200Zzz giving total newbie a nightmare

I am pulling my hair out here. I am way to old and way to dumb to sort this out.
I am trying to upload picture files and it doesnt seem to matter how I try and drag and drop my files they just wont go into the queue.
This is the log if that helps

[22:48:56] SmartFTP v3.0.1016.13
[22:48:56] Resolving host name "www.horse-forum.co.uk"
[22:48:56] Connecting to Port: 21
[22:48:56] Connected to www.horse-forum.co.uk.
[22:48:56] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[22:48:57] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
[22:48:57] 220-Local time is now 22:48. Server port: 21.
[22:48:57] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[22:48:57] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[22:48:57] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[22:48:57] USER horsefor
[22:48:57] 331 User horsefor OK. Password required
[22:48:57] PASS (hidden)
[22:48:57] 230-User horsefor has group access to: horsefor
[22:48:57] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[22:48:57] SYST
[22:48:57] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[22:48:57] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[22:48:57] FEAT
[22:48:57] 211-Extensions supported:
[22:48:57] EPRT
[22:48:57] IDLE
[22:48:57] MDTM
[22:48:57] SIZE
[22:48:57] REST STREAM
[22:48:58] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[22:48:58] MLSD
[22:48:58] ESTP
[22:48:58] PASV
[22:48:58] EPSV
[22:48:58] SPSV
[22:48:58] ESTA
[22:48:58] AUTH TLS
[22:48:58] PBSZ
[22:48:58] PROT
[22:48:58] 211 End.
[22:48:58] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[22:48:58] PWD
[22:48:59] 257 "/" is your current location
[22:48:59] TYPE A
[22:48:59] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[22:48:59] PASV
[22:48:59] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,67,214)
[22:48:59] Opening data connection to Port: 17366
[22:48:59] MLSD
[22:48:59] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:48:59] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:00] 226 18 matches total
[22:49:00] 2023 bytes transferred. (7.03 KB/s) (281 ms)
[22:49:07] CWD /public_html
[22:49:07] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[22:49:07] PWD
[22:49:08] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[22:49:08] PASV
[22:49:08] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,225,59)
[22:49:08] Opening data connection to Port: 57659
[22:49:08] MLSD
[22:49:08] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:49:08] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:08] 226 35 matches total
[22:49:08] 4028 bytes transferred. (42.2 KB/s) (93 ms)
[22:49:13] CWD /public_html/style_images
[22:49:13] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images
[22:49:13] PWD
[22:49:13] 257 "/public_html/style_images" is your current location
[22:49:13] PASV
[22:49:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,255,114)
[22:49:13] Opening data connection to Port: 65394
[22:49:13] MLSD
[22:49:13] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:49:13] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:13] 226 14 matches total
[22:49:13] 1603 bytes transferred. (14.3 KB/s) (109 ms)
[22:49:18] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse2
[22:49:18] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse2
[22:49:18] PWD
[22:49:18] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse2" is your current location
[22:49:18] PASV
[22:49:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,42,16)
[22:49:18] Opening data connection to Port: 10768
[22:49:18] MLSD
[22:49:18] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:49:18] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:18] 226 245 matches total
[22:49:18] 29244 bytes transferred. (107 KB/s) (265 ms)
[22:49:30] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse
[22:49:30] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse
[22:49:30] PWD
[22:49:30] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse" is your current location
[22:49:30] PASV
[22:49:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,43,136)
[22:49:30] Opening data connection to Port: 11144
[22:49:30] MLSD
[22:49:30] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:49:30] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:30] 226 261 matches total
[22:49:30] 31128 bytes transferred. (97.4 KB/s) (312 ms)
[22:49:34] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[22:49:35] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[22:49:35] PWD
[22:49:35] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs" is your current location
[22:49:35] PASV
[22:49:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,62,110)
[22:49:35] Opening data connection to Port: 15982
[22:49:35] MLSD
[22:49:35] 150 Accepted data connection
[22:49:35] 226-Options: -a -l
[22:49:35] 226 26 matches total
[22:49:35] 3005 bytes transferred. (9.40 KB/s) (312 ms)
[22:50:06] NOOP
[22:50:06] 200 Zzz...
[22:50:36] NOOP
[22:50:36] 200 Zzz...
[22:51:06] NOOP
[22:51:06] 200 Zzz...
[22:51:36] NOOP
[22:51:36] 200 Zzz...
[22:52:06] NOOP
[22:52:06] 200 Zzz...

This is system info

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

CPU Speed : 1799 MHz
Total Memory : 959 MB
Free Memory : 294 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 3.0.1016.13
Time Stamp : 2008-05-25 16:34:00
Platform : x86
Id : 400053895
Days in use : 29

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
sfFavoritesShellExtension.dll :
sfTransferQueue.dll :
sfFTPShellExtension.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 3.0.1016.13

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2900.2180

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Any help would be great

Please install the latest version from:

Remove everything from the transfer queue. Then drag&drop the files you want to upload.

If the files are stuck in the queu double click them to get the log. Post the log here. Thank you.


