Problems with file upload

I'm experiencing problems with uploading some files.
The files got added to the transfer queue but the upload doesn't finish. SmartFTP retries uploading the files several times and then it cancles the upload.
Sometimes it works after several tries but often it fails.

I'm connection over "FTP over SSL Explicit". Uploading with an ordinary ftp connection works.

Here is the ftp log:
[14:14:27] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:27] 550 table.xls: No such file or directory

[14:14:28] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the

Transfer Queue for the status.

[14:14:30] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:30] 213 0

[14:14:30] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:30] 213 20090227131559

[14:14:30] STAT table.xls

[14:14:30] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:31]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:31] 211 End of status

[14:14:31] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:31] 213 0

[14:14:31] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:31] 213 20090227131600

[14:14:31] STAT table.xls

[14:14:31] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:31]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:31] 211 End of status

[14:14:32] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:32] 213 0

[14:14:32] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:32] 213 20090227131601

[14:14:32] STAT table.xls

[14:14:32] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:32]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:32] 211 End of status

[14:14:32] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:33] 213 0

[14:14:33] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:33] 213 20090227131603

[14:14:33] STAT table.xls

[14:14:33] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:33]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:33] 211 End of status

[14:14:33] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:33] 213 0

[14:14:33] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:33] 213 20090227131604

[14:14:33] STAT table.xls

[14:14:33] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:34]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:34] 211 End of status

[14:14:34] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:34] 213 0

[14:14:34] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:34] 213 20090227131604

[14:14:34] STAT table.xls

[14:14:34] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:35]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:35] 211 End of status

[14:14:35] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:35] 213 0

[14:14:35] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:35] 213 20090227131605

[14:14:35] STAT table.xls

[14:14:35] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:36]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:36] 211 End of status

[14:14:36] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:36] 213 0

[14:14:36] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:36] 213 20090227131606

[14:14:36] STAT table.xls

[14:14:36] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:36]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:36] 211 End of status

[14:14:36] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:36] 213 0

[14:14:36] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:37] 213 20090227131607

[14:14:37] STAT table.xls

[14:14:37] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:37]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser		 0 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:37] 211 End of status

[14:14:37] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:37] 213 0

[14:14:37] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:38] 213 20090227131608

[14:14:38] STAT table.xls

[14:14:38] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:38]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser	 14336 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:38] 211 End of status

[14:14:39] SIZE table.xls

[14:14:39] 213 14336

[14:14:39] MDTM table.xls

[14:14:40] 213 20090227131609

[14:14:40] STAT table.xls

[14:14:40] 211-Status of table.xls:

[14:14:40]  -rw-r--r--   1 myuser  myuser	 14336 Feb 27 14:16


[14:14:40] 211 End of status

I contacted my web hoster and asked for the server log entries:
Link to file server lost

I'm using SmartFTP 3.0.1024.32 on Win XP Pro SP2.
Some weeks ago there weren't any problems.



Install the latest version of SmartFTP from here:

Then post the log from the transfer queue item. To get it just double click the file in the transfer queue.


Here it is:
[17:03:52] Resolving host name "myserver"

[17:03:52] Connecting to Port: 21

[17:03:52] Connected to myserver.

[17:03:52] 220 ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server ready.

[17:03:52] AUTH TLS

[17:03:52] 234 AUTH TLS successful

[17:03:52] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:52] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:52] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:52] Command channel protection set to Private.

[17:03:52] PBSZ 0

[17:03:52] 200 PBSZ 0 successful

[17:03:52] USER myuser

[17:03:52] 331 Password required for myuser

[17:03:52] PASS (hidden)

[17:03:52] 230 User myuser logged in

[17:03:52] SYST

[17:03:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[17:03:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[17:03:52] RTT: 40.295 ms

[17:03:52] FEAT

[17:03:52] 211-Features:

[17:03:52]  MDTM

[17:03:52]  AUTH TLS

[17:03:52]  PBSZ

[17:03:52]  PROT

[17:03:52]  REST STREAM

[17:03:52]  SIZE

[17:03:53] 211 End

[17:03:53] PWD

[17:03:53] 257 "/" is the current directory

[17:03:53] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:53] TYPE I

[17:03:53] 200 Type set to I

[17:03:53] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:53] 550 table.xls: No such file or directory

[17:03:53] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.

