I've been annoyed at version 3's defaul behaviour of asking me how to check the files when I drag a bunch of them to the tranfer queue, to the point of joining the forum and searching for answers. I found a part of the answer in the v3 FAQ and another part in one of the closed forum threads.
1) The FAQ advised me to alter the settings on each favourite to "Use automatic" instead of "Default". This is a bit tedious if you have several favourites to change, but works.
2) The forum thread mentioned changing a default setting under Favourites --> Edit favourites --> Tools --> Edit default favourite. Aha! The light went on! Here I can change the default to be "Use automatic".
Now V3 works like 2v5 for me - I drag the files across and go on to the next task, knowing that SmartFTP will transfer across any new/updated files and leave the rest unchanged. Fab.
Please can you:
a) update the FAQ to explain part (1) as well as, or even instead of, part (2).
b) update the help in the same way for the same purpose.
c) in a future release, consider reducing the complexity of the confuguration menus, defaults, favourites etc. so this kind of issue goes away, or at least it's easier to find the right options. Your program is so 'feature rich', it's getting hard to use!
SmartFTP still rocks!
I've been annoyed at version 3's defaul behaviour of asking me how to check the files when I drag a bunch of them to the tranfer queue, to the point of joining the forum and searching for answers. I found a part of the answer in the v3 FAQ and another part in one of the closed forum threads.
1) The FAQ advised me to alter the settings on each favourite to "Use automatic" instead of "Default". This is a bit tedious if you have several favourites to change, but works.
2) The forum thread mentioned changing a default setting under Favourites --> Edit favourites --> Tools --> Edit default favourite. Aha! The light went on! Here I can change the default to be "Use automatic".
Now V3 works like 2v5 for me - I drag the files across and go on to the next task, knowing that SmartFTP will transfer across any new/updated files and leave the rest unchanged. Fab.
Please can you:
a) update the FAQ to explain part (1) as well as, or even instead of, part (2).
b) update the help in the same way for the same purpose.
c) in a future release, consider reducing the complexity of the confuguration menus, defaults, favourites etc. so this kind of issue goes away, or at least it's easier to find the right options. Your program is so 'feature rich', it's getting hard to use!
SmartFTP still rocks!