File size mismatch

Just like in this other thread, I have used SmartFTP successfully for a while. I descided to do the honourable thing and pay for a full version. Now I canot upload!

other post

The problem seems to be intemitent, and does not relate to one file only. (It does bizarly seem to relate to one site only) I have had no problems at all with the previous version, but version 2.0 fails. Also DreamWeaver upload now has stopped working.

I downloaded cuteFTP, this worked, and also SmartFTP & DreamWeaver started working. Removed cuteFTP and I now get the upload problem.

The log seems to indicate that the problem is the file size varification!

How / when will this issue be solved?

Hello ..

Please send the complete log of your FTP session.

Did you try to use the Transfer Queue for your transfers?


Hello ..

As mentioned in the email there are two possible reasons for the problem:
- The server didn't receive all bytes -> network problem
- The server returns the wrong information in the SIZE reply

[11:53:03] 26188 bytes transferred. (40.9 KB/s) (625 ms)
[11:53:04] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:53:04] SIZE Sony.asp
[11:53:04] 213 26104


I can see that for myself.

1) WHY is the server returning the wrong information
2) SmartFTP V2.0 obvioulsy does not handle this situation correctly!

More to the point (as this seems to be a caching problem) , earlier versions of SmartFTP worked fine without this validation, do you recommend a work around (as I indicated in my last post) or do I ask form my money back and look elsewhere?

I really like SmartFTP (thats why I paid for it) but this problem makes the softwware useless for me.

Hello ..

Earlier version of SmartFTP didn't check for the file size after the upload. This caused numerous problems as incomplete transfers weren't detected. The problem you have is caused by your FTP server or some other network problems.
As a workaround enable the "Ignore Error" option in the settings and use the direct transfer method. This will ignore the file size mismatch error.
There is no point to blame SmartFTP for the error when there is clear evidence that the problem is not caused by SmartFTP.


More to the point (as this seems to be a caching problem) [...]
Just to make this more clear: Yes, it is a caching problem, but on the server side, not the client side. The server returns the wrong size in the SIZE command. So it's not SmartFTP's fault.

Same problem here. After a usually 2-hour upload, the upload starts from scratch, over and over again. And I wondered why after 7 hours it still hasn't finished... worked fine up until recently, you must have added that "feature" lately. Well, blaming SFTP isn't fair, but I cannot change the server software either... so something has to change... how about an option to ignore that (and still be able to use the otherwise very helpful queue)?
Please post the log of the transfer queue item. ... f2564.html


hi mat,
will do that the next time I do these transfers (twice a month). but I did look at the log in the direct transfer window, and the SIZE returned after the transfer does not match the number of transferred bytes, so I guess it is the same thing. still, even when smartftp does the correct thing, it's a problem because we usually cannot change the server software. it does work with direct transfer as you suggested, but then smartftp does lose a lot.

since it seems to be a caching problem on the server side, smartftp could assume the transfer is correct, when the server either returns the correct file size OR the file size before the transfer... just a suggestion.


Hi Mat,

I did the transfer again, and this time it worked. I checked the log, and the reported file sizes are correct. It was a resumed transfer, and the bytes transferred + the file size before the transfer = reported file size after the transer. Last time, the server returned the file size before the transfer in a similar case. So, it is confirmed that smartftp doesn't do anything wrong, but imo still needs to deal with this. When this happens with a 100MB file (as did last time), it is very annoying.


Hello Mat,

the problem with the mismatching file size still bugs me big time. Even when I try to upload a file that does not exist on the server, the transfer doesn't work. But in this case, it cannot be a caching problem since there is no cached file size. But still, smartftp uploads the file in a neverending loop. Here's the complete log, where you can see how it restarts all over again. When I got back to the computer after several hours, I had to stop the queue transfer and upload it with direct transfer. Basically, this problem makes smartftp useless for me.


[13:43:14] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[13:43:14] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[13:43:14] SIZE full.rm
[13:43:15] 550 full.rm: not a plain file.
[13:43:15] PASV
[13:43:15] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,129)
[13:43:15] Proxy: Resolving host name
[13:43:15] Opening data connection to Port: 10113
[13:43:15] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[13:43:15] STOR full.rm
[13:43:15] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[13:43:15] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[13:58:14] Server closed connection
[13:58:14] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[13:58:14] Resolving host name ""
[13:58:14] Proxy: Resolving host name
[13:58:14] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:58:14] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[13:58:15] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[13:58:15] Connected to
[13:58:15] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[13:58:15] USER helloaus
[13:58:15] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[13:58:15] PASS (hidden)
[13:58:15] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[13:58:15] SYST
[13:58:15] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:58:15] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[13:58:15] FEAT
[13:58:16] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[13:58:16] TYPE I
[13:58:16] 200 Type set to I.
[13:58:16] REST 0
[13:58:16] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[13:58:16] PWD
[13:58:16] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[13:58:16] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[13:58:16] 250 CWD command successful.
[13:58:16] PWD
[13:58:16] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[13:58:16] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[13:58:16] SIZE full.rm
[13:58:16] 213 54001664
[13:58:16] MDTM full.rm
[13:58:17] 213 20061021115808
[13:58:17] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[13:58:17] PASV
[13:58:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,143)
[13:58:17] Proxy: Resolving host name
[13:58:17] Opening data connection to Port: 10127
[13:58:17] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[13:58:17] STOR full.rm
[13:58:17] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[13:58:17] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[14:13:16] Server closed connection
[14:13:16] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[14:13:16] Resolving host name ""
[14:13:16] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:13:16] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:13:16] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:13:16] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:13:16] Connected to
[14:13:16] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[14:13:16] USER helloaus
[14:13:16] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[14:13:16] PASS (hidden)
[14:13:16] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[14:13:16] SYST
[14:13:17] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:13:17] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:13:17] FEAT
[14:13:17] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:13:17] TYPE I
[14:13:17] 200 Type set to I.
[14:13:17] REST 0
[14:13:17] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[14:13:17] PWD
[14:13:17] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[14:13:17] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[14:13:17] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:13:17] PWD
[14:13:18] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[14:13:18] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[14:13:18] SIZE full.rm
[14:13:18] 213 53841920
[14:13:18] MDTM full.rm
[14:13:18] 213 20061021121310
[14:13:18] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[14:13:18] PASV
[14:13:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,18)
[14:13:18] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:13:18] Opening data connection to Port: 10002
[14:13:18] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:13:18] STOR full.rm
[14:13:18] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:13:18] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[14:28:18] Server closed connection
[14:28:18] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[14:28:18] Resolving host name ""
[14:28:18] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:28:18] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:28:18] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:28:19] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:28:19] Connected to
[14:28:19] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[14:28:19] USER helloaus
[14:28:19] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[14:28:19] PASS (hidden)
[14:28:19] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[14:28:19] SYST
[14:28:19] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:28:19] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:28:19] FEAT
[14:28:19] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:28:19] TYPE I
[14:28:20] 200 Type set to I.
[14:28:20] REST 0
[14:28:20] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[14:28:20] PWD
[14:28:20] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[14:28:20] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[14:28:20] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:28:20] PWD
[14:28:20] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[14:28:20] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[14:28:20] SIZE full.rm
[14:28:20] 213 53897216
[14:28:20] MDTM full.rm
[14:28:20] 213 20061021122812
[14:28:20] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[14:28:20] PASV
[14:28:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,137)
[14:28:21] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:28:21] Opening data connection to Port: 10121
[14:28:21] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:28:21] STOR full.rm
[14:28:21] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:28:21] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[14:43:20] Server closed connection
[14:43:20] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[14:43:20] Resolving host name ""
[14:43:20] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:43:20] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:43:20] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:43:21] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:43:21] Connected to
