delete file = Permission denied

I recently tested a number of flatfile databases. They create files special dataholding pages (i.e "") causing problems when you try to delete them or their containing folders. SmartFTP log box which usually says "[13:36:10] 200 NOOP command successful" creates red words like

" [13:35:39] 550 gladius.txt: Permission denied
[13:35:39] 550 myshop: Directory not empty"

...when you try to delete these files. I have a fully registered version of smartftp and the permissions of the folders are set to 777 so I can assure that the permissions are most certainly granted on every side other than those of smartftp program. I need a way to delete these files without having to write to a forum. I also would love any suggestions of a flatfile database that simply works! (But that can wait!)

Thank you for any help I may get as a result from this post.
I would like to make it clear I love smartftp and have spread the word to the university's of Manchester England.
I am also a registered user...

Hello ..

The error message comes from the server and not from SmartFTP. The server tells SmartFTP it cannot delete the file due to a permission problem. To fix the problem set the permissions accordingly. You can easily verify that the problem is not with SmartFTP if you try another FTP client and then try to delete the same file.


It's easy to pass the blame.

I understand that the hosting provider has its own settings and restrictions but that’s why we use smartftp. Smartftp uses passwords provided by the host company to allow overrides and permissions, what you are really saying is that Smartftp is not capable of deleting files that have glitches or been created with a full stop in them? Because if I am supposed to go to my hosting provider eventually I would turn to a program that would delete the file no matter what the permission. Have you ever seen a program called unlocker? It's a program that I use on the PC to delete files that claim they are read only. I am a programmer and I know that I can eventually create a program to delete online files no matter what the permission or block.

I will assume that I have to find another way if you can’t reply with a solution, because I don't have the time to skirt around the issue with politics!