My name is Hafiz,My domain name is My output already ready to upload to hometemplate (look at the url above),The images already exist on the index.html,I tried to upload the output folder(product folders) to the (index.html)but i couldn't.And I'm not recieved any error message tell me that there error while i upload the output folders.Do you assist me to upload the products folder.I'm eager to receive more options to help me upload the products folder to the index.html.
My name is Hafiz,My domain name is My output already ready to upload to hometemplate (look at the url above),The images already exist on the index.html,I tried to upload the output folder(product folders) to the (index.html)but i couldn't.And I'm not recieved any error message tell me that there error while i upload the output folders.Do you assist me to upload the products folder.I'm eager to receive more options to help me upload the products folder to the index.html.