Sync Navigation, setting in Favorites

I always start SmartFTP empty, i.e. with no local or remote browser, and begin with selecting a favorite that opens a remote browser and it's own local folder. I have standard "Synchronise Navigation" enabled in all Favorites (under General - Local).

However, Sync Navigation is never enabled automatically this way.
Am I missing something here, to what other use could that setting in the favorite be?

What do you have the Local option set to? Automatically open, Open on demand?


It is set to "Open in New Local Browser".

But also when I set it to "Open on Demand", establish a connection and then open a local folder, Sync Navigatioon is not activated notwithstanding the setting in the Favorite.

What is the full path you have entered in the local settings?

Bug confirmed. It's Windows XP specific.

Bug fixed. Please try it with the latest version: