Uploaded Files have 0 bytes


I have tried to upload and re-upload the _border, _derived, and _private files but the files that have been uploaded keep showing they have 0 bytes in them. The rest of the files seem to be OK. Please HELP!!!!!!!

[00:03:28] 550 20060610143720 form_results.txt: The system cannot find the file specified.
[00:03:28] SIZE form_results.txt
[00:03:28] 213 0
[00:03:28] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf
[00:03:28] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[00:03:28] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf

Can you please send the complete log?

Thank you.

Here if the complete log:

[20:46:04] SmartFTP v2.0.996.33
[20:46:04] Resolving host name "ftp.wildcarpet.com"
[20:46:07] Connecting to Port: 21
[20:46:07] Connected to ftp.wildcarpet.com.
[20:46:07] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[20:46:07] USER wildcarpe@wildcarpet
[20:46:07] 331 Password required for wildcarpe@wildcarpet.
[20:46:07] PASS (hidden)
[20:46:07] 230 User wildcarpe@wildcarpet logged in.
[20:46:07] SYST
[20:46:07] 215 Windows_NT
[20:46:07] FEAT
[20:46:07] 211-FEAT
[20:46:07] SIZE
[20:46:07] MDTM
[20:46:07] 211 END
[20:46:07] TYPE I
[20:46:07] 200 Type set to I.
[20:46:07] REST 0
[20:46:07] 350 Restarting at 0.
[20:46:07] PWD
[20:46:07] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet" is current directory.
[20:46:07] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public
[20:46:07] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:46:07] PWD
[20:46:07] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public" is current directory.
[20:46:07] TYPE A
[20:46:08] 200 Type set to A.
[20:46:08] PASV
[20:46:08] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,143).
[20:46:08] Opening data connection to Port: 5007
[20:46:08] LIST -aL
[20:46:08] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:46:08] 467 bytes transferred. (15.2 KB/s) (30 ms)
[20:46:08] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:46:59] NOOP
[20:46:59] 200 NOOP command successful.
[20:47:08] Remote file exist check: "bonusmoney.htm".
[20:47:08] TYPE I
[20:47:08] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:08] SIZE bonusmoney.htm
[20:47:08] 213 10212
[20:47:08] MDTM bonusmoney.htm
[20:47:08] 213 20060707145654
[20:47:08] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:14] PASV
[20:47:14] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,144).
[20:47:14] Opening data connection to Port: 5008
[20:47:14] STOR bonusmoney.htm
[20:47:14] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:14] 10212 bytes transferred. (199 KB/s) (50 ms)
[20:47:14] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:14] MDTM 20060701132724 bonusmoney.htm
[20:47:14] 550 20060701132724 bonusmoney.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:14] SIZE bonusmoney.htm
[20:47:14] 213 10212
[20:47:14] Remote file exist check: "feedbackans.htm".
[20:47:14] SIZE feedbackans.htm
[20:47:14] 213 3009
[20:47:14] MDTM feedbackans.htm
[20:47:14] 213 20060707145656
[20:47:14] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:15] PASV
[20:47:15] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,145).
[20:47:15] Opening data connection to Port: 5009
[20:47:15] STOR feedbackans.htm
[20:47:15] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:15] 3009 bytes transferred. (146 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:15] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:15] MDTM 20060627141222 feedbackans.htm
[20:47:15] 550 20060627141222 feedbackans.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:15] SIZE feedbackans.htm
[20:47:15] 213 3009
[20:47:15] Remote file exist check: "feedbackform.htm".
[20:47:15] SIZE feedbackform.htm
[20:47:15] 213 3272
[20:47:15] MDTM feedbackform.htm
[20:47:15] 213 20060707145659
[20:47:15] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:16] PASV
[20:47:16] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,146).
[20:47:16] Opening data connection to Port: 5010
[20:47:16] STOR feedbackform.htm
[20:47:16] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:16] 3272 bytes transferred. (79.8 KB/s) (40 ms)
[20:47:16] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:16] MDTM 20060701132718 feedbackform.htm
[20:47:16] 550 20060701132718 feedbackform.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:16] SIZE feedbackform.htm
[20:47:16] 213 3272
[20:47:16] Remote file exist check: "index.htm".
[20:47:16] SIZE index.htm
[20:47:16] 213 6729
[20:47:16] MDTM index.htm
[20:47:16] 213 20060707145702
[20:47:16] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:17] PASV
[20:47:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,147).
[20:47:17] Opening data connection to Port: 5011
[20:47:17] STOR index.htm
[20:47:17] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:17] 6729 bytes transferred. (164 KB/s) (40 ms)
[20:47:17] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:17] MDTM 20060701132718 index.htm
[20:47:17] 550 20060701132718 index.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:17] SIZE index.htm
[20:47:17] 213 6729
[20:47:17] Remote file exist check: "new_page_1.htm".
