Just bought version 3 home for my vista laptop. After connection and succesfull login smartftp simply stoos at the command PASV and nofolders/files are shown. A trial home smartftp on one of my xp-pro pc'sjust works. Veryannoying,. It must be a visra specific problem because some other programs with built in ftp have the same problem. Any tips please?
I have tried to run smartftp as an administrator and even as windows xp compatible program.Ihave changed the favourite stransfersettings, changed passive and active, but nithinghelps. It must be something in vista, thanks to ongoing MS security changes/updates. Inthe past withversion 2.5 smartftp it was working on the samevista laptop.
Help very much appreciated.
I have tried to run smartftp as an administrator and even as windows xp compatible program.Ihave changed the favourite stransfersettings, changed passive and active, but nithinghelps. It must be something in vista, thanks to ongoing MS security changes/updates. Inthe past withversion 2.5 smartftp it was working on the samevista laptop.
Help very much appreciated.