Symbolic Links not shown as such

Remote symbolic links show no symbolic link status in the remote browser.

I read the post about [topic="12421"]Symbolic links[/topic] and checked the size. The SIZE command returned something other than the symbolic link size or the actual file size.

An "ls -l" on the remote host shows "lrwxrwxrwx" for a symbolic link, yet only "-rwxrwxrwx" appears in the remote browser.

Does this mean I'm out of luck for being able to tell whether or not a file is a symbolic link?

Hello ...

I believe if you disable the [x] Resolve Symbolic Link option in the "Directory Options" in the FTP->Transfer dialog in the favorite settings symbolic links will not automatically be resolved. It means that the client sends a LIST command without the l argument. If MLSD is used for the list command you have to disable it because symbolic links are automatically resolved by the server in this case.

If the server returns a link and SmartFTP resolves it you should see whether it's a link or not in the properties dialog of the file/folder.



I had deselected Resolve Symbolic Link before. I tried disabling MLSD and still got no indication of links.

I don't see a link property on the property dialog.


Hello ..

Please post the log of the FTP session and the raw directory listing of the directory which contains symbolic links.

Mat do I attach files to this thing?


or host the files on your server and post the links.

Here goes, Mat. Most of these files are links.

By the way, does "raw directory listing" mean screen shot or is there a way to dump it from SmartFTP?