[14:43:21] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[14:43:21] USER helloaus
[14:43:21] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[14:43:21] PASS (hidden)
[14:43:21] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[14:43:21] SYST
[14:43:21] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:43:21] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:43:21] FEAT
[14:43:21] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:43:21] TYPE I
[14:43:22] 200 Type set to I.
[14:43:22] REST 0
[14:43:22] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[14:43:22] PWD
[14:43:22] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[14:43:22] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[14:43:22] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:43:22] PWD
[14:43:22] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[14:43:22] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[14:43:22] SIZE full.rm
[14:43:22] 213 53999616
[14:43:22] MDTM full.rm
[14:43:22] 213 20061021124314
[14:43:22] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[14:43:22] PASV
[14:43:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,137)
[14:43:23] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:43:23] Opening data connection to Port: 10121
[14:43:23] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:43:23] STOR full.rm
[14:43:23] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:43:23] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[14:58:23] Server closed connection
[14:58:23] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[14:58:23] Resolving host name ""
[14:58:23] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:58:23] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:58:23] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:58:23] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:58:23] Connected to
[14:58:23] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[14:58:23] USER helloaus
[14:58:23] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[14:58:23] PASS (hidden)
[14:58:23] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[14:58:23] SYST
[14:58:23] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:58:23] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:58:23] FEAT
[14:58:24] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:58:24] TYPE I
[14:58:24] 200 Type set to I.
[14:58:24] REST 0
[14:58:24] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[14:58:24] PWD
[14:58:24] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[14:58:24] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[14:58:24] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:58:24] PWD
[14:58:24] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[14:58:24] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[14:58:24] SIZE full.rm
[14:58:24] 213 53964800
[14:58:24] MDTM full.rm
[14:58:25] 213 20061021125816
[14:58:25] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[14:58:25] PASV
[14:58:25] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,168)
[14:58:25] Proxy: Resolving host name
[14:58:25] Opening data connection to Port: 10152
[14:58:25] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[14:58:25] STOR full.rm
[14:58:25] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[14:58:25] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[15:13:24] Server closed connection
[15:13:24] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[15:13:24] Resolving host name ""
[15:13:24] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:13:24] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:13:24] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:13:25] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:13:25] Connected to
[15:13:25] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[15:13:25] USER helloaus
[15:13:25] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[15:13:25] PASS (hidden)
[15:13:25] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[15:13:25] SYST
[15:13:25] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:13:25] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:13:25] FEAT
[15:13:25] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:13:25] TYPE I
[15:13:26] 200 Type set to I.
[15:13:26] REST 0
[15:13:26] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[15:13:26] PWD
[15:13:26] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[15:13:26] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[15:13:26] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:13:26] PWD
[15:13:26] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[15:13:26] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[15:13:26] SIZE full.rm
[15:13:26] 213 53235712
[15:13:26] MDTM full.rm
[15:13:26] 213 20061021131325
[15:13:26] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[15:13:26] PASV
[15:13:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,119)
[15:13:27] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:13:27] Opening data connection to Port: 10103
[15:13:27] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:13:27] STOR full.rm
[15:13:27] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:13:27] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[15:28:26] Server closed connection
[15:28:26] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[15:28:26] Resolving host name ""
[15:28:26] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:28:26] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:28:26] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:28:27] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:28:27] Connected to
[15:28:27] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[15:28:27] USER helloaus
[15:28:27] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[15:28:27] PASS (hidden)
[15:28:27] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[15:28:27] SYST
[15:28:27] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:28:27] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:28:27] FEAT
[15:28:27] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:28:27] TYPE I
[15:28:28] 200 Type set to I.
[15:28:28] REST 0
[15:28:28] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[15:28:28] PWD
[15:28:28] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[15:28:28] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[15:28:28] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:28:28] PWD
