Upload and Download queue, a bit of AI into Smart FTP

I’ll try to explain my suggestion in my poor English. I hope this could be understood.

I don’t know what you’re going to do with the Global Queue and Session Queue. I read something like Session Queue gradually disappearing…

I need it because I deal everyday with credits and I don’t want Smart FTP to open a new connection for each file it transfers. I suppose it is normal and too obvious to you, and also know that there could be something that I don’t know. But the question is not this one.

I’d like to suggest the queue to be split in two. It’d be great if Smart FTP could know how many bytes of credit the user owns by asking the user only once (saved, for example, in a favourite or in another place) which is the command that is required to show this amount (150 in the example, which will cause the server to give a 226 command), in what part of the server’s reply it is (“credit X Kbytes”, where X is the figure), and which is the number format that the figure is written (“0,0” is the format, measured in kilobytes).

“150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
650 bytes transferred. (39,6 KB/s) (16 ms)
226-Using UL/DL ratio 1/2, counting bytes per session
Current UL/DL ratio credit 0 Kbytes
226 Transfer complete.”

If Smart FTP could know how many bytes of credit the connection has, it’d be good to consider two queues, for uploads and downloads. Smart FTP will know when to upload or when to download a file, byte, etc, and also will know when the user has lost credit, when the user gets disconnected and need to reconnect to send more to earn some credit for downloading the next file in “download queue”, etc.

I was thinking of that because I can’t leave my computer transferring alone because connections break very often and it is impossible to trust the client to upload something and subsequently download what I want. And it is also a problem to servers’ managers, who get a lot of broken stuff in their hard disks.

To solve that, I must stay at my computer and upload and download many times to reduce the bytes lost when connections break. The Biggest trouble is that I am required to stay beside my computer controlling and can't do other important things.

I know it is not so easy, but… what do you think?