[08:16:10] SmartFTP v2.5.1008.11
[08:16:11] Resolving host name "aaaaa"
[08:16:11] Connecting to XXX.XXX.XX.XXX Port: 21
[08:16:11] Connected to aaaaa.
[08:16:11] 220 aaaaa FTP server (Version 4.2 Fri Oct 7 19:22:01 CDT 2005) ready.
[08:16:11] USER xxxxx
[08:16:11] 331 Password required for xxxxx.
[08:16:11] PASS (hidden)
[08:16:11] 230-Last unsuccessful login: Sun Nov 18 09:36:59 EST 2007 on /dev/pts/24 from
[08:16:11] 230-Last login: Wed Nov 28 09:09:36 EST 2007 on /dev/pts/165 from
[08:16:12] 230 User xxxxx logged in.
[08:16:12] SYST
[08:16:12] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44
[08:16:12] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:16:12] FEAT
[08:16:12] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[08:16:12] TYPE I
[08:16:12] 200 Type set to I.
[08:16:12] REST 0
[08:16:12] 350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[08:16:12] PWD
[08:16:12] 257 "/am_home/eram/xxxxx" is current directory.
[08:16:12] CWD /aaaaa/monf/xxxxx/raysim/genapps_ER1.0D1L_fdsim/apps/monf/fma/drivers/scripts
[08:16:12] 250 CWD command successful.
[08:16:12] PWD
[08:16:12] 257 "/aaaaa/monf/xxxxx/raysim/genapps_ER1.0D1L_fdsim/apps/monf/fma/drivers/scripts" is current directory.
[08:16:12] TYPE A
[08:16:12] 200 Type set to A; form set to N.
[08:16:12] PASV
[08:16:12] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,XXX,XX,XXX,167,78)
[08:16:12] Opening data connection to XXX.XXX.XX.XXX Port: 42830
[08:16:12] LIST -la
[08:16:13] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[08:16:13] 226 Transfer complete.
[08:16:13] 59801 bytes transferred. (101 KB/s) (578 ms)
[08:16:13] TYPE I
[08:16:13] 200 Type set to I.
[08:16:13] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:13] 213 2661
[08:16:13] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:13] 213 5313
[08:16:13] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_3
[08:16:13] 213 1595
[08:16:13] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_4
[08:16:13] 213 12485
[08:16:13] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_5
[08:16:14] 213 3457
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_6
[08:16:14] 213 9964
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_7
[08:16:14] 213 11421
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Case_8
[08:16:14] 213 7412
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Ace_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:14] 213 8363
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Api_Test_Case_1
[08:16:14] 213 44987
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Api_Test_Case_2
[08:16:14] 213 44975
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Api_Test_Case_3
[08:16:14] 213 12243
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Infra-Structure_Test_Case_1
[08:16:14] 213 5204
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Infra-Structure_Test_Script
[08:16:14] 213 2798
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Liaison_Test_Scenario
[08:16:14] 213 1365
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Liaison_Test_Script
[08:16:14] 213 1980
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Liaison_Test_Script_a
[08:16:14] 213 1980
[08:16:14] SIZE Acc_Liaison_Test_Script_b
[08:16:15] 213 355
[08:16:15] SIZE Acc_Liaison_Test_Script_c
[08:16:15] 213 697
[08:16:15] SIZE Acc_Utility_Scripts
[08:16:15] 213 30375
[08:16:15] SIZE Adherence_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:15] 213 7156
[08:16:15] SIZE Adherence_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:15] 213 14904
[08:16:15] SIZE Adherence_Monitor_Test_Case_3
[08:16:15] 213 8357
[08:16:15] SIZE Adherence_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:15] 213 1383
[08:16:15] SIZE Aero_Utility_Script
[08:16:15] 213 5884
[08:16:15] SIZE Aero_Utility_Scripts
[08:16:15] 213 8032
[08:16:15] SIZE Altitude_Report_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:15] 213 8964
[08:16:15] SIZE Altitude_Report_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:15] 213 7667
[08:16:15] SIZE Altitude_Report_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:15] 213 1297
[08:16:15] SIZE Build_Position_String_Script
[08:16:15] 213 2553
[08:16:15] SIZE Commanded_Frozen_Request_Test_Case_1
[08:16:15] 213 6597
[08:16:15] SIZE Commanded_Frozen_Request_Test_Case_2
[08:16:16] 213 14921
[08:16:16] SIZE Fail_Pointout_Response.ual
[08:16:16] 550 Fail_Pointout_Response.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:16] SIZE Far_Away_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:16] 213 6183
[08:16:16] SIZE Far_Away_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:16] 213 902
[08:16:16] SIZE Flight_Utility_Script
[08:16:16] 213 16629
[08:16:16] SIZE Flight_Utility_Scripts
[08:16:16] 213 13532
[08:16:16] SIZE Horizontal_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:16] 213 6164
[08:16:16] SIZE Horizontal_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:16] 213 6070
[08:16:16] SIZE Horizontal_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_3
[08:16:16] 213 17593
[08:16:16] SIZE Horizontal_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:16] 213 1674
[08:16:16] SIZE Interim_Altitude_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:16] 213 4136
[08:16:16] SIZE Interim_Altitude_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:17] 213 7995
[08:16:17] SIZE Interim_Altitude_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:17] 213 1041
[08:16:17] SIZE Late_Handoff_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:17] 213 11707
[08:16:17] SIZE Late_Handoff_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:17] 213 793
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Coast_Test_Case_1
[08:16:17] 213 18875
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Coast_Test_Case_2
[08:16:17] 213 48863
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Coast_Test_Script
[08:16:17] 213 8939
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Coast_Test_Script.ual
[08:16:17] 550 Manual_Coast_Test_Script.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Coast_Test_Script_prt.ual
[08:16:17] 550 Manual_Coast_Test_Script_prt.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Commands_Outcome_Script
[08:16:17] 213 9775
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_1
[08:16:17] 213 17397
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_10
[08:16:17] 213 6533
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_2
[08:16:17] 213 3850
[08:16:17] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_3
[08:16:18] 213 9383
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_4
[08:16:18] 213 9614
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_5
[08:16:18] 213 11434
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_6
[08:16:18] 213 10104
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_7
