Moving SmartFTP to a new computer

I have purchased a new Win Vista laptop, and have successfully installed the current version of SmartFTP. I would like to move my settings from the old v1.5 to the new computer. How can I do this?

Hello ...

Try the following:
1. Install the latest version of SmartFTP on your old computer. All settings/favorites will be migrated from the old version.
2. Use the Backup Tool (Start -> All Programs -> SmartFTP Client -> Tools -> Backup Tool) to make a backup of your favorites and settings
3. Copy the backup to your new computer
4. Import the backup with the Backup Tool


Thank you. I will try it, and if I have any problems, I'll let you know.

I'm having trouble with step four.

I copied the zip to a temporary folder on my new computer which I called "delete"
I ran the backup tool and selected the zip folder.

I get to the next sreen

Backup location:
C:\Delete\SmartFTP Client 2.0


Creation Date

At the bottom, the "Next >" button is grayed out. My only options are "< Back" and "Cancel"

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?

I'm having trouble with step four.

I copied the zip to a temporary folder on my new computer which I called "delete"
I ran the backup tool and selected the zip folder.

I get to the next sreen

Backup location:
C:\Delete\SmartFTP Client 2.0


Creation Date

At the bottom, the "Next >" button is grayed out. My only options are "< Back" and "Cancel"

Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?

Should I be unzipping the backup and then inporting the files one by one? With the backup file as a zip, the "Next" option is grayed out and cannot be selected.

Hello ..

Yes you can do that. If you want to send me the backup zip I can debug the problem here.


Hello ..

Yes you can do that. If you want to send me the backup zip I can debug the problem here.


Thanks, I don't think I can send attachment to a private message on the board, so I sent it via regular email to "" and "" -- if that's the wrong addy, please let me know.

Again, my thanks for the help.

Hello ..

I quickly wrote an article: ... f2592.html


I have added a new import option to the Import dialog. You can now import a folder with .xml files.


Thanks Mat! Will that update in the software automatically or only if we check for updates?


I have added a new import option to the Import dialog. You can now import a folder with .xml files.


The new version has not been released yet. Download the beta version in 1-2 days.