[20:47:17] SIZE new_page_1.htm
[20:47:17] 213 12469
[20:47:17] MDTM new_page_1.htm
[20:47:17] 213 20060707145704
[20:47:17] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:18] PASV
[20:47:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,148).
[20:47:18] Opening data connection to Port: 5012
[20:47:18] STOR new_page_1.htm
[20:47:18] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:18] 12469 bytes transferred. (86.9 KB/s) (140 ms)
[20:47:18] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:18] MDTM 20060706153302 new_page_1.htm
[20:47:18] 550 20060706153302 new_page_1.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:18] SIZE new_page_1.htm
[20:47:18] 213 12469
[20:47:18] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders
[20:47:18] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:18] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders
[20:47:18] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:18] PWD
[20:47:18] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders" is current directory.
[20:47:18] TYPE A
[20:47:18] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:18] PASV
[20:47:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,149).
[20:47:18] Opening data connection to Port: 5013
[20:47:18] LIST -aL
[20:47:18] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:18] 148 bytes transferred. (4.81 KB/s) (30 ms)
[20:47:18] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:18] Remote file exist check: "Thumbs.db".
[20:47:18] TYPE I
[20:47:18] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:18] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:18] 213 5120
[20:47:18] MDTM Thumbs.db
[20:47:18] 213 20060707160315
[20:47:18] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:19] PASV
[20:47:19] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,150).
[20:47:19] Opening data connection to Port: 5014
[20:47:19] STOR Thumbs.db
[20:47:19] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:19] 5120 bytes transferred. (250 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:20] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:20] MDTM 20060627150507 Thumbs.db
[20:47:20] 550 20060627150507 Thumbs.db: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:20] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:20] 213 5120
[20:47:20] Remote file exist check: "left.htm".
[20:47:20] SIZE left.htm
[20:47:20] 213 878
[20:47:20] MDTM left.htm
[20:47:20] 213 20060707160316
[20:47:20] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:20] PASV
[20:47:20] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,151).
[20:47:20] Opening data connection to Port: 5015
[20:47:20] STOR left.htm
[20:47:20] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:20] 878 bytes transferred. (42.8 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:21] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:21] MDTM 20060701132718 left.htm
[20:47:21] 550 20060701132718 left.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:21] SIZE left.htm
[20:47:21] 213 878
[20:47:21] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders/_vti_cnf
[20:47:21] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders/_vti_cnf: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:21] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders/_vti_cnf
[20:47:21] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:21] PWD
[20:47:21] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_borders/_vti_cnf" is current directory.
[20:47:21] TYPE A
[20:47:21] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:21] PASV
[20:47:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,152).
[20:47:21] Opening data connection to Port: 5016
[20:47:21] LIST -aL
[20:47:21] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:21] 99 bytes transferred. (4.83 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:21] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:21] Remote file exist check: "Thumbs.db".
[20:47:21] TYPE I
[20:47:21] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:21] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:21] 213 112
[20:47:21] MDTM Thumbs.db
[20:47:21] 213 20060707160317
[20:47:21] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:22] PASV
[20:47:22] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,153).
[20:47:22] Opening data connection to Port: 5017
[20:47:22] STOR Thumbs.db
[20:47:22] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:22] 112 bytes transferred. (5.46 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:22] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:22] MDTM 20060627150507 Thumbs.db
[20:47:22] 550 20060627150507 Thumbs.db: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:22] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:22] 213 112
[20:47:22] Remote file exist check: "left.htm".
[20:47:22] SIZE left.htm
[20:47:22] 213 838
[20:47:22] MDTM left.htm
[20:47:22] 213 20060707160319
[20:47:22] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:23] PASV
[20:47:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,154).
[20:47:23] Opening data connection to Port: 5018