[15:28:28] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[15:28:28] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[15:28:28] SIZE full.rm
[15:28:28] 213 54011904
[15:28:28] MDTM full.rm
[15:28:29] 213 20061021132827
[15:28:29] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[15:28:29] PASV
[15:28:29] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,171)
[15:28:29] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:28:29] Opening data connection to Port: 10155
[15:28:29] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:28:29] STOR full.rm
[15:28:29] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:28:29] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[15:43:28] Server closed connection
[15:43:28] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[15:43:28] Resolving host name ""
[15:43:28] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:43:28] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:43:28] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:43:29] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:43:29] Connected to
[15:43:29] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[15:43:29] USER helloaus
[15:43:29] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[15:43:29] PASS (hidden)
[15:43:29] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[15:43:29] SYST
[15:43:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:43:29] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:43:29] FEAT
[15:43:29] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:43:29] TYPE I
[15:43:30] 200 Type set to I.
[15:43:30] REST 0
[15:43:30] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[15:43:30] PWD
[15:43:30] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[15:43:30] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[15:43:30] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:43:30] PWD
[15:43:30] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[15:43:30] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[15:43:30] SIZE full.rm
[15:43:30] 213 54005760
[15:43:30] MDTM full.rm
[15:43:31] 213 20061021134329
[15:43:31] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[15:43:31] PASV
[15:43:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,21)
[15:43:31] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:43:31] Opening data connection to Port: 10005
[15:43:31] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:43:31] STOR full.rm
[15:43:31] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:43:31] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[15:58:30] Server closed connection
[15:58:30] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[15:58:30] Resolving host name ""
[15:58:30] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:58:30] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:58:30] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:58:31] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:58:31] Connected to
[15:58:31] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[15:58:31] USER helloaus
[15:58:31] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[15:58:31] PASS (hidden)
[15:58:31] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[15:58:31] SYST
[15:58:31] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:58:31] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:58:31] FEAT
[15:58:32] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:58:32] TYPE I
[15:58:32] 200 Type set to I.
[15:58:32] REST 0
[15:58:32] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[15:58:32] PWD
[15:58:32] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[15:58:32] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[15:58:32] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:58:32] PWD
[15:58:32] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[15:58:32] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[15:58:32] SIZE full.rm
[15:58:32] 213 53999616
[15:58:32] MDTM full.rm
[15:58:33] 213 20061021135830
[15:58:33] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[15:58:33] PASV
[15:58:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,175)
[15:58:33] Proxy: Resolving host name
[15:58:33] Opening data connection to Port: 10159
[15:58:33] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[15:58:33] STOR full.rm
[15:58:33] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[15:58:33] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[16:13:32] Server closed connection
[16:13:32] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[16:13:32] Resolving host name ""
[16:13:32] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:13:32] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:13:32] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:13:33] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:13:33] Connected to
[16:13:33] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[16:13:33] USER helloaus
[16:13:33] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[16:13:33] PASS (hidden)
[16:13:33] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[16:13:33] SYST
[16:13:33] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:13:33] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:13:33] FEAT
[16:13:33] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[16:13:33] TYPE I
[16:13:34] 200 Type set to I.
[16:13:34] REST 0
[16:13:34] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[16:13:34] PWD
[16:13:34] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[16:13:34] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[16:13:34] 250 CWD command successful.
[16:13:34] PWD
[16:13:34] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[16:13:34] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[16:13:34] SIZE full.rm
[16:13:34] 213 53923840
[16:13:34] MDTM full.rm
[16:13:34] 213 20061021141332
[16:13:34] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[16:13:34] PASV
[16:13:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,26)
[16:13:35] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:13:35] Opening data connection to Port: 10010
[16:13:35] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:13:35] STOR full.rm
[16:13:35] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:13:35] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[16:28:34] Server closed connection
[16:28:34] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[16:28:34] Resolving host name ""