[08:16:18] 213 13365
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_8
[08:16:18] 213 5457
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Case_9
[08:16:18] 213 7463
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Pair_1_Test_Script
[08:16:18] 213 17499
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Unpair_Test_Case_1
[08:16:18] 213 10707
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Unpair_Test_Case_2
[08:16:18] 213 6338
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Unpair_Test_Case_3
[08:16:18] 213 15609
[08:16:18] SIZE Manual_Unpair_Test_Script
[08:16:18] 213 3419
[08:16:18] SIZE Override_Flight_Exists.ual
[08:16:18] 550 Override_Flight_Exists.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:18] SIZE Override_Flight_Exists_gen.ual
[08:16:18] 550 Override_Flight_Exists_gen.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:18] SIZE Position_History_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:19] 213 3511
[08:16:19] SIZE Position_History_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:19] 213 3753
[08:16:19] SIZE Position_History_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:19] 213 1075
[08:16:19] SIZE Pro_Agent_Api_Test_Case_1
[08:16:19] 213 10105
[08:16:19] SIZE Pro_Agent_Infra-Structure_Test_Script
[08:16:19] 213 2141
[08:16:19] SIZE Pro_Agent_Native_Test_Case_1
[08:16:19] 213 9579
[08:16:19] SIZE Pro_Agent_Progress_Manager_Test_Case_1
[08:16:19] 213 7072
[08:16:19] SIZE Pro_Agent_Requestor_Utilities_Test_Script
[08:16:19] 213 5060
[08:16:19] SIZE Progress_Report_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:19] 213 24892
[08:16:19] SIZE Progress_Report_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:19] 213 17585
[08:16:19] SIZE Progress_Report_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:19] 213 1918
[08:16:19] SIZE Progress_Utility_Scripts
[08:16:19] 213 10403
[08:16:19] SIZE Reconcile_Backup_Channel_Test_Script
[08:16:19] 213 12453
[08:16:19] SIZE Reconcile_Backup_Channel_Test_Script.ual
[08:16:19] 550 Reconcile_Backup_Channel_Test_Script.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:19] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Adn_Control_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 12128
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Adn_Coordination_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 1409
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Adn_Pairing_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 1032
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Adn_Progress_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 1500
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Aero
[08:16:20] 213 12440
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Aero_Utilities_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 11335
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_C_Client_Interface_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 11204
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Create_Tentative_Plan_Agent_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 1437
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Misc_Utils_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 486
[08:16:20] SIZE Rtb_Support_Package_Sector_Utilities_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 4352
[08:16:20] SIZE Surv_Utility_Script
[08:16:20] 213 14316
[08:16:20] SIZE Surv_Utility_Scripts
[08:16:20] 213 7635
[08:16:20] SIZE System_Plan_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:20] 213 10362
[08:16:20] SIZE System_Plan_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:21] 213 2283
[08:16:21] SIZE System_Plan_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:21] 213 991
[08:16:21] SIZE Timer_Test_Script
[08:16:21] 213 4002
[08:16:21] SIZE Vertical_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_1
[08:16:21] 213 2661
[08:16:21] SIZE Vertical_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_2
[08:16:21] 213 9117
[08:16:21] SIZE Vertical_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Case_3
[08:16:21] 213 33498
[08:16:21] SIZE Vertical_Conformance_Monitor_Test_Script
[08:16:21] 213 2646
[08:16:21] SIZE accept_flight.ual
[08:16:21] 213 38912
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script
[08:16:21] 213 3199
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.activate_deactivate
[08:16:21] 213 3318
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.interfacility_handoffs
[08:16:21] 213 35196
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.intrafacility_handoffs
[08:16:21] 213 32348
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.misc_tests
[08:16:21] 213 14331
[08:16:21] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.not_eligible_for_interfacility
[08:16:22] 213 29867
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.not_eligible_for_intrafacility
[08:16:22] 213 18662
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.process_updates
[08:16:22] 213 18943
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.sector_plan
[08:16:22] 213 7741
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script.set_ahi_designation
[08:16:22] 213 57876
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script_no_local_plan
[08:16:22] 213 5835
[08:16:22] SIZE ahi_monitor_test_script_null_trajectory
[08:16:22] 213 4190
[08:16:22] SIZE command_frozen.ual
[08:16:22] 550 command_frozen.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:22] SIZE exceptions.ual
[08:16:22] 550 exceptions.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:22] SIZE failure_reason.ual
[08:16:22] 550 failure_reason.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:22] SIZE fdsimctl
[08:16:22] 213 368
[08:16:22] SIZE generic_missions_script
[08:16:22] 213 9458
[08:16:22] SIZE go
[08:16:22] 213 2148
[08:16:22] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut
[08:16:23] 213 8435
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script1_reconstitute_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 4900
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script2_intrafacility_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 102531
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script3_outbound_interfacility_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 172120
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script4_inbound_interfacility_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 214579
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script5_outbound_hnh_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 241541
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script6_inbound_hnh_handoff
[08:16:23] 213 129040
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script7_track_update
[08:16:23] 213 29074
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.script8_convert_pointout
