Was able to generate the problem and have two logs, don't know if there is anything more I
can get you... After about 8 files this 98MB file transfers and then everything after that
successful log:
[16:02:14] Resolving path "/upload/testnew/".
[16:02:15] Path successfully resolved.
[16:02:15] Remote file exist check: "bed4.san".
[16:02:15] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:02:15] 2 File not found!
[16:02:15] Uploading file to "/upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:02:15] Restarting at 0.
[16:12:29] Timeout (60s).
[16:12:29] Client closed the connection.
[16:12:29] Transfer failed.
[16:12:29] Resolving host name "my.site.com"
[16:12:29] Connecting to Port: 22
[16:12:30] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-
http://www.sshtools.com J2SSH [SERVER]"
[16:12:30] SSH protocol version reply. Client Id: "SSH-2.0-SmartFTP"
[16:12:31] Computing session key.
[16:12:31] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[16:12:31] Key exchange completed.
[16:12:31] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-dss
[16:12:31] Client to Server Encryption: aes128-cbc
[16:12:31] Server to Client Encryption: aes128-cbc
[16:12:31] Session MAC: hmac-sha1
[16:12:31] Client to Server Compression: none
[16:12:31] Server to Client Compression: none
[16:12:31] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[16:12:32] Server supported authentications: password,publickey
[16:12:32] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[16:12:32] User authentication successful.
[16:12:33] SSH session established.
[16:12:33] Connected to my.site.com.
[16:12:33] RTT: 316.762 ms
[16:12:33] SFTP protocol version 3
[16:12:33] Detected Server Software: Unknown
[16:12:33] Resolving path "/upload/testnew/".
[16:12:33] Path successfully resolved.
[16:12:33] Remote file exist check: "bed4.san".
[16:12:33] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:12:33] Attributes successfully obtained.
[16:12:33] Source File: Size=98603472, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-12-01T15:25:29, TimeFormat=Exact
[16:12:33] Destination File: Size=78053376, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-12-05T21:10:56, TimeFormat=Exact
[16:12:33] RecentTime=2008-12-05T21:11:29
[16:12:33] Rule "IF Destination Time=Recent AND Size=Smaller AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".
[16:12:33] Uploading file to "/upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:12:33] Restarting at 78053376.
[16:17:33] 20550096 bytes transferred. (67.1 KB/s) (00:04:58)
[16:17:33] File successfully transferred.
[16:17:33] Setting attributes of "upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:17:33] Attributes successfully set.
[16:17:33] Getting attributes of "upload/testnew/file.zip".
[16:17:34] Attributes successfully obtained.
[16:17:34] Source File Size = 98603472, Destination File Size = 98603472
failed two files (out of the 32 others that fail):
[16:17:35] Resolving path "/upload/testnew/".
[16:17:36] Path successfully resolved.
[16:17:36] Remote file exist check: "bed4.SUM".
[16:17:36] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file.SUM".
[16:17:36] 2 File not found!
[16:17:36] Uploading file to "/upload/testnew/file.SUM".
[16:17:36] Restarting at 0.
[16:17:36] 4 Denied!
[16:17:36] Setting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file.SUM".
[16:17:37] 4
[16:17:37] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file.SUM".
[16:17:37] 2 File not found!
[16:17:37] File not found. Skipping file exist check.
[16:17:37] Resolving path "/upload/testnew".
[16:17:37] Path successfully resolved.
[16:17:37] Remote file exist check: "file2.evt".
[16:17:37] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file2.evt".
[16:17:37] 2 File not found!
[16:17:37] Uploading file to "/upload/testnew/file2.evt".
[16:17:37] Restarting at 0.
[16:17:38] 4 Denied!
[16:17:38] Setting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file2.evt".
[16:17:38] 4
[16:17:38] Getting attributes of "/upload/testnew/file2.evt".
[16:17:38] 2 File not found!
[16:17:38] File not found. Skipping file exist check.