I have had problems uploading data. Here is step by step what happened.
(1) Uploading .jpgs, .txt, .pdf and some thumbnail files.
(2) Uploadind of txt, pdf and thumb.db keep repeating - I abort them, however they seem to have already been sent.
(3) txt, pdf's appear to have been corrupted - user on other side cannot open.
(4) Appear that jpg's are uploaded fine.
(5) I just downloaded a jpg that I just uploaded and I cannot view it - so there is something wrong with the jpg's as well.
Any ideas of what is happening?
version 3.0.1022.27
I never had this problem before - however I was sending to a mac server with previous version of smartftp.
Just adding some logs..
Text file size on remote ftp is smaller than on local. Keep trying to upload, but nothing happens. All the jpg's have been sent..
The following message keeps repeating about 20-30 times.
Please post the log from the transfer queue showing the transfer of your files. To get it:
1. Stop the transfer queue
2. Do the drag&drop operation
3. Double click the file in the transfer queue
4. The log window opens
5. Start the Transfer Queue
Make sure that you are transferring all your files in binary mode.
I changed Default Transfer type to: Binary and still had the problem.
File is not there, but then it does get ftp'd, but it looks like it is always trying to overwrite it.
[17:49:33] 220 Core FTP Server Version 1.0, build 267 Registered
[17:49:33] USER bayview
[17:49:34] 331 password required for bg
[17:49:34] PASS (hidden)
[17:49:34] 230-Logged on
[17:49:34] 230
[17:49:34] SYST
[17:49:34] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:49:34] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:49:34] FEAT
[17:49:34] 211-Extensions supported
[17:49:34] AUTH SSL
[17:49:34] MODE Z
[17:49:34] 211 END
[17:49:34] TYPE I
[17:49:34] 200 MODE set to I
[17:49:34] REST 0
[17:49:34] 350 Restarting at 0
[17:49:34] PWD
[17:49:34] 257 "/" is current directory
[17:49:34] Remote file exist check: "Copy of IDLINK.TXT".
[17:49:34] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 550 Can't check for file existence...
[17:49:34] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[17:49:34] MODE Z
[17:49:34] 200 Mode set to Z
[17:49:34] PASV
[17:49:34] STOR Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 150 STOR command started
[17:49:34] 12290 bytes transferred. (96.0 KB/s) (125 ms)
[17:49:34] 226 Transfer Complete
[17:49:34] MDTM 20080921214723 Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 253 File date/time updated...
[17:49:34] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 213 12290
[17:49:34] File size mismatch.
[17:49:34] Transfer failed.
[17:49:34] Remote file exist check: "Copy of IDLINK.TXT".
[17:49:34] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 213 12290
[17:49:34] MDTM Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 213 20080921224724
[17:49:34] Source File: Size=36723, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T21:47:23, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:34] Destination File: Size=12290, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T22:47:24, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:34] RecentTime=2008-09-24T21:49:34
[17:49:34] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[17:49:34] PASV
[17:49:34] 227 Entering Passive Mode (removed)
[17:49:34] Opening data connection to (removed)
[17:49:34] STOR Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:34] 150 STOR command started
[17:49:35] 12290 bytes transferred. (96.0 KB/s) (125 ms)
[17:49:35] 226 Transfer Complete
[17:49:35] MDTM 20080921214723 Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 253 File date/time updated...
[17:49:35] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 12290
[17:49:35] Possible file size descrepancy. Please contact the technical support.
[17:49:35] File size mismatch.
[17:49:35] Transfer failed.
[17:49:35] Remote file exist check: "Copy of IDLINK.TXT".
[17:49:35] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 12290
[17:49:35] MDTM Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 20080921214724
[17:49:35] Source File: Size=36723, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T21:47:23, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:35] Destination File: Size=12290, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T21:47:24, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:35] RecentTime=2008-09-24T21:49:35
[17:49:35] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[17:49:35] PASV
[17:49:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (removed)
[17:49:35] Opening data connection to (removed)
[17:49:35] STOR Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 150 STOR command started
[17:49:35] 12290 bytes transferred. (96.0 KB/s) (125 ms)
[17:49:35] 226 Transfer Complete
[17:49:35] MDTM 20080921214723 Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 253 File date/time updated...
[17:49:35] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 12290
[17:49:35] Possible file size descrepancy. Please contact the technical support.
[17:49:35] File size mismatch.
[17:49:35] Transfer failed.
[17:49:35] Remote file exist check: "Copy of IDLINK.TXT".
[17:49:35] SIZE Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 12290
[17:49:35] MDTM Copy of IDLINK.TXT
[17:49:35] 213 20080921214724
[17:49:35] Source File: Size=36723, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T21:47:23, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:35] Destination File: Size=12290, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2008-09-21T21:47:24, TimeFormat=Exact
[17:49:35] RecentTime=2008-09-24T21:49:35
[17:49:35] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
For me it looks like it's a bug with CoreFTP server.
You can disable the file size check:
1. Menu: Favorites->Edit Favorites
2. Go to the Quick Connect folder
3. Right-click on your favorite
4. Select Properties from the context menu
5. Go to the Transfer->Files dialog and enable the "Ignore Error" option
Thanks, that seems to have resolved the problem of the file jamming in the queue and trying over and over to upload.
Now when I download the file that I just uploaded, it open up unreadable. Mostly squares in notepad. So something along the way has corrupted it.
Just another note piece of info. The server on the other end is a PC running XP, but the log says UNIX. Not sure if this has something to do with it.
Also, after the file has been uploaded, the size is 13KB, but when it sits on the local browser it is 36KB.
It's most likely a server, network, software firewall problem. Try another FTP client and see if you get the same result.
I tried an older version of a different client and it worked no problem. Mind you I tried this on an old server I have. I'll try to install another one on the PC that I am using SmartFTP on.
I've downloaded a free FTp client and it worked no problem. So it's something to do with a setting or something.
Then post (or email us) the log from SmartFTP and the other FTP client you tried. Do not censor the IP addresses.
If you have a software firewall installed, uninstall it temporary.
Maybe the server has a bug with compression. So try to disable compression in the Favorite properties.
Yup - just tried that a few minutes ago and it seems to have worked. I disable both upload and download.
I was running the latest version of the software. Thanks for your assistence.
Do you need anything else from me?
What exactly does this compression stuff do. Is it meant to speed up the transfer of text files?
In this particular situation, are the txt/pdf files being compressred locally and are not decompressed on the remote side by the remote server or is it the responsability of the FTP client to decompress on the remote side... Or am I way off. I'm just a very curious person.