Exclude a folders content from download

Hello SmartFTP Team,

I tried to use the favorite filters but don`t seem to succeed in what I am trying to do.
Assume I got a favorite leading to the root of http://example.com. In there I got a directory /gallery/photos/.
Now when I backup my online contents I want only the source files of my gallery application, but not all of the photos.
How can I actually exclude all contents of /photos/?

Franz Marksteiner

This is not possible. You can only exlude files/folders based on the name. Is there another product on the market which allows you to do what you want?

This is not possible. You can only exlude files/folders based on the name. Is there another product on the market which allows you to do what you want?
1. I didn`t check. Why would I, that does not help in order to resolve my problem. What are you trying to say with that questions anyways? That SmartFTP is great because it`s the lesser of two evils? :-)
2. I just expected that functionality, because implementing RegExp for just one word is overhead. And by the way: What makes the comparison of a full path to some expression any different than comparing a single word with some expression? Both cases is matching a string against an expression...
3. If it really only works on foldernames this functionality is not of any worth for a non-novice user. For example I got 10 folders that have the same name, but not the same location (obviously). There would be no way to distinguish...

Franz Marksteiner

I was merely asking you about another product due to personal interest. It didn't mean that if there is no other product offering this feature that we won't implement it.

There are many situations where only the name of the folder is relevant. One that comes into my mind is exluding of .svn folders for example.

The feature will be implemented in the next beta build. ETA: 1-2 days.


Please try the latest beta version (3.0.1024.1):


Hi Mat,

I got your question wrong I guess. Sorry about that.
You are right, the feature makes sense as it is right now. So adding the possibility to filter for a whole path would be an extension to that.
Not too hard to implement as I suspect, and I am looking forward to check out the beta ASAP.

Thanks in advance.



Is it possible to apply a such filter globally ?

Ps : email notifications don't run.



Is it possible to apply a such filter globally ?


I actually got this running in the "Standard Favorite", which applies to all Favorites if you don`t apply seperate settings there.
That makes it pretty easy to handle conventions lets say "I got all my online-only media in the dir /download/*" for all projects.

I actually got this running in the "Standard Favorite", which applies to all Favorites if you don`t apply seperate settings there.
That makes it pretty easy to handle conventions lets say "I got all my online-only media in the dir /download/*" for all projects.
Hello Franz,

thank you for the tip, it has done the job perfectly.
