Hello ...
The log shows the source and the destination file information and the decision SmartFTP makes according to the file exist rules. Thus looking at the log would be a good way to analyze the file exist actions. To get the log, double click the file in the transfer queue before it transfers. Or disable the [x] Remove finished items option in the menu: Tools->Settings Queue to keep the logs of the files for later inspection.
Most problems with the file exist rules originate from the fact that your server very likely does not support a feature to set the date/time for a remote file. As a result the date/time of the local and remote file are different and SmartFTP can only make a good guess if the files are equal. If SmartFTP's logic decides that the files are not equal your file will be overwritten, skipped otherwise assuming both files have the same size.
We do not recommend to change the default file exist rules because they work best for most situations.
thanks for the reply mat. too bad you are working on a weekend like me.
I went to the file rules and pressed the reset default button. i tried the transfer again, selecting sync. and again it wanted to overwrite it. I stopped the transfer and got the log pasted below:
[16:11:51] Initializing. Transfer Queue v1.0.15.11.
[16:11:51] Resolving host name "ftp.alixxxx.com"
[16:11:51] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:11:51] Connected to ftp.alixxxx.com.
[16:11:52] 220 iis10 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
[16:11:52] USER alixxxx
[16:11:52] 331 Password required for alixxxx.
[16:11:52] PASS (hidden)
[16:11:52] 230 User alixxxx logged in.
[16:11:52] SYST
[16:11:52] 215 Windows_NT version 5.0
[16:11:52] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[16:11:52] FEAT
[16:11:52] 500 'FEAT': command not understood
[16:11:52] TYPE I
[16:11:52] 200 Type set to I.
[16:11:52] REST 0
[16:11:52] 350 Restarting at 0.
[16:11:52] PWD
[16:11:52] 257 "/alinxxxx" is current directory.
[16:11:52] CWD /alinxxxx/alixxxx.com/Share/SourceTransfer
[16:11:52] 250 CWD command successful.
[16:11:52] PWD
[16:11:52] 257 "/alixxxx/alixxxx.com/Share/SourceTransfer" is current directory.
[16:11:52] SIZE Powerbuilder 7.rar
[16:11:52] 213 447030208
[16:11:52] MDTM Powerbuilder 7.rar
[16:11:52] 213 20070919072805
[16:11:52] STAT Powerbuilder 7.rar
[16:11:53] 213-status of Powerbuilder 7.rar:
[16:11:53] 213 End of status.
[16:11:53] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[16:11:53] TYPE A
[16:11:53] 200 Type set to A.
[16:11:53] PASV
[16:11:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,116,180,20,17,145).
[16:11:53] Opening data connection to Port: 4497
[16:11:53] LIST -a
[16:11:53] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[16:11:54] 2400 bytes transferred. (16.7 KB/s) (140 ms)
[16:11:54] 226 Transfer complete.
[16:11:54] Source File: Size=447030208, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-09-19T00:00:00, TimeFormat=Not Exact
[16:11:54] Destination File: Size=447030208, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-09-19T07:28:05, TimeFormat=Exact
[16:11:54] RecentTime=2008-08-31T20:11:54
[16:11:54] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[16:11:54] TYPE I
[16:11:54] 200 Type set to I.
[16:11:54] PASV
[16:11:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,116,180,20,17,146).
[16:11:54] Opening data connection to Port: 4498
[16:11:54] RETR Powerbuilder 7.rar
[16:11:55] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[16:12:00] ABOR
[16:12:00] Transfer failed.
It looks like it cannot get the time from the server for the file, so falls outside of the recent time span of 120 seconds. I only select syc if I am making backups or uploading fresh. Otherwise I always select overwrite when going from my original on my computer to the remote webserver. Most time if i am updating, I will delete from the desintation than copy over again.