:19:16] CWD /www/stuff/music
[21:19:16] 250 OK. Current directory is /www/stuff/music
[21:19:16] PWD
[21:19:17] 257 "/www/stuff/music" is your current location
[21:19:17] TYPE A
[21:19:17] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[21:19:17] PASV
[21:19:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (174,120,117,7,167,208)
[21:19:17] Opening data connection to Port: 42960
[21:19:17] MLSD
[21:19:18] 213 bytes transferred. (744 bytes/s) (286 ms)
[21:19:18] 150 Accepted data connection
[21:19:18] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:19:18] 226 2 matches total
[21:19:24] MLST DJ Keda - 07 - Seduction.mp3
[21:19:24] 550 Can't check for file existence
[21:19:25] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Start the Transfer Queue to process it.
[21:19:55] NOOP
[21:19:56] 200 Zzz...
[21:20:27] NOOP
[21:20:28] 200 Zzz...
[21:20:58] NOOP
[21:20:59] 200 Zzz...
[21:21:30] NOOP
[21:21:30] 200 Zzz...
[21:22:01] NOOP
[21:22:02] 200 Zzz...
[21:22:32] NOOP
[21:22:33] 200 Zzz...
[21:23:03] NOOP
[21:23:05] 200 Zzz...
[21:23:35] NOOP
[21:23:36] 200 Zzz...
[21:24:06] NOOP
[21:24:08] 200 Zzz...
[21:24:38] NOOP
[21:24:40] 200 Zzz...
[21:25:10] NOOP
[21:25:12] 200 Zzz...
[21:25:42] NOOP
[21:25:43] 200 Zzz...
[21:26:13] NOOP
[21:26:14] 200 Zzz...
[21:26:45] NOOP
[21:26:46] 200 Zzz...
[21:27:17] NOOP
[21:27:18] 200 Zzz...
[21:27:48] NOOP
[21:27:49] 200 Zzz...
[21:28:20] NOOP
[21:28:21] 200 Zzz...
[21:28:51] NOOP
[21:28:52] 200 Zzz...
[21:29:23] NOOP
[21:29:24] 200 Zzz...
[21:29:55] NOOP
[21:29:56] 200 Zzz...
[21:30:26] NOOP
[21:30:27] 200 Zzz...
[21:30:58] NOOP
[21:30:59] 200 Zzz...
[21:31:40] NOOP
[21:31:41] 200 Zzz...
[21:32:11] NOOP
[21:32:12] 200 Zzz...
[21:32:43] NOOP
[21:32:43] 200 Zzz...
[21:33:13] NOOP
[21:33:14] 200 Zzz...
[21:33:44] NOOP
[21:33:45] 200 Zzz...
[21:34:15] NOOP
[21:34:16] 200 Zzz...
[21:34:46] NOOP
[21:34:47] 200 Zzz...
[21:35:17] NOOP
[21:35:19] 200 Zzz...
[21:35:49] NOOP
[21:35:50] 200 Zzz...
[21:36:21] NOOP
[21:36:22] 200 Zzz...
[21:36:53] NOOP
[21:36:54] 200 Zzz...
[21:37:24] NOOP
[21:37:25] 200 Zzz...
[21:37:56] NOOP
[21:37:57] 200 Zzz...
[21:38:27] NOOP
[21:38:29] 200 Zzz...
[21:38:59] NOOP
[21:39:00] 200 Zzz...
[21:39:31] NOOP
[21:39:32] 200 Zzz...
[21:40:02] NOOP
[21:40:03] 200 Zzz...
[21:40:34] NOOP
[21:40:35] 200 Zzz...
[21:41:05] NOOP
[21:41:07] 200 Zzz...
[21:41:37] NOOP
[21:41:39] 200 Zzz...
[21:42:09] NOOP
[21:42:11] 200 Zzz...
[21:42:41] NOOP
[21:42:42] 200 Zzz...
[21:43:13] NOOP
[21:43:13] 200 Zzz...
[21:43:44] NOOP
[21:43:45] 200 Zzz...
[21:44:15] NOOP
[21:44:17] 200 Zzz...
[21:44:47] NOOP
[21:44:48] 200 Zzz...
[21:45:18] NOOP
[21:45:20] 200 Zzz...
[21:45:50] NOOP
[21:45:51] 200 Zzz...
[21:46:21] NOOP
[21:46:23] 200 Zzz...
[21:46:53] NOOP
[21:46:54] 200 Zzz...
[21:47:25] NOOP
[21:47:26] 200 Zzz...
[21:47:57] NOOP
[21:47:58] 200 Zzz...
[21:48:28] NOOP
[21:48:29] 200 Zzz...
[21:48:59] NOOP
[21:49:00] 200 Zzz...
[21:49:30] NOOP
[21:49:32] 200 Zzz...
[21:50:02] NOOP
[21:50:04] 421 Timeout (no operation for 1800 seconds)
[21:50:04] Server closed connection
[22:19:33] Resolving host name ""
[22:19:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[22:19:33] Connected to
[22:19:34] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
[22:19:34] 220-You are user number 6 of 50 allowed.
[22:19:34] 220-Local time is now 07:20. Server port: 21.
[22:19:34] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[22:19:34] USER #####
[22:19:34] 331 User ##### OK. Password required
[22:19:34] PASS (hidden)
[22:19:34] 230-User ##### has group access to: #####
[22:19:34] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[22:19:34] SYST
[22:19:34] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[22:19:34] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[22:19:34] RTT: 277.870 ms
[22:19:34] FEAT
[22:19:35] 211-Extensions supported:
[22:19:35] EPRT
[22:19:35] IDLE
[22:19:35] MDTM
[22:19:35] SIZE
[22:19:35] REST STREAM
[22:19:35] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[22:19:35] MLSD
[22:19:35] AUTH TLS
[22:19:35] PBSZ
[22:19:35] PROT
[22:19:35] ESTA
[22:19:35] PASV
[22:19:35] EPSV
[22:19:35] SPSV
[22:19:35] ESTP
[22:19:35] 211 End.
[22:19:35] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[22:19:35] PWD
[22:19:35] 257 "/" is your current location
[22:19:35] CWD /www/stuff/music
[22:19:35] 250 OK. Current directory is /www/stuff/music
[22:19:35] PWD
[22:19:36] 257 "/www/stuff/music" is your current location
[22:19:36] MLST DJ Keda - 07 - Seduction.mp3
[22:19:36] 250-Begin
[22:19:36] type=file;size=82726747;modify=20100927121921;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=833;UNIX.gid=833;unique=807ge1a8029; DJ Keda - 07 - Seduction.mp3
[22:19:36] 250 End.