I've looked around here and couldn't find an answer...
Basically when I try to edit certain files on my server, they'll go into a loop in the transfer queue. The status will say Connecting... then Pre-transfer and download the file to %temp%, but it won't open it - it just keeps re-downloading it. Its weird because it will only be certain files, e.g. I can edit the file right beside the one I'm trying to edit... I'm using a CMS, so would it be possible that the CMS server locks the files somehow?
Version : 4.0.1072.0
Time Stamp : 2009-11-20 20:41:14
I have the latest version of SmartFTP.
Heres the log for the one file I was trying to upload - this log is about 20 seconds worth...
Basically when I try to edit certain files on my server, they'll go into a loop in the transfer queue. The status will say Connecting... then Pre-transfer and download the file to %temp%, but it won't open it - it just keeps re-downloading it. Its weird because it will only be certain files, e.g. I can edit the file right beside the one I'm trying to edit... I'm using a CMS, so would it be possible that the CMS server locks the files somehow?
Version : 4.0.1072.0
Time Stamp : 2009-11-20 20:41:14
I have the latest version of SmartFTP.
Heres the log for the one file I was trying to upload - this log is about 20 seconds worth...
[19:26:56] Initializing. Transfer Queue v4.0.1072.0.
[19:26:56] Operation Begin
[19:26:56] Resolving host name ""
[19:26:56] Connecting to Port: 21
[19:26:56] Connected to
[19:26:56] 220-*****************************************************
[19:26:56] 220-Welcome to FTP
[19:26:56] 220-Please use your email address and password to login.
[19:26:56] 220-If you are registered for more than one site then your login name must be:
[19:26:56] 220-*****************************************************
[19:26:56] 220-
[19:26:56] 220 FTP Server Ready
[19:26:56] USER
[19:26:56] 331 User logged in, needs password
[19:26:56] PASS (hidden)
[19:26:56] 230 Password ok, FTP server ready
[19:26:56] SYST
[19:26:56] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:56] RTT: 28.093 ms
[19:26:56] FEAT
[19:26:56] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:56] TYPE I
[19:26:56] 200 Binary transfer mode active.
[19:26:56] REST 0
[19:26:56] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:56] PWD
[19:26:56] 257 "/" PWD Successful.
[19:26:56] CWD /Layouts/OnlineShop
[19:26:56] 250 CWD Successful (/Layouts/OnlineShop)
[19:26:56] PWD
[19:26:56] 257 "/Layouts/OnlineShop" PWD Successful.
[19:26:56] SIZE order_registration-AU.html
[19:26:56] 220 1
[19:26:56] MDTM order_registration-AU.html
[19:26:56] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:56] STAT order_registration-AU.html
[19:26:56] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:56] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[19:26:56] TYPE A
[19:26:56] 200 ASCII transfer mode active.
[19:26:56] PASV
[19:26:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,134,157,114,128,33)
[19:26:56] Opening data connection to Port: 32801
[19:26:56] LIST -aL
[19:26:57] 150 Opening data connection for LIST
[19:26:57] 226 LIST successful.
[19:26:57] 810 bytes transferred. (17.1 KB/s) (46 ms)
[19:26:57] Source File: Size=1, Time=2010-01-01T00:00:00
[19:26:57] Destination File: Size=10930, Time=2009-12-31T14:00:00
[19:26:57] RecentTime=2010-01-15T09:26:31
[19:26:57] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[19:26:57] TYPE I
[19:26:57] 200 Binary transfer mode active.
[19:26:57] PASV
[19:26:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,134,157,114,128,34)
[19:26:57] Opening data connection to Port: 32802
[19:26:57] RETR order_registration-AU.html
[19:26:57] 150 Starting data transfer, please wait...
[19:26:57] 226 File download succeeded.
[19:26:57] 10930 bytes transferred. (232 KB/s) (46 ms)
[19:26:57] MDTM order_registration-AU.html
[19:26:57] 550 Unknown command
[19:26:57] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[19:26:57] TYPE A
[19:26:57] 200 ASCII transfer mode active.
[19:26:57] PASV
[19:26:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,134,157,114,128,35)
[19:26:57] Opening data connection to Port: 32803
[19:26:57] LIST -aL
[19:26:57] 150 Opening data connection for LIST
[19:26:57] 226 LIST successful.
[19:26:57] 810 bytes transferred. (25.5 KB/s) (31 ms)
[19:26:57] Source File Size=1, Destination File Size=10930
[19:26:57] File size mismatch.
[19:26:57] Transfer failed.
[19:26:57] Operation End
[19:26:57] QUIT