[08:16:23] 213 23193
[08:16:23] SIZE handoff_monitor_ut.sector_plans
[08:16:23] 213 27543
[08:16:23] SIZE monf_ut_driver.eab.adi
[08:16:23] 213 39103828
[08:16:23] SIZE monf_ut_driver.eab.dbx
[08:16:23] 213 162131746
[08:16:23] SIZE monitor_PTR366
[08:16:23] 213 6458
[08:16:23] SIZE monitor_ut
[08:16:23] 213 7488
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_1
[08:16:24] 213 736
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_1.flight
[08:16:24] 213 1512
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_1.track
[08:16:24] 213 1494
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_10
[08:16:24] 213 783
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_10.flight
[08:16:24] 213 1336
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_10.track
[08:16:24] 213 1572
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_11
[08:16:24] 213 812
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_11.flight
[08:16:24] 213 8499
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_11.track
[08:16:24] 213 2398
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_12
[08:16:24] 213 1076
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_12.flight
[08:16:24] 213 1475
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_12.flight_b
[08:16:24] 213 929
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_12.flight_c
[08:16:24] 213 1202
[08:16:24] SIZE monitor_ut.case_12.track
[08:16:25] 213 4286
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13
[08:16:25] 213 4130
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.a
[08:16:25] 213 2395
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.b
[08:16:25] 213 2749
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.c
[08:16:25] 213 2795
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.d
[08:16:25] 213 2545
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.e
[08:16:25] 213 2454
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.entities
[08:16:25] 213 1772
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.f
[08:16:25] 213 2804
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.flight
[08:16:25] 213 468
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.g
[08:16:25] 213 2584
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.generics
[08:16:25] 213 28181
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.h
[08:16:25] 213 2820
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.i
[08:16:25] 213 2860
[08:16:25] SIZE monitor_ut.case_13.track
[08:16:26] 213 897
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_14
[08:16:26] 213 872
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_14.flight
[08:16:26] 213 2347
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_14.track
[08:16:26] 213 2486
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_15
[08:16:26] 213 814
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_15.flight
[08:16:26] 213 1764
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_15.track
[08:16:26] 213 1816
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_16
[08:16:26] 213 5415
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_16.control
[08:16:26] 213 278
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_16.entities
[08:16:26] 213 223
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_16.flight
[08:16:26] 213 532
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_16.track
[08:16:26] 213 326
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_17
[08:16:26] 213 3529
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_18
[08:16:26] 213 29755
[08:16:26] SIZE monitor_ut.case_2
[08:16:27] 213 801
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_2.flight
[08:16:27] 213 1320
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_2.track
[08:16:27] 213 1430
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_3
[08:16:27] 213 810
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_3.flight
[08:16:27] 213 1594
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_3.track
[08:16:27] 213 1328
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_4
[08:16:27] 213 812
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_4.flight
[08:16:27] 213 1481
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_4.track
[08:16:27] 213 1361
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_5
[08:16:27] 213 1027
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_5.control
[08:16:27] 213 500
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_5.flight
[08:16:27] 213 1925
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_5.track
[08:16:27] 213 2688
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_6
[08:16:27] 213 1004
[08:16:27] SIZE monitor_ut.case_6.control
[08:16:28] 213 570
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.case_6.flight
[08:16:28] 213 3145
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.case_6.track
[08:16:28] 213 1591
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.case_7
[08:16:28] 213 918
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.case_7.flight
[08:16:28] 213 1509
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.case_7.track
[08:16:28] 213 1586
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.generics
[08:16:28] 213 595
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut.ual
[08:16:28] 550 monitor_ut.ual: not a plain file.
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4
[08:16:28] 213 5997
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_1
[08:16:28] 213 674
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_1.api
[08:16:28] 213 1291
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_1.entities
[08:16:28] 213 1139
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_1.flight
[08:16:28] 213 1479
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_1.track
[08:16:28] 213 6648
[08:16:28] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_2
[08:16:29] 213 651
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_2.control
[08:16:29] 213 278
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_2.entities
[08:16:29] 213 903
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_2.flight
[08:16:29] 213 2505
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_2.track
[08:16:29] 213 1128
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3
[08:16:29] 213 707
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3.api
[08:16:29] 213 950
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3.control
[08:16:29] 213 338
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3.entities
[08:16:29] 213 1141
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3.flight
[08:16:29] 213 1784
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_3.track
[08:16:29] 213 5122
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4
[08:16:29] 213 707
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4.api
