queue timer

I am trying to setup a recurring download, this is to be a daily event to occur at 12:15AM. I have attempted to set up the timer to do this but I have not had any success getting correctly configured.
I set the timer to enable, set date and time I want, and then I enable Recurrence to 1 day (assuming setting it to 1 day means daily). I then click on OK. I am yet to get a daily download accomplished. More time than not if the file I want is in the queue I will click start. I need a some help getting it correctly setup

Les Wood
Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc

Install the latest version from here:

Then take a look at the Schedule tutorial at: https://www.smartftp.com/support/howto

I will try it for the rest of the week and report back on Monday as to its success. Thank you for your Help

Les Wood
Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.

I have attempted to run scheduler over the weekend and I had no success with a scheduled download. Right now it is open and in the transfer queue is shows scheduled, I checked the timer setting and it is set correctly (daily at 12:15AM). I am leaving my system on (it does not go into standby or hibernate. I am not sure what is going on but any help would be appreciated.

Les Wood
Quaility Innovative Solutions, Inc.

I have attempted to run scheduler over the weekend and I had no success with a scheduled download. Right now it is open and in the transfer queue is shows scheduled, I checked the timer setting and it is set correctly (daily at 12:15AM). I am leaving my system on (it does not go into standby or hibernate. I am not sure what is going on but any help would be appreciated.

Les Wood
Quaility Innovative Solutions, Inc.

I have the same problem, we have a recurrent schedule programmed (full backup of the office's server) for 6:15pm every evening. It all looks fine, I've run the tutorial, I've done everything I could to check and it isn't running. We've had the problem since we updated versions a week or so ago.

Does anyone know the fix?


Can you please try it again with the latest version?

If the problem persists can you tell us exactly how you setup the schedule and what is the expected and actual result?

Thank you.

Please send the system information from the menu: Help->About dialog. And please provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce the problem. We cannot reproduce it with what you have provided so far.