[16:28:34] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:28:34] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:28:34] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:28:35] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:28:35] Connected to
[16:28:35] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[16:28:35] USER helloaus
[16:28:35] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[16:28:35] PASS (hidden)
[16:28:35] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[16:28:35] SYST
[16:28:35] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:28:35] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:28:35] FEAT
[16:28:36] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[16:28:36] TYPE I
[16:28:36] 200 Type set to I.
[16:28:36] REST 0
[16:28:36] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[16:28:36] PWD
[16:28:36] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[16:28:36] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[16:28:36] 250 CWD command successful.
[16:28:36] PWD
[16:28:36] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[16:28:36] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[16:28:36] SIZE full.rm
[16:28:37] 213 53551104
[16:28:37] MDTM full.rm
[16:28:37] 213 20061021142834
[16:28:37] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[16:28:37] PASV
[16:28:37] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,79)
[16:28:37] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:28:37] Opening data connection to Port: 10063
[16:28:37] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:28:37] STOR full.rm
[16:28:37] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:28:37] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[16:43:36] Server closed connection
[16:43:36] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[16:43:36] Resolving host name ""
[16:43:36] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:43:36] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:43:36] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:43:37] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:43:37] Connected to
[16:43:37] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[16:43:37] USER helloaus
[16:43:37] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[16:43:37] PASS (hidden)
[16:43:37] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[16:43:37] SYST
[16:43:37] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:43:37] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:43:37] FEAT
[16:43:38] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[16:43:38] TYPE I
[16:43:38] 200 Type set to I.
[16:43:38] REST 0
[16:43:38] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[16:43:38] PWD
[16:43:38] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[16:43:38] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[16:43:38] 250 CWD command successful.
[16:43:38] PWD
[16:43:38] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[16:43:38] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[16:43:38] SIZE full.rm
[16:43:38] 213 53721088
[16:43:38] MDTM full.rm
[16:43:39] 213 20061021144336
[16:43:39] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[16:43:39] PASV
[16:43:39] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,129)
[16:43:39] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:43:39] Opening data connection to Port: 10113
[16:43:39] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:43:39] STOR full.rm
[16:43:39] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:43:39] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[16:58:38] Server closed connection
[16:58:38] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[16:58:38] Resolving host name ""
[16:58:38] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:58:38] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:58:38] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:58:39] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:58:39] Connected to
[16:58:39] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[16:58:39] USER helloaus
[16:58:39] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[16:58:39] PASS (hidden)
[16:58:39] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[16:58:39] SYST
[16:58:39] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:58:39] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:58:39] FEAT
[16:58:39] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[16:58:39] TYPE I
[16:58:40] 200 Type set to I.
[16:58:40] REST 0
[16:58:40] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[16:58:40] PWD
[16:58:40] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[16:58:40] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[16:58:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[16:58:40] PWD
[16:58:40] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[16:58:40] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[16:58:40] SIZE full.rm
[16:58:40] 213 53508096
[16:58:40] MDTM full.rm
[16:58:40] 213 20061021145839
[16:58:40] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[16:58:40] PASV
[16:58:41] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,81)
[16:58:41] Proxy: Resolving host name
[16:58:41] Opening data connection to Port: 10065
[16:58:41] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[16:58:41] STOR full.rm
[16:58:41] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[16:58:41] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[17:13:40] Server closed connection
[17:13:40] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[17:13:40] Resolving host name ""
[17:13:40] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:13:40] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:13:40] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:13:41] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:13:41] Connected to
[17:13:41] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[17:13:41] USER helloaus
[17:13:41] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[17:13:41] PASS (hidden)
[17:13:41] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[17:13:41] SYST
[17:13:41] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:13:41] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:13:41] FEAT
[17:13:42] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[17:13:42] TYPE I
[17:13:42] 200 Type set to I.
[17:13:42] REST 0
[17:13:42] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[17:13:42] PWD