[20:47:23] STOR left.htm
[20:47:23] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:23] 838 bytes transferred. (40.9 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:23] MDTM 20060706153301 left.htm
[20:47:23] 550 20060706153301 left.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:23] SIZE left.htm
[20:47:23] 213 838
[20:47:23] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived
[20:47:23] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:23] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived
[20:47:23] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:23] PWD
[20:47:23] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived" is current directory.
[20:47:23] TYPE A
[20:47:23] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:23] PASV
[20:47:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,155).
[20:47:23] Opening data connection to Port: 5019
[20:47:23] LIST -aL
[20:47:23] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:23] 152 bytes transferred. (14.8 KB/s) (10 ms)
[20:47:24] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:24] Remote file exist check: "Thumbs.db".
[20:47:24] TYPE I
[20:47:24] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:24] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:24] 213 5120
[20:47:24] MDTM Thumbs.db
[20:47:24] 213 20060707160321
[20:47:24] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:24] PASV
[20:47:24] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,156).
[20:47:24] Opening data connection to Port: 5020
[20:47:24] STOR Thumbs.db
[20:47:24] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:24] 5120 bytes transferred. (166 KB/s) (30 ms)
[20:47:25] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:25] MDTM 20060626145311 Thumbs.db
[20:47:25] 550 20060626145311 Thumbs.db: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:25] SIZE Thumbs.db
[20:47:25] 213 5120
[20:47:25] Remote file exist check: "nortbots.htm".
[20:47:25] SIZE nortbots.htm
[20:47:25] 213 764
[20:47:25] MDTM nortbots.htm
[20:47:25] 213 20060707160324
[20:47:25] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:26] PASV
[20:47:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,157).
[20:47:26] Opening data connection to Port: 5021
[20:47:26] STOR nortbots.htm
[20:47:26] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:26] 764 bytes transferred. (37.3 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:26] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:26] MDTM 19981214161936 nortbots.htm
[20:47:26] 550 19981214161936 nortbots.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:26] SIZE nortbots.htm
[20:47:26] 213 764
[20:47:26] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived/_vti_cnf
[20:47:26] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived/_vti_cnf: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:26] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived/_vti_cnf
[20:47:26] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:26] PWD
[20:47:26] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_derived/_vti_cnf" is current directory.
[20:47:26] TYPE A
[20:47:26] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:26] PASV
[20:47:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,158).
[20:47:26] Opening data connection to Port: 5022
[20:47:26] LIST -aL
[20:47:26] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:26] 53 bytes transferred. (5.17 KB/s) (10 ms)
[20:47:27] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:27] Remote file exist check: "nortbots.htm".
[20:47:27] TYPE I
[20:47:27] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:27] SIZE nortbots.htm
[20:47:27] 213 150
[20:47:27] MDTM nortbots.htm
[20:47:27] 213 20060707160326
[20:47:27] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:27] PASV
[20:47:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,162).
[20:47:27] Opening data connection to Port: 5026
[20:47:27] STOR nortbots.htm
[20:47:27] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:27] 150 bytes transferred. (7.32 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:28] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:28] MDTM 20060610143720 nortbots.htm
[20:47:28] 550 20060610143720 nortbots.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:28] SIZE nortbots.htm
[20:47:28] 213 150
[20:47:28] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private
[20:47:28] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:28] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private
[20:47:28] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:28] PWD
[20:47:28] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private" is current directory.
[20:47:28] TYPE A
[20:47:28] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:28] PASV
[20:47:28] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,163).
[20:47:28] Opening data connection to Port: 5027
[20:47:28] LIST -aL
[20:47:28] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:28] 106 bytes transferred. (10.3 KB/s) (10 ms)
[20:47:28] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:28] Remote file exist check: "form_results.txt".