I have the latest version.
There is nothing in the queue to delete.
If I drag a file the mouse icon changes to a plus as I go over the queue but when I try and drop nothing happens no file appears in the queue.
this is the log

[00:03:58] SmartFTP v3.0.1016.13
[00:03:59] Resolving host name "www.horse-forum.co.uk"
[00:03:59] Connecting to Port: 21
[00:03:59] Connected to www.horse-forum.co.uk.
[00:03:59] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[00:03:59] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[00:03:59] 220-Local time is now 00:03. Server port: 21.
[00:03:59] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[00:03:59] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[00:03:59] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[00:03:59] USER horsefor
[00:03:59] 331 User horsefor OK. Password required
[00:03:59] PASS (hidden)
[00:03:59] 230-User horsefor has group access to: horsefor
[00:03:59] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[00:03:59] SYST
[00:03:59] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[00:03:59] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[00:03:59] FEAT
[00:04:00] 211-Extensions supported:
[00:04:00] EPRT
[00:04:00] IDLE
[00:04:00] MDTM
[00:04:00] SIZE
[00:04:00] REST STREAM
[00:04:00] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[00:04:00] MLSD
[00:04:00] ESTP
[00:04:00] PASV
[00:04:00] EPSV
[00:04:00] SPSV
[00:04:00] ESTA
[00:04:00] AUTH TLS
[00:04:00] PBSZ
[00:04:00] PROT
[00:04:00] 211 End.
[00:04:00] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[00:04:00] PWD
[00:04:00] 257 "/" is your current location
[00:04:00] TYPE A
[00:04:00] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[00:04:00] PASV
[00:04:00] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,99,198)
[00:04:00] Opening data connection to Port: 25542
[00:04:00] MLSD
[00:04:00] 150 Accepted data connection
[00:04:00] 226-Options: -a -l
[00:04:00] 226 18 matches total
[00:04:00] 2023 bytes transferred. (15.8 KB/s) (125 ms)
[00:04:03] CWD /public_html
[00:04:03] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[00:04:03] PWD
[00:04:03] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[00:04:03] PASV
[00:04:03] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,120,6)
[00:04:03] Opening data connection to Port: 30726
[00:04:03] MLSD
[00:04:03] 150 Accepted data connection
[00:04:03] 4028 bytes transferred. (50.4 KB/s) (78 ms)
[00:04:03] 226-Options: -a -l
[00:04:03] 226 35 matches total
[00:04:10] CWD /public_html/style_images
[00:04:11] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images
[00:04:11] PWD
[00:04:11] 257 "/public_html/style_images" is your current location
[00:04:11] PASV
[00:04:11] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,84,200)
[00:04:11] Opening data connection to Port: 21704
[00:04:11] MLSD
[00:04:11] 150 Accepted data connection
[00:04:11] 226-Options: -a -l
[00:04:11] 226 14 matches total
[00:04:11] 1603 bytes transferred. (11.1 KB/s) (140 ms)
[00:04:13] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse
[00:04:13] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse
[00:04:13] PWD
[00:04:13] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse" is your current location
[00:04:14] PASV
[00:04:14] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,197,226)
[00:04:14] Opening data connection to Port: 50658
[00:04:14] MLSD
[00:04:14] 150 Accepted data connection
[00:04:14] 226-Options: -a -l
[00:04:14] 226 261 matches total
[00:04:14] 31128 bytes transferred. (114 KB/s) (265 ms)
[00:04:44] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[00:04:45] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[00:04:45] PWD
[00:04:45] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs" is your current location
[00:04:45] NOOP
[00:04:45] 200 Zzz...

From the log I can see that you did not install the latest version. Please install it from:


Sorry about that I only bought it tonight??
I am downloading it now.

You have activated the version you installed 30 days or longer ago. In the meanwhile we have released a new version. The upgrade is free for you of course.

update done no change

[00:21:44] SmartFTP v3.0.1018.4
[00:21:48] Resolving host name "www.horse-forum.co.uk"
[00:21:48] Connecting to Port: 21
[00:21:48] Connected to www.horse-forum.co.uk.
[00:21:48] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[00:21:48] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[00:21:48] 220-Local time is now 00:21. Server port: 21.
[00:21:48] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[00:21:48] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[00:21:48] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[00:21:48] USER horsefor
[00:21:48] 331 User horsefor OK. Password required
[00:21:48] PASS (hidden)
[00:21:48] 230-User horsefor has group access to: horsefor
[00:21:48] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[00:21:48] SYST
[00:21:48] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[00:21:48] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[00:21:48] FEAT
[00:21:49] 211-Extensions supported:
[00:21:49] EPRT
[00:21:49] IDLE
[00:21:49] MDTM
[00:21:49] SIZE
[00:21:49] REST STREAM
[00:21:49] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[00:21:49] MLSD
[00:21:49] ESTP
[00:21:49] PASV
[00:21:49] EPSV
[00:21:49] SPSV
[00:21:49] ESTA
[00:21:49] AUTH TLS
[00:21:49] PBSZ
[00:21:49] PROT
[00:21:49] 211 End.
[00:21:49] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[00:21:49] PWD
[00:21:49] 257 "/" is your current location
[00:21:49] CWD /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[00:21:49] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs
[00:21:49] PWD
[00:21:49] 257 "/public_html/style_images/horse/forum_imgs" is your current location
[00:21:49] TYPE A
[00:21:49] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[00:21:50] PASV
[00:21:50] 227 Entering Passive Mode (84,18,207,65,64,208)
[00:21:50] Opening data connection to Port: 16592
[00:21:50] MLSD
[00:21:50] 150 Accepted data connection
[00:21:50] 226-Options: -a -l
[00:21:50] 226 26 matches total
[00:21:50] 3005 bytes transferred. (6.06 KB/s) (484 ms)
[00:22:21] NOOP
[00:22:21] 200 Zzz...

Please try the following:
1. Open a connection to your server
2. Open a local browser: File->New Local Browser
3. Select the files in the Local Browser you want to upload
4. Click on the little arrow in the middle bar to upload the files. This is the toolbar that is between the Local Browser and the Remote Browser


By gum thats it
Thanks very much good work.