[17:13:42] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[17:13:42] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[17:13:42] 250 CWD command successful.
[17:13:42] PWD
[17:13:42] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[17:13:42] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[17:13:42] SIZE full.rm
[17:13:42] 213 52703232
[17:13:42] MDTM full.rm
[17:13:43] 213 20061021151340
[17:13:43] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[17:13:43] PASV
[17:13:43] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,32)
[17:13:43] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:13:43] Opening data connection to Port: 10016
[17:13:43] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:13:43] STOR full.rm
[17:13:43] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:13:43] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[17:28:42] Server closed connection
[17:28:42] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[17:28:42] Resolving host name ""
[17:28:42] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:28:42] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:28:42] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:28:43] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:28:43] Connected to
[17:28:43] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[17:28:43] USER helloaus
[17:28:43] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[17:28:43] PASS (hidden)
[17:28:43] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[17:28:43] SYST
[17:28:43] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:28:43] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:28:43] FEAT
[17:28:44] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[17:28:44] TYPE I
[17:28:44] 200 Type set to I.
[17:28:44] REST 0
[17:28:44] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[17:28:44] PWD
[17:28:44] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[17:28:44] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[17:28:44] 250 CWD command successful.
[17:28:44] PWD
[17:28:44] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[17:28:44] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[17:28:44] SIZE full.rm
[17:28:44] 213 53856256
[17:28:44] MDTM full.rm
[17:28:45] 213 20061021152842
[17:28:45] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[17:28:45] PASV
[17:28:45] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,84)
[17:28:45] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:28:45] Opening data connection to Port: 10068
[17:28:45] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:28:45] STOR full.rm
[17:28:45] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:28:45] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[17:43:44] Server closed connection
[17:43:44] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[17:43:44] Resolving host name ""
[17:43:44] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:43:44] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:43:44] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:43:45] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:43:45] Connected to
[17:43:45] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[17:43:45] USER helloaus
[17:43:45] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[17:43:45] PASS (hidden)
[17:43:45] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[17:43:45] SYST
[17:43:45] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:43:45] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:43:45] FEAT
[17:43:45] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[17:43:45] TYPE I
[17:43:46] 200 Type set to I.
[17:43:46] REST 0
[17:43:46] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[17:43:46] PWD
[17:43:46] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[17:43:46] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[17:43:46] 250 CWD command successful.
[17:43:46] PWD
[17:43:46] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[17:43:46] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[17:43:46] SIZE full.rm
[17:43:46] 213 53927936
[17:43:46] MDTM full.rm
[17:43:47] 213 20061021154343
[17:43:47] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[17:43:47] PASV
[17:43:47] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,37)
[17:43:47] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:43:47] Opening data connection to Port: 10021
[17:43:47] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:43:47] STOR full.rm
[17:43:47] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:43:47] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[17:58:46] Server closed connection
[17:58:46] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[17:58:46] Resolving host name ""
[17:58:46] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:58:46] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:58:46] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:58:47] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:58:47] Connected to
[17:58:47] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[17:58:47] USER helloaus
[17:58:47] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[17:58:47] PASS (hidden)
[17:58:47] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[17:58:47] SYST
[17:58:47] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:58:47] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[17:58:47] FEAT
[17:58:48] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[17:58:48] TYPE I
[17:58:48] 200 Type set to I.
[17:58:48] REST 0
[17:58:48] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[17:58:48] PWD
[17:58:48] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[17:58:48] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[17:58:48] 250 CWD command successful.
[17:58:48] PWD
[17:58:49] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[17:58:49] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[17:58:49] SIZE full.rm
[17:58:49] 213 53993472
[17:58:49] MDTM full.rm
[17:58:49] 213 20061021155846
[17:58:49] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[17:58:49] PASV
[17:58:49] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,189)
[17:58:49] Proxy: Resolving host name
[17:58:49] Opening data connection to Port: 10173
[17:58:49] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[17:58:49] STOR full.rm
[17:58:49] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[17:58:49] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[18:13:49] Server closed connection