[20:47:28] TYPE I
[20:47:28] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:28] SIZE form_results.txt
[20:47:28] 213 0
[20:47:28] MDTM form_results.txt
[20:47:28] 213 20060707160328
[20:47:28] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:29] PASV
[20:47:29] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,164).
[20:47:29] Opening data connection to Port: 5028
[20:47:29] STOR form_results.txt
[20:47:29] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:29] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (21 ms)
[20:47:29] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:29] MDTM 20060610143720 form_results.txt
[20:47:29] 550 20060610143720 form_results.txt: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:29] SIZE form_results.txt
[20:47:29] 213 0
[20:47:29] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf
[20:47:29] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:29] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf
[20:47:29] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:29] PWD
[20:47:29] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/_private/_vti_cnf" is current directory.
[20:47:29] TYPE A
[20:47:30] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:30] PASV
[20:47:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,165).
[20:47:30] Opening data connection to Port: 5029
[20:47:30] LIST -aL
[20:47:30] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:30] 57 bytes transferred. (2.78 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:30] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:30] Remote file exist check: "form_results.txt".
[20:47:30] TYPE I
[20:47:30] 200 Type set to I.
[20:47:30] SIZE form_results.txt
[20:47:30] 213 376
[20:47:30] MDTM form_results.txt
[20:47:30] 213 20060707160331
[20:47:30] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[20:47:31] PASV
[20:47:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,166).
[20:47:31] Opening data connection to Port: 5030
[20:47:31] STOR form_results.txt
[20:47:31] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:31] 376 bytes transferred. (18.3 KB/s) (20 ms)
[20:47:31] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:47:31] MDTM 20060627141151 form_results.txt
[20:47:31] 550 20060627141151 form_results.txt: The system cannot find the file specified.
[20:47:31] SIZE form_results.txt
[20:47:31] 213 376
[20:47:31] MKD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/images
[20:47:31] 550 /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/images: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
[20:47:31] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/images
[20:47:31] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:31] PWD
[20:47:31] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public/images" is current directory.
[20:47:31] Transfer successful.
[20:47:31] CWD /wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public
[20:47:31] 250 CWD command successful.
[20:47:31] PWD
[20:47:31] 257 "/wildcarpe@wildcarpet/LocalUser/Public" is current directory.
[20:47:31] TYPE A
[20:47:31] 200 Type set to A.
[20:47:31] PASV
[20:47:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (203,116,91,89,19,167).
[20:47:32] Opening data connection to Port: 5031
[20:47:32] LIST -aL
[20:47:32] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[20:47:32] 467 bytes transferred. (15.2 KB/s) (30 ms)
[20:47:32] 226 Transfer complete.
[20:48:22] NOOP
[20:48:22] 200 NOOP command successful.
[20:49:12] NOOP
[20:49:12] 200 NOOP command successful.

Can you please send the complete log?

Thank you.

Hello ..

The form_results.txt seems to be empty on your local computer as well.

BTW: Please update to the latest version.


Hello ..

I couldn't find anything wrong in the log. But I was specifically checking the log for the forum_results.txt file which I thought was one of your concerns.



I have deleted the form_results.txt, along with the webpages that was attached to it. I then proceeded to re-upload the file but if still does not work. Pls advise.

by the way....what does '550 20060715144059 feedbackform.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.' mean?

Hello ..

I couldn't find anything wrong in the log. But I was specifically checking the log for the forum_results.txt file which I thought was one of your concerns.


Always post the log otherwise we cannot help you. And what exactly doesn't work?


For some reason, my _public folder has stopped appearing and I had upload all my files into that folder.

Currently, I only see the Local User, logfiles, and wwwroot 'yellow' folder.

Always post the log otherwise we cannot help you. And what exactly doesn't work?


Hello ..

Please contact your web hosting provider regarding this "new" problem.


Why was my original post deleted from this thread? It was relevant to the thread topic...

I'm just wondering why this is happening. The threadstarter is using a different host than me. Is it still the host's fault for us?

cephalic: Create a new thread for your problem. Also for technical support purchase a license. Thank you
