
New user here. I purchased the PRO option and understood it had scripting functionality. I can't find anything about scripting in the help or in any of the menus.


You can find more information here: ... 13484.html


This is exactly what scripting is considered in this industry. You can use VBScript, JavaScript or any other language that supports COM etc to automate a process. In this case you would automate a transfer.

You can find sample scripts in the SDK and many more in the FTP Library:


I would be interested in automating the daily upload of several files that have filenames based on the date, e.g. 7-15-08_Some-File_01.mp3. I'm not well-versed in COM. Could anybody direct me to a starting point? I would probably use PHP/Windows Scheduler to do this every afternoon.

Thanks in advance!

Hello ..

I recommend to take a look at the VBScript and JavaScript examples in the FTP Library:

There is also a PHP example.



I too have just upgraded to 4 Pro licenses as I was happy to see support for SFTP and Scripting :

Create scripts to fully automate SmartFTP.

What does the above line in the editions breakdown at actually mean if you are saying that a special license for the FTP Library (SDK) is required to write VB.NET / PHP etc. scripts?

This is somewhat confusing. Hope you can explain exactly what the Pro version gives in the way of scripting on its own.


You don't need to purchase a license for the FTP Library. But the FTP Library contains examples you can use.

Scripting in the Professional Edition
You can create scripts to automate SmartFTP. SmartFTP uses the FTP Library. And you can use the FTP Library component through the SmartFTP object/application. A Pro License for SmartFTP is required for each user of the application/script you develop.

License for FTP Library
You can create your own applications which use the FTP Library. You can distribute your application and the users of your application do not need to have SmartFTP installed or they don't need a license for SmartFTP Pro.


Hi Thanks for the info.

I've written a simple VB.NET app and taken the sfFTPLib.dll from my Pro version install of SmartFTP. The app works great but when trying to load my Pro License Ley information using the objGlobal.LoadLicenseKeyFile or objGlobal.LoadLicenseKeyData methods the method returns an error.

Can / do I need to load my Pro License in this way?


You don't need to purchase a license for the FTP Library. But the FTP Library contains examples you can use.

Scripting in the Professional Edition
You can create scripts to automate SmartFTP. SmartFTP uses the FTP Library. And you can use the FTP Library component through the SmartFTP object/application. A Pro License for SmartFTP is required for each user of the application/script you develop.

License for FTP Library
You can create your own applications which use the FTP Library. You can distribute your application and the users of your application do not need to have SmartFTP installed or they don't need a license for SmartFTP Pro.


Hello ..

You cannot/don't need to load the Pro license with the LoadLicenseKey function. Create the FTPConnection object through the SmartFTP application object. You can find a sample in the SDK.
