conx failing repeatedly

Everytime I connect to the internet, I get disconnected when I hit the start button to continue a transfer? Please help.

[23:02:28] SmartFTP v3.0.1024.32
[23:02:33] Resolving host name ""
[23:02:34] Connecting to Port: 21
[23:02:34] Connected to
[23:02:34] 220 IPOWER FTP Server ready
[23:02:34] USER omegamg
[23:02:34] 331 Password required for omegamg
[23:02:34] PASS (hidden)
[23:02:50] 230 User omegamg logged in
[23:02:50] SYST
[23:02:50] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[23:02:50] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[23:02:50] RTT: 97.996 ms
[23:02:50] FEAT
[23:02:51] 211-Features:
[23:02:51] MDTM
[23:02:51] REST STREAM
[23:02:51] SIZE
[23:02:51] 211 End
[23:02:51] PWD
[23:02:51] 257 "/" is the current directory
[23:02:51] CWD /public_html
[23:02:52] 250 CWD command successful
[23:02:52] PWD
[23:02:53] 257 "/public_html" is the current directory
[23:02:53] TYPE A
[23:02:53] 200 Type set to A
[23:02:53] PASV
[23:02:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,96,131,29,214,248)
[23:02:54] Opening data connection to Port: 55032
[23:02:54] LIST -aL
[23:02:54] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:03:02] 1117 bytes transferred. (143 bytes/s) (00:00:07)
[23:03:02] 226 Transfer complete
[23:03:02] MDTM .htaccess
[23:03:02] 213 20081216170907
[23:03:02] Timezone offset: -18000 seconds (-5.0 hours)
[23:03:12] CWD /public_html/thisoldgrout
[23:03:12] 250 CWD command successful
[23:03:12] PWD
[23:03:12] 257 "/public_html/thisoldgrout" is the current directory
[23:03:12] PASV
[23:03:12] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,96,131,29,149,101)
[23:03:12] Opening data connection to Port: 38245
[23:03:12] LIST -aL
[23:03:13] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:03:13] 66 bytes transferred. (294 bytes/s) (224 ms)
[23:03:13] 226 Transfer complete
[23:03:44] NOOP
[23:03:44] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:04:14] NOOP
[23:04:14] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:04:31] TYPE I
[23:04:32] 200 Type set to I
[23:04:32] SIZE ambition_business_frontpage_dwt
[23:04:34] 550 ambition_business_frontpage_dwt: No such file or directory
[23:04:34] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[23:05:04] NOOP
[23:05:05] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:05:35] NOOP
[23:05:36] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:06:06] NOOP
[23:06:06] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:06:37] NOOP
[23:06:37] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:07:08] NOOP
[23:07:08] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:07:39] NOOP
[23:07:39] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:08:10] NOOP
[23:08:10] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:08:13] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[23:08:13] Server closed connection
[23:52:59] Resolving host name ""
[23:52:59] Connecting to Port: 21
[23:52:59] Connected to
[23:53:00] 220 IPOWER FTP Server ready
[23:53:00] USER omegamg
[23:53:00] 331 Password required for omegamg
[23:53:00] PASS (hidden)
[23:53:02] 230 User omegamg logged in
[23:53:02] SYST
[23:53:03] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[23:53:03] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[23:53:03] RTT: 90.064 ms
[23:53:03] FEAT
[23:53:03] 211-Features:
[23:53:03] MDTM
[23:53:03] REST STREAM
[23:53:03] SIZE
[23:53:03] 211 End
[23:53:03] PWD
[23:53:03] 257 "/" is the current directory
[23:53:04] CWD /public_html/mrtile
[23:53:04] 250 CWD command successful
[23:53:04] PWD
[23:53:05] 257 "/public_html/mrtile" is the current directory
[23:53:06] TYPE A
[23:53:06] 200 Type set to A
[23:53:06] PASV
[23:53:06] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,96,131,29,224,228)
[23:53:06] Opening data connection to Port: 57572
[23:53:07] LIST -aL
[23:53:07] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:53:08] 3350 bytes transferred. (3.87 KB/s) (845 ms)
[23:53:08] 226 Transfer complete
[23:53:38] CWD /public_html/thisoldgrout
[23:53:57] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[23:53:57] Server closed connection
[23:54:06] Resolving host name ""
[23:54:06] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:54:06] Active Help:
[23:54:06] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:54:37] Connection attempt 2...
[23:54:37] Resolving host name ""
[23:54:37] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:54:37] Active Help:
[23:54:37] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:55:08] Connection attempt 3...
[23:55:09] Resolving host name ""
[23:55:21] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:55:21] Active Help:
[23:55:21] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:55:52] Connection attempt 4...
[23:55:52] Resolving host name ""
[23:55:52] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:55:52] Active Help:
[23:55:52] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:56:24] Connection attempt 5...
[23:56:24] Resolving host name ""
[23:56:36] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:56:36] Active Help:
[23:56:36] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:57:07] Connection attempt 6...
[23:57:07] Resolving host name ""
[23:57:07] Unable to resolve host name.
[23:57:07] Active Help:
[23:57:07] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:57:38] Connection attempt 7...
[23:57:38] Resolving host name ""
[23:57:38] Connecting to Port: 21
[23:57:38] Connected to
[23:57:39] 220 IPOWER FTP Server ready
[23:57:39] USER omegamg
[23:57:39] 331 Password required for omegamg
[23:57:39] PASS (hidden)
[23:57:41] 530 Sorry, the maximum number of clients (4) for this user are already connected.
[23:57:41] Server closed connection
[23:57:41] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[23:58:12] Connection attempt 8...
[23:58:12] Resolving host name ""
[23:58:12] Connecting to Port: 21
[23:58:12] Connected to
[23:58:12] 220 IPOWER FTP Server ready
[23:58:12] USER omegamg
[23:58:12] 331 Password required for omegamg
[23:58:12] PASS (hidden)
[23:58:14] 230 User omegamg logged in
[23:58:14] SYST
[23:58:15] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[23:58:15] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[23:58:15] RTT: 90.110 ms
[23:58:15] FEAT
[23:58:15] 211-Features:
[23:58:15] MDTM
[23:58:15] REST STREAM
[23:58:15] SIZE
[23:58:15] 211 End
[23:58:15] PWD
[23:58:15] 257 "/" is the current directory
[23:58:15] CWD /public_html/thisoldgrout/ambition_business_frontpage_dwt
[23:58:15] 250 CWD command successful
[23:58:15] PWD
[23:58:16] 257 "/public_html/thisoldgrout/ambition_business_frontpage_dwt" is the current directory
[23:58:16] TYPE A
[23:58:16] 200 Type set to A
[23:58:16] PASV
[23:58:16] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,96,131,29,160,235)
[23:58:16] Opening data connection to Port: 41195
[23:58:16] LIST -aL
[23:58:16] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[23:58:16] 1096 bytes transferred. (2.59 KB/s) (412 ms)
[23:58:16] 226 Transfer complete
[23:58:47] NOOP
[23:58:47] 200 NOOP command successful
[23:59:18] NOOP
[23:59:37] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[23:59:37] Server closed connection

Decrease the number of workers in the transfer queue to 1.

Uninstall your software firewall and try again.