[08:16:29] 213 1241
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4.control
[08:16:29] 213 288
[08:16:29] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4.entities
[08:16:30] 213 1794
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4.flight
[08:16:30] 213 1407
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_4.track
[08:16:30] 213 6993
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5
[08:16:30] 213 707
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.api
[08:16:30] 213 1241
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.control
[08:16:30] 213 288
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.entities
[08:16:30] 213 907
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.flight
[08:16:30] 213 1007
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.track
[08:16:30] 213 2683
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_5.track.saved
[08:16:30] 213 1716
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6
[08:16:30] 213 707
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6.api
[08:16:30] 213 967
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6.control
[08:16:30] 213 288
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6.entities
[08:16:30] 213 908
[08:16:30] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6.flight
[08:16:31] 213 1007
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_6.track
[08:16:31] 213 2043
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7
[08:16:31] 213 707
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7.api
[08:16:31] 213 971
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7.control
[08:16:31] 213 288
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7.entities
[08:16:31] 213 908
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7.flight
[08:16:31] 213 1007
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_7.track
[08:16:31] 213 4144
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_8
[08:16:31] 213 723
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_8.api
[08:16:31] 213 863
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_8.entities
[08:16:31] 213 1375
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_8.flight
[08:16:31] 213 726
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.case_8.track
[08:16:31] 213 3606
[08:16:31] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.entities
[08:16:32] 213 343
[08:16:32] SIZE monitor_ut_d4.generics
[08:16:32] 213 1899
[08:16:32] SIZE myapf.ksh
[08:16:32] 213 41
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1
[08:16:32] 213 9493
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_1
[08:16:32] 213 62937
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_2
[08:16:32] 213 11088
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_2_track
[08:16:32] 213 2622
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_3
[08:16:32] 213 14146
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_3_track
[08:16:32] 213 3708
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_4
[08:16:32] 213 24240
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_4_track
[08:16:32] 213 5367
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_5
[08:16:32] 213 15044
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_5_track
[08:16:32] 213 4619
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_6
[08:16:32] 213 23056
[08:16:32] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_6_track
[08:16:33] 213 5806
[08:16:33] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_7
[08:16:33] 213 2531
[08:16:33] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_7_track
[08:16:33] 213 1715
[08:16:33] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_case_activate
[08:16:33] 213 6453
[08:16:33] SIZE par_autopairing_ut_script_1.test_log
[08:16:33] 213 25785
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script
[08:16:33] 213 2688
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.activate_deactivate
[08:16:33] 213 4211
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.convert_location_based
[08:16:33] 213 40107
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.convert_track_based
[08:16:33] 213 40218
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.delete_pointouts
[08:16:33] 213 56435
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.fsm
[08:16:33] 213 6710
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.generic_missions
[08:16:33] 213 5627
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.inbound_interfacility_pointouts
[08:16:33] 213 18016
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.intrafacility_pointouts
[08:16:33] 213 13711
[08:16:33] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.outbound_interfacility_pointouts
[08:16:34] 213 15560
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.populate_acl
[08:16:34] 213 22485
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.reconcile
[08:16:34] 213 65848
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.sector_plan
[08:16:34] 213 20332
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.services_and_utilities
[08:16:34] 213 13191
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.test_log
[08:16:34] 213 188395
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.use_non_type_safe_interface
[08:16:34] 213 8505
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_convert
[08:16:34] 213 11616
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_hnh
[08:16:34] 213 10473
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_initiate_common
[08:16:34] 213 9618
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_initiate_from_external
[08:16:34] 213 15068
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_initiate_to_external_recipient
[08:16:34] 213 21614
[08:16:34] SIZE pointout_monitor_test_script.validate_locally_originated
[08:16:34] 213 11174
[08:16:34] SIZE reconstitution_pairing_script
[08:16:34] 213 11152
[08:16:34] SIZE rtb_civil_test_script
[08:16:35] 213 42108
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_1
[08:16:35] 213 34772
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_2
[08:16:35] 213 47159
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_3
[08:16:35] 213 11916
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_4
[08:16:35] 213 73956
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_5
[08:16:35] 213 8672
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_6
[08:16:35] 213 22881
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_7
[08:16:35] 213 27746
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_parser_test_script_8
[08:16:35] 213 11176
[08:16:35] SIZE rtb_support_packages_test_script
[08:16:35] 213 4541
[08:16:35] SIZE run_coverage.ksh
[08:16:35] 213 353
[08:16:35] SIZE
[08:16:35] 213 0
[08:16:35] SIZE
[08:16:35] 213 5411
[08:17:06] NOOP
[08:17:06] 200 NOOP command successful.
[08:17:37] NOOP

