Failed to initialize FavoritesAccountManager

Hello this failure drive me nuts.

I used SmartFTP for many years and bought always a new subscriptions. Than I got a trouble 'cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...' I solved the problem by buying maintenance up to 2009 and install several newer versions. Finally it worked several days.

Now I got the same problem again exactly 1 month then the last trouble.

I did the same procedure and install the newer version from your server.

Now I always get trouble as I start the software. All the time it says:

Failed to initialize FavoritesAccountManager

and stop work totaly. I even cannot see a splsh screen. I am fustrated and need a help fast.
Because SmartFTP crashes I cannot post a actual log file e.g.

Now I use 2.5.1007.3 and from explorer properties I can see
SmartHook.dll :

The following log file is stored before I installed SmartFTP last time.

[codebox]+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed : 2405 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 1652 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 2.5.1006.40
Time Stamp : 2007-09-22 13:25:14
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 2.5.1006.40

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2


License Key Id: 400022267
Maintenance Expiration: 2009-10-22

Hello ..

You are using a beta version.

Try to install the newest version from:

regsvr32 sfFavorites.dll


Hello ..

You are using a beta version. or regsvr32 sfFavorites.dll


Hi Mat,

to use the beta version was only a last try after much trouble. I reinstalled the beta version and use your newest release from your website. I got the same problem. After that I fond some old entries from previous SmartFTP 2.0 in the Win regristry. I use SmartFTP for some years, so maybe these entries influenced the new installations.
I killed these entries and installed a new version. Now it works fine - but only for 2 days.

Since today I got the old problem
[12:31:41] SmartFTP v2.5.1006.48
[12:31:41] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

I was satisfied 731 days, and work every day as a server admin with your software, but now I am down. What can I do?

Maybe a single file from an old installation is still working.
Maybe a file has the expired time in mind.
Maybe a wrong or expired file is in a kind of cache situation.
Maybe your system to control maintenance is not so proper.

My Problems started as the last key/maintenance expired. After I bought a new key on 24.09.2007 valid up to 22.10.2009 I still have that trouble. It influences my business a lot.

Mat I need help.

Best regards,

[codebox]+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed : 2405 MHz
Total Memory : 2047 MB
Free Memory : 1666 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 2.5.1006.48
Time Stamp : 2007-10-01 21:49:20
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
sfFavorites.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 2.5.1006.48

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2[/codebox]

Hello ..

It seems that you are not using the newest version. Please uninstall all previoused installed versions. Then install the beta version from:


Hi Mat,

thanks for fast help. I tried to fix the problem with cleaning registry again and install and remove SmartFTP two times. I got a new failure message '.otherxx....dll is not registered properly'
I played a little bit with install and uninstall. After I registered the dll's manualy it works.

I hope I am out of this game since now.

Once again thanks for yourfast help. I enjoy the SmartFTP software very much if it is running well. C U


Hello ...

Which version did you install now? There should be no problem with the latest 1008 build.