[17:03:53] PROT P

[17:03:53] 200 Protection set to Private

[17:03:53] PASV

[17:03:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,103).

[17:03:53] Opening data connection to Port: 50023

[17:03:53] STOR table.xls

[17:03:53] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:53] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:53] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:53] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:53] 11776 bytes transferred. (38,8 KB/s) (296 ms)

[17:03:54] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:54] MDTM 20090227133614 table.xls

[17:03:54] 550 20090227133614 table.xls: No such file or directory

[17:03:54] MFMT 20090227133614 table.xls

[17:03:54] 500 MFMT not understood

[17:03:54] SITE UTIME table.xls 20090227133614 20090227133614 20090227133614 UTC

[17:03:54] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood

[17:03:54] SITE UTIME 20090227133614 table.xls

[17:03:54] 500 'SITE UTIME' not understood

[17:03:54] Transfer failed.

[17:03:54] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:54] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:54] 213 0

[17:03:54] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:54] 213 20090227160523

[17:03:54] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:54] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:23, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:54] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:54

[17:03:54] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:54] PASV

[17:03:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,94).

[17:03:54] Opening data connection to Port: 50014

[17:03:54] STOR table.xls

[17:03:54] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:54] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:54] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:54] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:54] 11776 bytes transferred. (82,1 KB/s) (140 ms)

[17:03:55] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:55] Transfer failed.

[17:03:55] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:55] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:55] 213 0

[17:03:55] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:55] 213 20090227160524

[17:03:55] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:55] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:24, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:55] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:55

[17:03:55] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:55] PASV

[17:03:55] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,83).

[17:03:55] Opening data connection to Port: 50003

[17:03:55] STOR table.xls

[17:03:55] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:55] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:55] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:55] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:55] 11776 bytes transferred. (73,7 KB/s) (156 ms)

[17:03:55] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:55] Transfer failed.

[17:03:55] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:55] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:55] 213 0

[17:03:55] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:55] 213 20090227160524

[17:03:55] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:55] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:24, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:55] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:55

[17:03:55] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:55] PASV

[17:03:55] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,104).

[17:03:55] Opening data connection to Port: 50024

[17:03:55] STOR table.xls

[17:03:55] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:55] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:56] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:56] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:56] 11776 bytes transferred. (82,1 KB/s) (140 ms)

[17:03:56] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:56] Transfer failed.

[17:03:56] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:56] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:56] 213 0

[17:03:56] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:56] 213 20090227160525

[17:03:56] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:56] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:25, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:56] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:56

[17:03:56] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:56] PASV

[17:03:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,101).

[17:03:56] Opening data connection to Port: 50021

[17:03:56] STOR table.xls

[17:03:56] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:56] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:56] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:56] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:56] 11776 bytes transferred. (61,4 KB/s) (187 ms)

[17:03:57] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:57] Transfer failed.

[17:03:57] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:57] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:57] 213 0

[17:03:57] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:57] 213 20090227160526

[17:03:57] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:57] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:26, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:57] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:57

[17:03:57] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:57] PASV

[17:03:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,81).

[17:03:57] Opening data connection to Port: 50001

[17:03:57] STOR table.xls

[17:03:57] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:57] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:57] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:57] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:57] 11776 bytes transferred. (82,1 KB/s) (140 ms)

[17:03:57] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:57] Transfer failed.

[17:03:57] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:57] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:57] 213 0

[17:03:57] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:57] 213 20090227160526

[17:03:57] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:57] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:26, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:57] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:57

[17:03:57] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:57] PASV

[17:03:57] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,98).