[18:13:49] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[18:13:49] Resolving host name ""
[18:13:49] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:13:49] Connecting to Port: 21
[18:13:49] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:13:50] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:13:50] Connected to
[18:13:50] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[18:13:50] USER helloaus
[18:13:50] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[18:13:50] PASS (hidden)
[18:13:50] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[18:13:50] SYST
[18:13:50] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:13:50] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:13:50] FEAT
[18:13:50] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[18:13:50] TYPE I
[18:13:51] 200 Type set to I.
[18:13:51] REST 0
[18:13:51] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[18:13:51] PWD
[18:13:51] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[18:13:51] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[18:13:51] 250 CWD command successful.
[18:13:51] PWD
[18:13:51] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[18:13:51] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[18:13:51] SIZE full.rm
[18:13:51] 213 54001664
[18:13:51] MDTM full.rm
[18:13:51] 213 20061021161350
[18:13:51] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[18:13:51] PASV
[18:13:52] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,212)
[18:13:52] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:13:52] Opening data connection to Port: 10196
[18:13:52] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:13:52] STOR full.rm
[18:13:52] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:13:52] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[18:28:51] Server closed connection
[18:28:51] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[18:28:51] Resolving host name ""
[18:28:51] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:28:51] Connecting to Port: 21
[18:28:51] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:28:52] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:28:52] Connected to
[18:28:52] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[18:28:52] USER helloaus
[18:28:52] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[18:28:52] PASS (hidden)
[18:28:52] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[18:28:52] SYST
[18:28:52] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:28:52] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:28:52] FEAT
[18:28:53] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[18:28:53] TYPE I
[18:28:53] 200 Type set to I.
[18:28:53] REST 0
[18:28:53] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[18:28:53] PWD
[18:28:53] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[18:28:53] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[18:28:53] 250 CWD command successful.
[18:28:53] PWD
[18:28:53] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[18:28:53] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[18:28:53] SIZE full.rm
[18:28:53] 213 53784576
[18:28:53] MDTM full.rm
[18:28:54] 213 20061021162852
[18:28:54] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[18:28:54] PASV
[18:28:54] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,63)
[18:28:54] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:28:54] Opening data connection to Port: 10047
[18:28:54] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:28:54] STOR full.rm
[18:28:54] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:28:54] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[18:43:53] Server closed connection
[18:43:53] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[18:43:53] Resolving host name ""
[18:43:53] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:43:53] Connecting to Port: 21
[18:43:53] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:43:54] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:43:54] Connected to
[18:43:54] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[18:43:54] USER helloaus
[18:43:54] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[18:43:54] PASS (hidden)
[18:43:54] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[18:43:54] SYST
[18:43:54] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:43:54] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:43:54] FEAT
[18:43:55] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[18:43:55] TYPE I
[18:43:55] 200 Type set to I.
[18:43:55] REST 0
[18:43:55] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[18:43:55] PWD
[18:43:55] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[18:43:55] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[18:43:55] 250 CWD command successful.
[18:43:55] PWD
[18:43:55] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[18:43:55] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[18:43:55] SIZE full.rm
[18:43:55] 213 53923840
[18:43:55] MDTM full.rm
[18:43:56] 213 20061021164353
[18:43:56] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[18:43:56] PASV
[18:43:56] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,215)
[18:43:56] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:43:56] Opening data connection to Port: 10199
[18:43:56] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:43:56] STOR full.rm
[18:43:56] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:43:56] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[18:58:55] Server closed connection
[18:58:55] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[18:58:55] Resolving host name ""
[18:58:55] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:58:55] Connecting to Port: 21
[18:58:55] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:58:56] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:58:56] Connected to
[18:58:56] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[18:58:56] USER helloaus
[18:58:56] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[18:58:56] PASS (hidden)
[18:58:57] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[18:58:57] SYST
[18:58:57] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:58:57] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[18:58:57] FEAT
[18:58:57] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[18:58:57] TYPE I
[18:58:57] 200 Type set to I.
[18:58:57] REST 0
