scheduling FTP uploads with smartFTP not being the ACTIVE app


I need to know how to do automatic uploads when smartFTP is NOT the active app on the computer.

It may all work fine if smartFTP is started automatically by scheduled tasks (which I am testing at the moment), but I am also needing toset up smartFTP to perform automatic uploads on a PC on which it is not the foremost / active application.

So far my tests show that this is not possible. If I schedule a task by the book (i.e. as explained in the tutorial) then it is only performed if smartFTP is the currently ACTIVE or selected application. If I e.g. work in photoshop next to it, then the PAUSE changes silently to the PLAY button.

Any ideas if that is how it is supposed to be or how tio make this work regardless?


Nik C

SmartFTP does not need to be the focused application for the transfers to run. But if you want run SmartFTP as a service: ... f2624.html


Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information"

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information"

Hi Mat,

Here is our set up:

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 2992 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 2047 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1026.7
Time Stamp : 2009-02-25 16:40:39
Platform : x86
Id : 400082876
Days in use : 148

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :
SmartFTPPS.dll : 3.0.1026.7

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1026.7

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.5512

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2


I also jsut reaslised another detail that MAY be important: I am transferring from a network disk to a web site via the computer in question. Not sure how that could impact my issue, but though tI let you know.



Please install the latest version of SmartFTP from here:


Hi Matt,

Just back from a few dasy off.

Testing the scheduling now, and by the looks of it, it now works! Thanks for that!

However, the question has now been asked if we can synchronize 2 folders, one remote one local) as the file to be uploaded will contain 'todays' date (as in 'PSS Web Site 06JUL09.csv').

We will get these files supplied into a folder on our local network every morning and need to upload it to a web server that will then upload itinto a database automatically with a CRON job.

Is it possible to sync folders rather than file with smartFTP. How can I make sure the the contents of 2 folders are the same using smartFTP? Do they have to have the same name, because ideally they would not.


Yes you can do that. The concept is exactly the same as with the file. But if the destination folder should have a different name, right-click on the transfer queue item properties and then change the destination path.