[17:03:57] Opening data connection to Port: 50018

[17:03:57] STOR table.xls

[17:03:58] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:58] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:58] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:58] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:58] 11776 bytes transferred. (73,7 KB/s) (156 ms)

[17:03:58] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:58] Transfer failed.

[17:03:58] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:58] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:58] 213 0

[17:03:58] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:58] 213 20090227160527

[17:03:58] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:58] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:27, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:58] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:58

[17:03:58] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:58] PASV

[17:03:58] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,92).

[17:03:58] Opening data connection to Port: 50012

[17:03:58] STOR table.xls

[17:03:58] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:58] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:58] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:58] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:58] 11776 bytes transferred. (73,7 KB/s) (156 ms)

[17:03:59] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:03:59] Transfer failed.

[17:03:59] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:03:59] SIZE table.xls

[17:03:59] 213 0

[17:03:59] MDTM table.xls

[17:03:59] 213 20090227160528

[17:03:59] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:59] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:28, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:03:59] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:03:59

[17:03:59] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:03:59] PASV

[17:03:59] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,103).

[17:03:59] Opening data connection to Port: 50023

[17:03:59] STOR table.xls

[17:03:59] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:03:59] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:03:59] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:03:59] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:03:59] 11776 bytes transferred. (30,6 KB/s) (375 ms)

[17:04:00] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:04:00] Transfer failed.

[17:04:00] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:04:00] SIZE table.xls

[17:04:00] 213 0

[17:04:00] MDTM table.xls

[17:04:00] 213 20090227160529

[17:04:00] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:04:00] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:29, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:04:00] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:04:00

[17:04:00] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:04:00] PASV

[17:04:00] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,80).

[17:04:00] Opening data connection to Port: 50000

[17:04:00] STOR table.xls

[17:04:00] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:04:00] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:04:00] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:04:00] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:04:00] 11776 bytes transferred. (67,2 KB/s) (171 ms)

[17:04:00] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:04:00] Transfer failed.

[17:04:00] Remote file exist check: "table.xls".

[17:04:00] SIZE table.xls

[17:04:01] 213 0

[17:04:01] MDTM table.xls

[17:04:01] 213 20090227160530

[17:04:01] Source File: Size=11776, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T13:36:14, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:04:01] Destination File: Size=0, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2009-02-27T16:05:30, TimeFormat=Exact

[17:04:01] RecentTime=2009-02-27T16:04:00

[17:04:01] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[17:04:01] PASV

[17:04:01] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,127,127,127,195,104).

[17:04:01] Opening data connection to Port: 50024

[17:04:01] STOR table.xls

[17:04:01] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[17:04:01] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for table.xls

[17:04:01] Session Cipher: 128 bit RC4

[17:04:01] TLS encrypted session established.

[17:04:01] 11776 bytes transferred. (82,1 KB/s) (140 ms)

[17:04:01] 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost

[17:04:01] Transfer failed.

[17:04:01] Max retry (11 of 10) reached.

I think the problem is with the server. It says that it lost the connection to the file server. It doesnt say it lost the connetion to the client (your computer).

I recommend you set the max retry to a value higher than 10.


I've tried it with Filezilla several times. Used the same server, the same login credentials, the same connection options and the same files to upload.
And it worked without problems.

Also a webclient (www2ftp) throwed no errors.

Increasing the max retries didn't changed anything except it tooks longer to cancel the transfer.


www2ftp does not use encrypted data transfers so it's not a good argument. Post the log from Filezilla.

Do you have Netlimiter installed?

And please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" in SmartFTP.

You got it!

The problem was an enabled upload limit for SmartFTP.
Do you have an idea why this results in the problems? Does NetLimiter delay responses which causes SmartFTP to think the connection was lost?

Thanks for the quick support!

I have no idea why Netlimiter causes the problems but it seems the problem (with Netlimiter) has been around for years according to the google search results I have found.