[18:58:57] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[18:58:57] PWD
[18:58:58] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[18:58:58] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[18:58:58] 250 CWD command successful.
[18:58:58] PWD
[18:58:58] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[18:58:58] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[18:58:58] SIZE full.rm
[18:58:58] 213 53979136
[18:58:58] MDTM full.rm
[18:58:58] 213 20061021165855
[18:58:58] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[18:58:58] PASV
[18:58:59] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,66)
[18:58:59] Proxy: Resolving host name
[18:58:59] Opening data connection to Port: 10050
[18:58:59] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[18:58:59] STOR full.rm
[18:58:59] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[18:58:59] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[19:13:58] Server closed connection
[19:13:58] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[19:13:58] Resolving host name ""
[19:13:58] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:13:58] Connecting to Port: 21
[19:13:58] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:13:59] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:13:59] Connected to
[19:13:59] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[19:13:59] USER helloaus
[19:13:59] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[19:13:59] PASS (hidden)
[19:13:59] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[19:13:59] SYST
[19:13:59] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[19:13:59] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[19:13:59] FEAT
[19:14:00] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[19:14:00] TYPE I
[19:14:00] 200 Type set to I.
[19:14:00] REST 0
[19:14:00] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[19:14:00] PWD
[19:14:00] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[19:14:00] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[19:14:00] 250 CWD command successful.
[19:14:00] PWD
[19:14:00] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[19:14:00] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[19:14:00] SIZE full.rm
[19:14:01] 213 53944320
[19:14:01] MDTM full.rm
[19:14:01] 213 20061021171358
[19:14:01] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[19:14:01] PASV
[19:14:01] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,90)
[19:14:01] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:14:01] Opening data connection to Port: 10074
[19:14:01] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:14:01] STOR full.rm
[19:14:01] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:14:01] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[19:29:00] Server closed connection
[19:29:00] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[19:29:00] Resolving host name ""
[19:29:00] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:29:00] Connecting to Port: 21
[19:29:00] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:29:01] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:29:01] Connected to
[19:29:01] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[19:29:01] USER helloaus
[19:29:01] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[19:29:01] PASS (hidden)
[19:29:01] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[19:29:01] SYST
[19:29:01] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[19:29:01] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[19:29:01] FEAT
[19:29:02] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[19:29:02] TYPE I
[19:29:02] 200 Type set to I.
[19:29:02] REST 0
[19:29:02] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[19:29:02] PWD
[19:29:02] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[19:29:02] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[19:29:02] 250 CWD command successful.
[19:29:02] PWD
[19:29:02] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[19:29:02] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[19:29:02] SIZE full.rm
[19:29:03] 213 53942272
[19:29:03] MDTM full.rm
[19:29:03] 213 20061021172900
[19:29:03] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[19:29:03] PASV
[19:29:03] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,41)
[19:29:03] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:29:03] Opening data connection to Port: 10025
[19:29:03] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:29:03] STOR full.rm
[19:29:03] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:29:03] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.
[19:44:02] Server closed connection
[19:44:02] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[19:44:02] Resolving host name ""
[19:44:02] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:44:02] Connecting to Port: 21
[19:44:02] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:44:03] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:44:03] Connected to
[19:44:03] 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon May 30 07:52:07 EDT 2005) ready.
[19:44:03] USER helloaus
[19:44:03] 331 Password required for helloaus.
[19:44:03] PASS (hidden)
[19:44:03] 230 User helloaus logged in. Access restrictions apply.
[19:44:03] SYST
[19:44:03] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[19:44:03] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[19:44:03] FEAT
[19:44:04] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[19:44:04] TYPE I
[19:44:04] 200 Type set to I.
[19:44:04] REST 0
[19:44:04] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[19:44:04] PWD
[19:44:04] 257 "/www" is current directory.
[19:44:04] CWD /www/streaming-content/22
[19:44:04] 250 CWD command successful.
[19:44:04] PWD
[19:44:04] 257 "/www/streaming-content/22" is current directory.
[19:44:04] Remote file exist check: "full.rm".
[19:44:04] SIZE full.rm
[19:44:05] 213 53950464
[19:44:05] MDTM full.rm
[19:44:05] 213 20061021174402
[19:44:05] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Overwrite" matched. Action="Overwrite".
[19:44:05] PASV
[19:44:05] 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,170,206,201,39,94)
[19:44:05] Proxy: Resolving host name
[19:44:05] Opening data connection to Port: 10078
[19:44:05] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[19:44:05] STOR full.rm
[19:44:05] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[19:44:05] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for full.rm.