FTP over VPN


I often have to connect over a VPN to our office and have tried to use Smart FTP to upload files while connected. Every time I try to upload/delete files via FTP I get a 550 permission denied error. If I disconnect from the VPN there's no problem. Is there a way of using Smart FTP to perform uploads or deletions while connected to the VPN? Is this a network problem or is it something caused by Smart FTP.

Thanks in advance for any advice or assistance.

It shouldn't make any difference. But I would try to server administrator of the server for assistance.

Thanks for the reply,

Server administrator has no idea why this would occur, they have told me it must be my connection/software?

Please post both logs. One time with VPN the other time without. Maybe we see the problem with the help of the logs.

Please post both logs. One time with VPN the other time without. Maybe we see the problem with the help of the logs.

[21:07:37] SmartFTP v4.0.1072.0
[21:09:06] Resolving host name "ftp.*.*"
[21:09:06] Connecting to *.*.*.* Port: 21
[21:09:11] Connected to *.*.*.
[21:09:11] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD) [*.*.*.*]
[21:09:11] USER USERNAME
[21:09:11] 331 Password required for USERNAME
[21:09:11] PASS (hidden)
[21:09:11] 230 User USERNAME logged in
[21:09:11] SYST
[21:09:11] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[21:09:11] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[21:09:11] RTT: 129.954 ms
[21:09:11] FEAT
[21:09:12] 211-Features:
[21:09:12] MDTM
[21:09:12] REST STREAM
[21:09:12] SIZE
[21:09:12] 211 End
[21:09:12] PWD
[21:09:12] 257 "/" is the current directory
[21:09:12] CWD /httpdocs
[21:09:12] 250 CWD command successful
[21:09:12] PWD
[21:09:12] 257 "/httpdocs" is the current directory
[21:09:12] TYPE A
[21:09:13] 200 Type set to A
[21:09:13] PASV
[21:09:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,242,205).
[21:09:13] Opening data connection to *.*.*.* Port: 62157
[21:09:13] LIST -aL
[21:09:13] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[21:09:13] 568 bytes transferred. (1.08 KB/s) (509 ms)
[21:09:14] 226-Transfer complete
[21:09:14] 226 Quotas off
[21:09:14] MDTM favicon.ico
[21:09:14] 550 Access is denied.
[21:09:14] MDTM index.html
[21:09:14] 550 Access is denied.

It's 550 from there on in, regardless of what I try to do.
I'll post the non-vpn details in another post.

Non-ftp connection:

[21:21:42] SmartFTP v4.0.1072.0
[21:21:42] Resolving host name "*.*.*.*"
[21:21:42] Connecting to *.*.*.* Port: 21
[21:21:42] Connected to *.*.*.*.
[21:21:42] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server (ProFTPD) [*.*.*.*]
[21:21:42] USER USERNAME
[21:21:42] 331 Password required for USERNAME
[21:21:42] PASS (hidden)
[21:21:43] 230 User USERNAME logged in
[21:21:43] SYST
[21:21:43] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[21:21:43] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[21:21:43] RTT: 50.486 ms
[21:21:43] FEAT
[21:21:43] 211-Features:
[21:21:43] MDTM
[21:21:43] REST STREAM
[21:21:43] SIZE
[21:21:43] 211 End
[21:21:43] PWD
[21:21:43] 257 "/" is the current directory
[21:21:43] CWD /httpdocs
[21:21:43] 250 CWD command successful
[21:21:43] PWD
[21:21:43] 257 "/httpdocs" is the current directory
[21:21:43] TYPE A
[21:21:43] 200 Type set to A
[21:21:43] PORT 192,168,0,3,196,228
[21:21:43] 200 PORT command successful
[21:21:43] LIST -aL
[21:21:43] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[21:21:44] 568 bytes transferred. (986 bytes/s) (576 ms)
[21:21:44] 226-Transfer complete
[21:21:44] 226 Quotas off
[21:21:44] MDTM favicon.ico
[21:21:44] 213 20100118185956
[21:21:44] Time zone offset: 0 seconds (0.0 hours)

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