Add extention during download

Hi, very happy with Smart FTP. One question
I want to use Smart FTP to download members from an IBM mainframe library and start an editor on my PC. No problem there, but I would like to add an extension to the member-name (since MVS members don't have an extension) because I have extension profiles for my editor to color my source.
Member-name on host: 'UserId.rexx(logon)' will be transferred resulting in 'logon' on the PC. I would like to add the 'directory name' (as it is shown) as an extension like 'logon.rexx'.

Is that possible?


Hi, you can use "download as" but no for global queue, only for direct downlods.


If SmartFtp could define rules for extension adding and removing like in WS-FTP I would be happy.
I work with IBM Mainframe and need to remove extensions before I upload them and need to add when download.
E.g. rules for download :
if dataset "TIMMY.COBOL.SOURCE" then add extension ".CBL"
if dataset "TIMMY.COBOL.COPY" then add extension ".CPY"
if dataset "*.COPY" then add extension ".CPY"
E.g. rules for upload :
if file "*.CBL" then replace with "*" (file TIMMY.CBL will be transferred as TIMMY)
if file "*.CPY" then replace with "*"


Are you referring to the following feature from WS_FTP Pro?

"Filename Conversions
Apply file name changes on files being uploaded or downloaded. "

As far as I can see WS_FTP Pro only allows to convert the file extension. e.g.
file.txt -> file.doc
Is my observation correct?


I refer to "WS_FTP LE 5.08 2000.01.13" (Very old, has not tried WS FTP Pro).
My suggestion is an enhancement to it.
WS FTP LE convert only one extension to another extension (I just filled in blank, e.g. ".CBL" => "")
