Force Lower Case Causes Repeated Uploads

I am trying to sync one way with delete and also forcing all file names to lower case as they are uploaded. All the files in a directory with uppercase characters re-upload every time I sync. Example:
These files will upload once and are fine:

These files will upload every time I try to sync, even though the files already exists on the destination server:
K:\B\file1.txt (this is \b\file1.txt on the destination)
K:\B\file2.txt (this is \b\file2.txt on the destination)
K:\B\file3.txt (this is \b\file3.txt on the destination)

What am I doing wrong? It appears the destination folder of "\b\" is being deleted after the uploads complete. Is it being identified as an orphan and being deleted by the delete portion of "Sync one way with delete"?


I have fixed the issue. The bug fix will be available in the next build (ETA: coming days).

WOW! Thanks!

The new version is available now:

Please give a try.


First test looks good. Thanks!