Thank you.

The symbolic links are automatically resolved. That's the reason you see all the SIZE commands in the log.
To understand the problem better. Why would you want the symbolic links to be displayed as links? The problem with links is that it's unknown if the link points to a directory or file unless they are resolved. That's why we believe it's better to automatically resolve them.


Can you resolve them and still indicate them as a link in the browser? I think that is all I'm really looking for.

By the way, I really like the way links are displayed in the SlickEdit FTP.

How do I stop the SIZE commands? I disabled MLSD and deselected Resolve Links in the default favorite. I also set these selections to "Use Default Settings" in the favorite I'm using.

Hello ..

I have added the option in the latest version (.19). Please download and install it from:

Then go to FTP->Transfer dialog and disable the "Automatic Resolve Links" option.


Hey, that's awesome, Mat! The list is a ton faster too!

Is there any way you can set it up so I can still view, edit, and open the files from the remote browser? Maybe when they're resolved, still show them as links in the browser?

When I try to open a link, I get this in the log:

[17:40:33] CWD /eddea04/monf/chapmaj5/raysim/genapps_ER1.0D1L_fdsim/apps/monf/fma/drivers/fma_withs.adb
[17:40:33] 550 /eddea04/monf/chapmaj5/raysim/genapps_ER1.0D1L_fdsim/apps/monf/fma/drivers/fma_withs.adb: A parameter must be a directory.

I think it's trying to treat all links as directories.

Hello ...

I believe the best way is to automatically resolve all links (that's why there was no option before) but using a small arrow overlay icon to indicate that the file/folder is a link. I will add the link overlay but there are no plans to do extra checking (for edit, view, etc) if the resolve all links options is disabled.
Would that be an acceptable solution for you?


That sounds perfect, Mat.

Any chance you could make the overlay include the destination address?

Hello ..

Okay please get the latest version (.20) again:

and enable "Automatically resolve symbolic links".

You can see the link path in the properties dialog of the item. To get into the properties dialog, right-click on the item and select Properties.


This is excellent, Mat!!!

I can tell when files are links and I can still work with them. The properties show the link destination.

Is there a way to resize the property dialog? I can't see the whole link destination string.


Hello ..

You can see the whole string if you select the input box and move the cursor to the end.
There are no plans to make the Properties dialog resizable.


Do I have a different setting? The properties dialog has no input box for me.

The "Linked to" text field is non-editable for me and it does not scroll when I select it and arrow the cursor all the way to the right.

The "Auto HScroll" flag wasn't set. Fixed and available in the next version.

Cool - When can I download it?