I did the most recent windows update and now I cannot upload. Please help, I need to upload urgent!
just trying to upload a simple small image
log says:
[15:04:51] 331 Password required for midwest
[15:04:51] PASS (hidden)
[15:04:51] 230 User midwest logged in
[15:04:51] SYST
[15:04:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:04:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:04:52] FEAT
[15:04:52] 211-Features:
[15:04:52] MDTM
[15:04:52] AUTH TLS
[15:04:52] PBSZ
[15:04:52] PROT
[15:04:52] REST STREAM
[15:04:52] SIZE
[15:04:52] 211 End
[15:04:52] PWD
[15:04:52] 257 "/" is the current directory
[15:04:52] TYPE A
[15:04:52] 200 Type set to A
[15:04:52] PASV
[15:04:52] 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,86,169,10,230,16).
[15:04:52] Opening data connection to Port: 58896
[15:04:52] LIST -aL
[15:04:52] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[15:04:52] 1841 bytes transferred. (19.3 KB/s) (93 ms)
[15:04:52] 226 Transfer complete
[15:05:22] CWD /public_html/images
[15:05:22] 250 CWD command successful
[15:05:22] PWD
[15:05:22] 257 "/public_html/images" is the current directory
[15:05:22] NOOP
[15:05:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:05:53] NOOP
[15:05:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:06:23] NOOP
[15:06:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:06:53] NOOP
[15:06:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:07:23] NOOP
[15:07:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:07:53] NOOP
[15:07:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:08:23] NOOP
[15:08:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:08:53] NOOP
[15:08:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:09:23] NOOP
[15:09:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:09:52] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[15:09:52] Server closed connection
just trying to upload a simple small image
log says:
[15:04:51] 331 Password required for midwest
[15:04:51] PASS (hidden)
[15:04:51] 230 User midwest logged in
[15:04:51] SYST
[15:04:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:04:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:04:52] FEAT
[15:04:52] 211-Features:
[15:04:52] MDTM
[15:04:52] AUTH TLS
[15:04:52] PBSZ
[15:04:52] PROT
[15:04:52] REST STREAM
[15:04:52] SIZE
[15:04:52] 211 End
[15:04:52] PWD
[15:04:52] 257 "/" is the current directory
[15:04:52] TYPE A
[15:04:52] 200 Type set to A
[15:04:52] PASV
[15:04:52] 227 Entering Passive Mode (74,86,169,10,230,16).
[15:04:52] Opening data connection to Port: 58896
[15:04:52] LIST -aL
[15:04:52] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
[15:04:52] 1841 bytes transferred. (19.3 KB/s) (93 ms)
[15:04:52] 226 Transfer complete
[15:05:22] CWD /public_html/images
[15:05:22] 250 CWD command successful
[15:05:22] PWD
[15:05:22] 257 "/public_html/images" is the current directory
[15:05:22] NOOP
[15:05:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:05:53] NOOP
[15:05:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:06:23] NOOP
[15:06:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:06:53] NOOP
[15:06:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:07:23] NOOP
[15:07:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:07:53] NOOP
[15:07:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:08:23] NOOP
[15:08:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:08:53] NOOP
[15:08:53] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:09:23] NOOP
[15:09:23] 200 NOOP command successful
[15:09:52] 421 No transfer timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection
[15:09:52] Server closed connection