Here you go,
Transfer failed are intentional, this is me clicking on stop.
You will see that I had to do it two times, indeed it worked the first time ! Looks like it's happening randomly but very frequently, because it is the first time I saw it resuming properly since the problem appeared(a week or a bit more ago)
[22:38:29] Operation Begin
[22:38:29] Resolving host name "xxxxxxxxxxx"
[22:38:29] Connecting xxxxxxxxxxx Port: 22
[22:38:30] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:38:30] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:38:30] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: "SSH-2.0-SmartFTP"
[22:38:30] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:38:30] Key exchange completed.
[22:38:30] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:38:30] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:38:30] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:38:30] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:38:30] Client to Server Compression:
[22:38:30] Server to Client Compression:
[22:38:30] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:38:30] RTT: 69.530 ms
[22:38:30] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[22:38:30] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:38:30] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[22:38:30] User authentication successful.
[22:38:30] SSH session established.
[22:38:30] Connected to xxxxxxxxxxx.
[22:38:30] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:38:30] Opening channel 0.
[22:38:31] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:38:31] SFTP protocol version 3
[22:38:31] Resolving path "xxxxxxxxxxx".
[22:38:31] Path successfully resolved to "xxxxxxxxxxx".
[22:38:31] Getting attributes of "xxxxxxxxxxx.dat".
[22:38:31] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:38:31] Source File: Size=713951604, Time=2010-05-26T03:18:47
[22:38:31] Destination File: Size=9633792, Time=2010-05-26T03:18:47
[22:38:31] RecentTime=2010-05-25T20:37:34
[22:38:31] Rule "IF Destination Time=Equal AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[22:38:31] Downloading file "xxxxxxxxxxx".
[22:38:31] Restarting at 9633792.
[22:38:43] Transfer failed.
[22:38:43] Operation End
[22:38:46] Operation Begin
[22:38:46] Resolving host name "xxxxxxxxxxx"
[22:38:46] Connecting to Port: 22
[22:38:46] SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
[22:38:46] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5"
[22:38:46] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: "SSH-2.0-SmartFTP"
[22:38:46] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
[22:38:47] Key exchange completed.
[22:38:47] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[22:38:47] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:38:47] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-ctr
[22:38:47] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[22:38:47] Client to Server Compression:
[22:38:47] Server to Client Compression:
[22:38:47] Requesting service "ssh-userauth".
[22:38:47] RTT: 72.635 ms
[22:38:47] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[22:38:47] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[22:38:47] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[22:38:47] User authentication successful.
[22:38:47] SSH session established.
[22:38:47] Connected to xxxxxxxxxxx.
[22:38:47] Detected Server Software: OpenSSH
[22:38:47] Opening channel 0.
[22:38:47] Channel successfully opened (Local=0, Remote=0).
[22:38:47] SFTP protocol version 3
[22:38:47] Resolving path "xxxxxxxxxxx".
[22:38:47] Path successfully resolved to "xxxxxxxxxxx".
[22:38:47] Getting attributes of "xxxxxxxxxxx.dat".
[22:38:47] Attributes successfully obtained.
[22:38:47] Source File: Size=713951604, Time=2010-05-26T03:18:47
[22:38:47] Destination File: Size=28180480, Time=2010-05-25T20:38:43
[22:38:47] RecentTime=2010-05-25T20:38:43
[22:38:47] Rule "IF Destination Time=Older AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[22:38:47] Downloading file "xxxxxxxxxxx.dat".
[22:38:47] Restarting at 0.
[22:38:48] Transfer failed.
[22:38:48] Operation End
Thank you.