Please connect to the server and refresh the root directory where you expect your folders to be. Then send us the log from the remote browser.
Thank you.
Here it is...
[21:44:36] SmartFTP v3.0.1025.1
[21:44:36] Resolving host name ""
[21:44:36] Connecting to Port: 21
[21:44:36] Connected to
[21:44:36] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[21:44:36] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[21:44:36] 220-Local time is now 18:44. Server port: 21.
[21:44:36] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[21:44:37] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[21:44:37] USER jcbbth5
[21:44:37] 331 User jcbbth5 OK. Password required
[21:44:37] PASS (hidden)
[21:44:37] 230-User jcbbth5 has group access to: jcbbth5
[21:44:37] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[21:44:37] SYST
[21:44:37] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[21:44:37] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[21:44:37] RTT: 76.121 ms
[21:44:37] FEAT
[21:44:37] 211-Extensions supported:
[21:44:37] EPRT
[21:44:37] IDLE
[21:44:37] MDTM
[21:44:37] SIZE
[21:44:37] REST STREAM
[21:44:37] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[21:44:37] MLSD
[21:44:37] ESTP
[21:44:37] PASV
[21:44:37] EPSV
[21:44:37] SPSV
[21:44:37] ESTA
[21:44:37] AUTH TLS
[21:44:37] PBSZ
[21:44:37] PROT
[21:44:37] 211 End.
[21:44:37] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[21:44:37] PWD
[21:44:37] 257 "/" is your current location
[21:44:37] CWD /public_html/catalog/download
[21:44:37] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/catalog/download
[21:44:37] PWD
[21:44:37] 257 "/public_html/catalog/download" is your current location
[21:44:37] TYPE A
[21:44:38] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[21:44:38] PORT 192,168,1,103,206,143
[21:44:38] 200 PORT command successful
[21:44:38] MLSD
[21:44:38] 150 Connecting to port 52879
[21:44:39] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:44:39] 226 Output truncated to 2000 matches
[21:44:39] 291324 bytes transferred. (198 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[21:44:40] CWD /public_html/catalog
[21:44:40] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/catalog
[21:44:40] PWD
[21:44:40] 257 "/public_html/catalog" is your current location
[21:44:40] PORT 192,168,1,103,206,148
[21:44:40] 200 PORT command successful
[21:44:40] MLSD
[21:44:40] 150 Connecting to port 52884
[21:44:40] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:44:40] 226 104 matches total
[21:44:41] 13253 bytes transferred. (75.6 KB/s) (171 ms)
[21:44:47] PORT 192,168,1,103,206,157
[21:44:47] 200 PORT command successful
[21:44:47] MLSD
[21:44:47] 150 Connecting to port 52893
[21:44:47] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:44:47] 226 104 matches total
[21:44:48] 13253 bytes transferred. (75.6 KB/s) (171 ms)
[21:44:52] CWD /public_html/catalog/download
[21:44:52] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/catalog/download
[21:44:52] PWD
[21:44:52] 257 "/public_html/catalog/download" is your current location
[21:44:52] PORT 192,168,1,103,206,166
[21:44:52] 200 PORT command successful
[21:44:52] MLSD
[21:44:52] 150 Connecting to port 52902
[21:44:53] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:44:53] 226 Output truncated to 2000 matches
[21:44:53] 291324 bytes transferred. (289 KB/s) (982 ms)
[21:44:58] PORT 192,168,1,103,206,175
[21:44:58] 200 PORT command successful
[21:44:58] MLSD
[21:44:58] 150 Connecting to port 52911
[21:44:59] 226-Options: -a -l
[21:44:59] 226 Output truncated to 2000 matches
[21:44:59] 291324 bytes transferred. (289 KB/s) (982 ms)